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Which is better?

major higgins

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Hi comrades,


I have a very balanced list with plenty of Infantry, artillery and Tank. What I miss is some kind of mobility and I plan to add a couple of squad in Chimeraes. Their role is to move towards objectives and hold them (if/till they can) or intrcept/disrupt enemy advance, gaining time for the rest of the list and make some damage before be wiped out...


I spare exactly 243 Pts, and run an all Valhallan list


I have these 4 possible configurations:


Option A :  2 Chimera with Twin HB and hull HB, two plain infantry squad  and a Company Commander with Plasma P.


Option B :  2 Chimera with Autocannon and hull HB, two infantry squad with Flamer/Plasma and a Company Commander.


Option C:   2 Chimera with HB and Hull HB. Two Squad with Flamer/Plasma  and a Company Commander with Plasma Pistol and P. Sword


Option D:   2 Chimera with Multilaser and HB. Two Squad with Flamer/Plasma, SGT with Plasma Pistol and command as Above


Both C and D option look better because the potential output of demage from infantry squad (3 plasma shot each with the double order from the Captain), eventually I can put a Bolt Pistol on the officer for the possibility to swap for Petrov's Bolt Pistol in order to lose less models if I have to last longer...


What do you think? Suggestions?

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I think D might be better. Moving forwards your Chimeras are likely to get charged so probably won't get much shooting in. Could be an argument for a flamer though? Power sword is ok if the points can't do anything better, as chances to swing it aren't great (nor chances to do much if you do!) - great for Rule of Cool of course :wink: I wouldn't invest too many points (or Relics!) on pickets that will have low chances of survival to make the most of them. A bit to help them pose some threat and go down fighting, but you don't want to feel the loss to keenly :)

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Option C or D. On either option, one of the chimeras should take a heavy flamer. It's a great way to keep get your chimera a good overwatch. Also I'd drop the flamers on the squads. Grenade launchers or plasma are the 2 beat special weapons. I usually have only 1 squad bringing flamers and they usually my Creed's bubble wrap. Grenade launchers are on 4 squads, one squad has a sniper with a lascannon and my vets rock 2 plasma and a meltagun.
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