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I agree, those are lovely warhounds. Good work on the bases too - it really helps to emphasise the sense of scale and the titans themselves look suitably predatory. I also like the sue of iconography to denote the maniple leader.

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I thought you might all like to see a group shot of my whole Legio, so here it is! I’m still very light on Knights, I have 12 Questoris I’m intending to do at some point, but as there’s rumours of a Knight focused painting challenge to come, I think I’ll leave them for a bit!



Wonderful Houns you've got there. I'm really looking forward to get a group picture of all of them together. That will look very cool.

Your wish is my command!

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Evening all, been quiet on the AT front, distracted by painting Middle Earth and Warhammer Underworlds... But as I have finally gotten my hands on some of the new FW resin weapons, I’ve popped back into my Forge to get some more bits done.




I also painted up another Sunfury, but it’s the same as my existing ones, so I didn’t think there’d be any interest in that. Here’s the Quake Cannon in position;




... and here’s the Macro Gatlings in action;




Next up is some Questoris, I was waiting for a similar Knight-themed event to the Titans of the Heresy, but I got bored and started 12 of them... They’re almost done, so I’ll post pics once they’re all finished.


Happy hobbying!

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Now, as promised, some diddy Knights!




I have four of each standard weapon loadout, with a view to doing another two of each. That’ll give me a full strength Banner, if I ever field a Knight Household. But in the meantime, I’ve painted one Melta and one Battlecannon High Scion, with the gatlings providing ablative wounds for the more expensive weapons.






And here’s a close up so you can see the models better.



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Those look awesome, how long did each one take? I just said started mine and I’m really slow.

Hi Fajita, thanks! Barring drying time, I’d say a solid couple of evenings for a batch of six. First sitting was base colours over Leadbelcher undercoat, and a heavy gloss Agrax wash, then second sitting was highlighting each area and bases. Transfers I tend to do separately otherwise I’d be there all night!

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The transfers look great on such a tiny area, I hope mine come out that good.

Micro Set, Micro Sol and varnish are definitely your friends! I discovered them when I was talking to someone about my nervousness using transfers on my Titans. They suggested them, and I have not regretted it at all!

The transfers look great on such a tiny area, I hope mine come out that good.

Micro Set, Micro Sol and varnish are definitely your friends! I discovered them when I was talking to someone about my nervousness using transfers on my Titans. They suggested them, and I have not regretted it at all!

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Looking great. I particularly love the pose of your running reaver.

Funny you should call that one out, it’s specifically modelled on your running Warlord! I believe if you go back to the first post with it in, I credit you for the inspiration, thanks!
Cool! Well I’m glad I had something to do with such a cool model.
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