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IA: The Sunbreakers

SGT Kilreign

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This is still a VERY rough draft and A lot more to come.


Name: The Sunbreakers


Founding: 3rd


Geneseed: Imperial Fists


Symbol: a stylized fist with a circle of lightning (See Shapeways for Storm Fists its a logo I designed and commissioned Pop Goes the Monkey to do almost 2 years ago) Symbolizes the Pain glove, the lightning symbology of the emperor during the Unification wars and the circle represents no ending and no beginning....Immortality.


Original Chapter Master/Founder: Atticus Apollonius


Colors: Dark Orange with Black trim and the logo is black.


Non-Codex Complaint: Still uses Legionary markings and some applicable formation types.


Atticus Appollonius "The Apollonian" also known as the "Sunbreaker". Atticus earned this name "the Sunbreaker" During the Scouring. A small battleforce of Imperial Fists under his command, detected a much larger fleet of Traitor Astartes. Realizing his fleet was no match for the traitors but they had not detected his force yet, Atticus looked for options to cause maximum damage to the traitor forces. One of his astropaths pointed out the violent nature of the Sun within the system they were in. He also noted the Traitor fleets abnormally close proximity to the sun, likely to attempt to mask there signal. With only one sparsely populated planet in the system as possible collateral damage. Atticus ordered all his ships to fire early detonating nuclonics at the star. The full nuclonic barrage caused a cascade of violent and powerful solar flares that consumed the traitor fleet but also caused catastrophic losses to the one inhabited planet. Scanning the sun and realizing its flares were becoming very frequent and more and more volatile. Atticus ordered his fleet to leave the system immediately. It was shortly after their departure from the system where Atticus was informed that the Sun in the system went super nova. When his report was submitted it earned him the moniker of "The Sunbreaker" because it is believe his nuclonic barrage accelerated a process that could have taken hundreds of thousands of years to occur on its own. From the era of the Unification Wars to the Great Scouring, Atticus was often at the vanguard of the fighting and always managed to fight his way through usually unscathed with the exception of the loss of his right arm during the defense of Terra.
He stood a giant among-st giants and had refined almost beautiful features more traditionally represented by sons of Sanguinus or the Phoenician. In his younger years his hair was long and golden and even as he aged and his hair turned silver it still maintained the glow of a near demi-god. Even with the scars of war and age he still maintain the physical attributes that also earned him the name the Apollonian.  Atticus was a psyker after all and for a time until the council of Nicea he even studied in the Librarius. He always seem to give off the faintest of auras and it is even possible that it was his abilities that aided in the constant miracles that seemed to surround him in battle.
Atticus was forged in the fires of conflict at the end of the unification of the Terran system at the beginning of the great crusade and fought 
throughout the crusades in numerous capacities. He was tested in the defense of Terra and reborn in the Iron Cage. At the time of his selection to be chapter master of the third founding successor of the Imperial fists, Atticus was easily one of the oldest and most battle hardened brothers of space marines regardless of progenitor. Atticus was adamantly against the Codex and only followed it in the time after the return to Terra because it was his fathers decree. But he never forgot what it meant to be a legionnaire.
Atticus Appolonius "The Sunbreakers" speech to his new Chapter: 
I was there my brothers.... I was there when the Emperor of Mankind waged the final battle for the Unified the Terran System. I fought on the red dunes of mars against the Mechanicus before the final unification and the in the salty white dust of Luna to secure the Emperors hold on the Terran System. I knelt before the Emperor of man when he named our Progenitor legion. As an Imperial Fist I fought in the great crusade as we sought to Unify Mankind across the Galaxy. I was there the day our father was found and stood in the ranks when he addressed our legion for the first time. I was a legionnaire, and even for a time a huscarl, a proud son of Dorn. I was by my fathers side when he learned the truth of the heresy and fought on the wall of the Emperors palace in defense of Holy Terra as the traitors fell upon us like locusts. I bled with my brothers during the scouring and the fires of my rage and wrath were stoked by Perterabo and his sons on Sebastus IV while my will was tempered like steel by my father in the days that followed. I was unable to reach our fathers side on the day he was lost to us, the day he was taken by Perterabos children and that day i understood how he felt on the bridge of the Vengeful spirit. I fought alongside a thousand heroes who shall never be forgotten because it is you my brothers, you nameless sons, that will carry on their names because from this day forward..... We will be the Emperors will, his vengeance, his mercy and his defenders, not just in name but in deeds and actions we will remember our legionary heritage and not forsake our father. I do not believe our Primarch has fallen, such a loss would be celebrated and thrown in our faces by our enemies, his remains would be displayed to taunt us and humiliate us. No our father lives and we will find him. We will crush all that worship the false chaos god, we will purge the traitor and heretic. We will reconquer worlds and liberate imperial citizens from the yoke of the chaos traitors influence and control....and if they will not capitulate then will provide them the Emperors final mercy...... We are The Sunbreakers.
- The Sunbreakers maintain a Chapter Ancient, responsible for carrying and defending the Chapters most Holy Relic The Aquila of Dorn. Gifted to Atticus...one of the Last Huscarls of Dorn when he became Chapter Master of the Sunbreakers in the 3rd founding. This was the standard the Huscarls carried into battle with them as they fought alongside their primarch. It was only befitting according to the Imperial Fists that he and his new crusaders continue to carry and guard this holy relic. Only a veteran of the 1st company who has distinguished himself beyond reproach may be selected to carry it. The current guardian of the Aguila of Dorn is Veteran Brother Authorious Tharraleos. The Chapter Ancient is guarded by an elite force known as the Aquiline Centurions. Each one is hand picked by the Chapter Master and the council of Captains. It is one of the highest honors the Chapter offers to be selected. Some marines will forgo promotions to SGT, LT or veteran status if the choice of joining the Aquiline Centurions is offered.
Edited by SGT Kilreign
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Your First Draft is okay, but you should've proofread it before posting.

You misspelled amongst (emphasis mine) as "among-st", Phoenician as "Pheonecian", psyker as "pyscher".

By the way, is Atticus Apollonius a Perpetual? Do you intend to have him lead the Chapter into the 42nd Millennium? Or are his successor Chapter Masters required to assume his identity and relinquish their own? (I'm taking inspiration from the historical Immortals, for whom it is said "every killed, seriously wounded, or sick member was immediately replaced with a new one, maintaining the corps as a cohesive entity with a constant strength.")

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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@Bjorn ....wow only three spelling errors...I am getting better...lol. Here are the answers to your questions:


  1. No Atticus (The 1st) was not a perpetual...but yes he lives a very long time before his death. He will die somewhere before/around either the 1st Black Crusade or the War of the Beasts.
  2. Yes another brother Selected by several trials of the best candidates, will go through a rites of ascension and transition and will leave behind their previous name and become Atticus. I will explain more down below.
  3. I took this chapters inspiration from those same Immortals. The difference here is that as long as the brother continues to serve and fight (wounds, limb replacements etc) they maintain their name. If they are so grievously wounded that the must be entombed in a dreadnought they still maintain their name. (Only in death are they replaced) The speech says 1000 names/heroes but in reality its more like 1200 all names of great warriors within the legion from the time of the Unification Wars and through the crusades.
  4. This is one way the chapter is NON-Codex compliant. They actually maintain 15 full battle companies but companies 11-13 are the Nameless Sons and 14-15 are solely trainees/initiates and always stay at their fortress monastery on their home world of Cartagia (more explained later). The other 10 companies are fleet based and crusade in search for Dorn (they do not believe he is dead and are on a crusade to find him). This idea is taken from an IA my son posted here a while back (The Sons of Sigsmund/Sons of Ajax IA) that he and I worked together on but he abandoned the idea completely so I am taking it and running with it with my own flare. 
  5. They are warrior artisans so each initiate must not only master martial prowess, strategy, and swordplay, they must also master the art of artificer maintenance of the weapons and equipment and learn the art of the scribe (much like their blood angel cousins). Then they must pass a series of trials to graduate into the host known as the nameless sons.  Here they wait and continue to train until the fleet returns to replenish their forces. 
  6. when a nameless son is chosen he is assigned to the living cell of his predecessor and given their armor if it is still available or an artifact of the previous brother to bear the name if it is not. In that cell is the entire history of that brother/the name. The new warrior must study and memorize all the great actions and deed of his ascended namesake. He will go into a battle meditation for 14 days during which time he must also craft into the armor some type of sigil of the historic actions of his name. The only thing in the records that shows when a name is passed on occurs in the logs. A insert is placed into the logs of that name by the librarius that simply says the fall. Once a new named son emerges to continue the legacy, the librarius will input the Rebirth into his logs before his first entry. 
  7. The name Atticus Apollonian is the only name permanently attributed to a duty position and when a new brother ascends his previous name sake is replaced by a candidate from the nameless sons host. 
Edited by SGT Kilreign
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Then [trainees] must pass a series of trials to graduate into the host known as the nameless sons. Here they wait and continue to train until the fleet returns to replenish their forces.

The name Atticus Apollonian is the only name permanently attributed to a duty position and when a new brother ascends his previous name sake is replaced by a candidate from the nameless sons host.

These sentences are contradictory. If a leader dies, his replacement should have plenty of combat experience- experience your "nameless sons" lack, based on your description. And giving a soldier a rank because the person he's named after has the same rank, will give a n00b responsibilities he can't deal with; or it will destroy the potential of someone who could've dealt with these responsibilities, but will never be given the opportunity, for a reason as petty as the name he was given. Another likely consequence would be jealousy that would tear your Chapter apart, as recently named Immortals think, 'Why was that fool given that name and that rank? I did better in the trials! I'm more worthy!'


One possible fix for this, is to allow Immortals to be promoted AND demoted to a new name and rank, i.e., name= rank- in which case, you might as well delete the lines "when a nameless son is chosen he is assigned to the living cell of his predecessor and given their armor if it is still available or an artifact of the previous brother to bear the name if it is not. In that cell is the entire history of that brother/the name. The new warrior must study and memorize all the great actions and deed of his ascended namesake," as they're too restrictive, forcing Marines into roles for which they're either underqualified or overqualified.


I also thought of suggesting your "nameless sons" be blooded in false flag operations, to undermine secessionists, xeno collaborators, and other anti-Imperial agitators on Imperial worlds. Will such operations fit the character you have in mind for the Immortals?

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Then [trainees] must pass a series of trials to graduate into the host known as the nameless sons. Here they wait and continue to train until the fleet returns to replenish their forces.

The name Atticus Apollonian is the only name permanently attributed to a duty position and when a new brother ascends his previous name sake is replaced by a candidate from the nameless sons host.

These sentences are contradictory. If a leader dies, his replacement should have plenty of combat experience- experience your "nameless sons" lack, based on your description. And giving a soldier a rank because the person he's named after has the same rank, will give a n00b responsibilities he can't deal with; or it will destroy the potential of someone who could've dealt with these responsibilities, but will never be given the opportunity, for a reason as petty as the name he was given. Another likely consequence would be jealousy that would tear your Chapter apart, as recently named Immortals think, 'Why was that fool given that name and that rank? I did better in the trials! I'm more worthy!'


I don't think that is how he means it will work. Atticus Apollonian is the only name attributed to a rank. The rest of the names appear to be recycled, but the marine would earn his rank based on his experience as usual. 


For instance Captain Cooper dies in battle. His name is given to one of the nameless sons. That nameless son becomes Battle-Brother Cooper and has to memorize all of the multiple preceding Coopers' deeds. Meanwhile Lieutenant Rosenfield is promoted to Captain Rosenfield because he was a wise and experienced leader. 


However if Chapter Master Atticus Apollonian dies, a new Chapter Master is chosen by whatever methods the chapter uses. They chose Captain Cole. Captain Cole then changes his name to Atticus Apollonian.

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Then [trainees] must pass a series of trials to graduate into the host known as the nameless sons. Here they wait and continue to train until the fleet returns to replenish their forces.

The name Atticus Apollonian is the only name permanently attributed to a duty position and when a new brother ascends his previous name sake is replaced by a candidate from the nameless sons host.

These sentences are contradictory. If a leader dies, his replacement should have plenty of combat experience- experience your "nameless sons" lack, based on your description. And giving a soldier a rank because the person he's named after has the same rank, will give a n00b responsibilities he can't deal with; or it will destroy the potential of someone who could've dealt with these responsibilities, but will never be given the opportunity, for a reason as petty as the name he was given. Another likely consequence would be jealousy that would tear your Chapter apart, as recently named Immortals think, 'Why was that fool given that name and that rank? I did better in the trials! I'm more worthy!'
I don't think that is how he means it will work. Atticus Apollonian is the only name attributed to a rank. The rest of the names appear to be recycled, but the marine would earn his rank based on his experience as usual.


For instance Captain Cooper dies in battle. His name is given to one of the nameless sons. That nameless son becomes Battle-Brother Cooper and has to memorize all of the multiple preceding Coopers' deeds. Meanwhile Lieutenant Rosenfield is promoted to Captain Rosenfield because he was a wise and experienced leader.

These details should be included in the IA, so readers wouldn't get confused.


Personally, I think it's excessive to have a nameless son memorize ALL of his new namesake's history and accomplishments- surely this time would be better spent in cleaning weapons and maintaining other war gear, combat training, resting so he will be ready to fight the next battle, and actual combat missions. Best leave it as "a nameless son is encouraged to study the history and accomplishments of his future namesake," instead of forcing so much information down his (and us readers') throats.

However if Chapter Master Atticus Apollonian dies, a new Chapter Master is chosen by whatever methods the chapter uses. They chose Captain Cole. Captain Cole then changes his name to Atticus Apollonian.

Good idea.
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How Magpie Knight interpreted it is correct. A pool of qualified leaders within the chapter are selected and put through a series of trials. The one that passes ascends to become Atticus and his old name is passed onto a nameless son. 




Personally, I think it's excessive to have a nameless son memorize ALL of his new namesake's history and accomplishments- surely this time would be better spent in cleaning weapons and maintaining other war gear, combat training, resting so he will be ready to fight the next battle, and actual combat missions. Best leave it as "a nameless son is encouraged to study the history and accomplishments of his future namesake," instead of forcing so much information down his (and us readers') throats.


Well everyone is entitled to there opinion. But for this chapter they don't just "assume the name" the become that person and a 14 day battle meditation is not that long. When a brother completes his meditation he "becomes" that individual, his history, heraldry etc. It is a part of who they are and their belief system. It is up to the Chaplains to determine the nameless sons ascension name (like a sorting hat) so prior to the chapters return to refill their ranks. The nameless sons do not know...1. If they will be chosen from those available and 2. What name they will be given. Again its a rough draft. Much more to come. Sorry you don't like that part but it stays.

Edited by SGT Kilreign
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  • 9 months later...

I like your idea for how the Sunbreakers earned this cognomen.

I was there my brothers.... I was there when the Emperor of Mankind waged the final battle for the Unified the Terran System. I fought on the red dunes of mars against the Mechanicus before the unification and the in the salty white dust of Luna to secure the Emperors hold on Terra. I knelt before the Emperor of man when he named our Progenitor legion. As an Imperial Fist I fought in the great crusade as we sought to Unify Mankind across the Galaxy. I was there the day our father was found and stood in the ranks when he addressed our legion for the first time.

Space Marines didn't even exist before the Emperor unified Terra, and was able to secure the necessary resources to build a lab with which to create the Primarchs from which all gene-seed is derived. Is Apollonius a Thunder Warrior who received gene-seed to halt the mental and physical deterioration all Thunder Warriors suffered from, like Arik Taranis? Or was "Atticus Apollonius" a long-dead Thunder Warrior who was renowned for his valor, and whose name was passed onto the future Sunbreakers Chapter Master, the way he will pass it onto his successor? In the former case, why was he spared instead of purged for the potential threat he posed, like the other Thunder Warriors?
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I like your idea for how the Sunbreakers earned this cognomen.

I was there my brothers.... I was there when the Emperor of Mankind waged the final battle for the Unified the Terran System. I fought on the red dunes of mars against the Mechanicus before the unification and the in the salty white dust of Luna to secure the Emperors hold on Terra. I knelt before the Emperor of man when he named our Progenitor legion. As an Imperial Fist I fought in the great crusade as we sought to Unify Mankind across the Galaxy. I was there the day our father was found and stood in the ranks when he addressed our legion for the first time.

Space Marines didn't even exist before the Emperor unified Terra, and was able to secure the necessary resources to build a lab with which to create the Primarchs from which all gene-seed is derived. Is Apollonius a Thunder Warrior who received gene-seed to halt the mental and physical deterioration all Thunder Warriors suffered from, like Arik Taranis? Or was "Atticus Apollonius" a long-dead Thunder Warrior who was renowned for his valor, and whose name was passed onto the future Sunbreakers Chapter Master, the way he will pass it onto his successor? In the former case, why was he spared instead of purged for the potential threat he posed, like the other Thunder Warriors?


So I am not referring to the Unification Wars on Terra. I am referring to the early days of the Crusade Era when the Emperor used the Legions to Unify the Terran system, the battle on Mars and Luna outpost. Both fought in by the Imperial Fists. But I can see the confusion and will clean that up

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Sunbreakers maintain a Chapter Ancient, responsible for carrying and defending the Chapters most Holy Relic The Aquila of Dorn. Gifted to Atticus...one of the Last Huscarls of Dorn when he became Chapter Master of the Sunbreakers in the 3rd founding. This was the standard the Huscarls carried into battle with them as they fought alongside their primarch. It was only befitting according to the Imperial Fists that he and his new crusaders continue to carry and guard this holy relic. Only a veteran of the 1st company who has distinguished himself beyond reproach may be selected to carry it. The current guardian of the Aguila of Dorn is Veteran Brother Authorious Tharraleos.


Edited by SGT Kilreign
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