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So, another week, another Titan finished! This time it’s Shield of Logopolis! I thought I’d have a go at a double close combat armed Reaver, and took inspiration from #Mandragola’s running Warlord. He is magnetised on all weapons, so I can swap out for guns if it’s not that effective once I try it!





Then with a Thermal Cannon;


...and finally with a Megabolter carapace;


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Really like the pose and subtle details (firing arcs!) - looks great! The precision on the stripes/chevrons on the carapace is immaculate.


Thanks #Chaeron! Since starting Titanicus, I have discovered the joys of modelling masking tape! I base coloured the cream in Rakarth Flesh, applied the masking tape, reusing one piece as a spacer to get the gaps right, put on the Khorne Red, then removed the tape and gave the whole thing a Agrax Earthshade (Gloss) wash. After that is was all steady hands and highlights! I’m really happy with it, so glad you approve.

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Final Titan for my pledge complete! May I introduce Iustus Indignatio;








Although I’ve done my pledge as a complete Axiom maniple, I actually have this one in mind for the Princeps Senioris for a Venator maniple. Hence the (hopefully) commanding pose, about to take a bonus shot with his Volcano cannon!

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Very nice!

I love the eyes in particular

Thanks Mendi! It’s super simple, Gauss Blaster Green, Biel Tann wash, highlighted with Gauss again. I knew I wanted to do green for the plasma weapons in the force, so I’ve done green eyes across the board as well, to help tie them in.

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Okay, finally got around to doing some Knights for my Atarus force. I had originally intended to do the lore-appropriate Col-Khak collective, but a couple of things stopped me. Firstly, apart from a general colour range, nothing has been released which shows what they’re supposed to look like. I was half expecting Atarus to be getting a transfer sheet soon, which will presumably have the Col’Khak insignias on it, but no such luck yet. If I’m going to do the closest partner Knightly house for the purposes of fluff, I don’t want it to look vastly different from everyone else’s!


Second, I like the contrast you get from having a Knight house in different colours from your Legio, which Col’Khak doesn’t give me. So I decided to go for House Vyronii in the end. They have off-white and red in their colour scheme, which I can echo from the Atarus engines, but have a nice strong green as the main colour. So I get contrast, whilst also tying into the Legio colours. So, without further ado, here is my interpretation of House Vyronii Cerastus!




The Lord Scion has a red head and a red strip along the spine, which I intend to use as my Lord Scion signifier on all my banners. Easier to spot in the heat of battle!

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Thanks Gamma310! Your stuff is looking great too, so that means a lot!


And now, I have my first Titan of my second TotH vow maniple completed; Legacy of Phaeton!










The middle shoulder panels are being left clear for when they (hopefully!) finally get around to releasing an Atarus transfer sheet with a more detailed Legio symbol!


Just two Warhounds left to go, now!

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The Green of the Plasma works so well with the rest of the colour scheme. Great choice. :)


It is pretty much perfect and I'm really looking forward to a group pic of all your Titans. The only thing that could improve the Warlord (IMO) is, if you would paint the Carapace weapons halt red/half white. That would make him look more "harmonic". Either way, top work as always.

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Nice conversions, personally I found the reaver legs a nightmare to pose, you must be a patient man!

If you keep dry fitting the leg plates at each stage, you’re normally fine. In fact, I’ve found that it’s usually only one side of the leg that’s going to cause problems, so focus on that one. I have had to make a few trims, usually invisible on the inside of the leg plates, to get them to work, but nothing that a little trial and error couldn’t fix. Having said that, I’m gluing my plates on before I paint, and that might not be as palatable if you’re painting the armour separately!


Thanks to everyone for their kind words, it’s really encouraging, and helping me push through the wall to get my last two Warhounds done!

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Finished my Pledge for the Titans of the Heresy challenge, here are the final two Warhounds! May I introduce the previously unnamed...


Cerberus Rex, seeing as I now have 5 Warhounds, I thought I should have one in mind to be the Senioris for a Lupercal Maniple, that’s this guy!










... and, Cave Canem. I couldn’t think of another name, then I remembered the one bit of Latin that stuck with me from a trip to Pompeii...








That completes my total pledge of a complete Axiom Maniple, a complete illegal Demi-maniple of a Warlord and two Warhounds, plus a full strength Banner of 4 Cerastus Knights! I will do a family shot of the Demi-maniple and then another of the whole lot in a day or two when I get time to set them all up. Looking forward to gathering the full force together!


Also very relieved to have avoided servitor-hood by completing my vow...

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