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Primaris Masters, rubicon and the Inner Circle - fluff Q


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Hello guys.


I was wondering how stand the Primaris Masters and Masters in Gravis armour in relation to the Inner circle. Is there any primaris that has made to the rank of Master? how would they interact with the Inner Circle having in mind that they would have the command of an entire company?


Any ideas?

Is it better to replace my gravis armour master with a normal master if i want to keep a lore friendly army?





I had another question:

What if the Master goes the Rubicon treatment (the one calgar entered into) and becomes primaris?
How would you guys think that the Inner Circle would react?

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There at no known inner circle primaris Masters yet in the fluff.


I think to account for this, it says in the Company Masters fluff in the codex that a Company Master doesn't have to be inner circle currently.  So you could have a non-inner circle master.


In the latest fluff in the Vigilus campaign book, it is stated that the Dark Angels tend to use their Primaris as cannon fodder/spearhead type forces away from their main formations, although a few trusted primaris veterans operate with the non-primaris forces.


In the recent War of Secrets DA novel the Primaris in it operate as a spearhead/cannon fodder force, until a few of them have some interaction with a Fallen, and are suseqently initiated into a 'Primaris Circle' by the inner circle members present in the novel.  So presumably at some point in the future their will be primaris trusted enough to become an inner circle Master.

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Thanks mate!

Then I can keep my Gravis master and just use the company as a direct attack force, this is really cool as that is how i was planning to use them anyways XD


I am about to start a Vigilius Narrative Campaign and i want to use my dark angels primaris in the coming battles, so thats why i had conflicts with the whole issue.


Thank you for clarifying

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An interesting question on the rubicon process.


I guess it depends who administers the process. 


If the Dark Angels are given the technology and processes to do it themselves then most likely the rubicon primaris master would be accepted as before.


If it was done by cawls mechanicus personnel, then given the suspicious nature of the Dark Angels they may be some suspicions the master could have been compromised in some way, and said Master could find themselves marginalised?

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Rubicon is the future. i think by 9th ed well have a rubicon azrael. 


i see no reason why you cant say a master is inner circle that went through rubicon primaris. however, timeline wise it will need to be after the vigilus campaign, because as of now its only calgar who has gone through the process. 


i say keep the gravis master if thats the character you want to use. canon fodder or not, im sure a primaris master is more than capable of leading standard marines, and i doubt standard marines would refuse the primaris masters commands (except maybe secretly inducted ic marines and very senior veteran sergeants)

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