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Best Heavy Weapon for Veterans


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So basically the Title.

I am planing on playing them as a Backfield Unit.

I think about the Missle Launcher, mostly because it became cheaper in CA2018 and it can be usefull against Infantry or Vehicles.

But what do you guys think would most benefit from the BS 3+?

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TBH, they're better for special weapons than HWT's


You're probably better of taking Heavy Weapon Squads vs Vet's for that kinda back field duty


If you must, maybe autocannons because of pts / firepower?
Lascannons are too expensive imho... same with ML's

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Another potential option is the command squad.


A small unit footprint, cheap, still has that juicy 3+ BS, and in my (albeit limited) experience, people don't find them as threatening, so they're usually largely ignored. That is until they are shot at and removed in one volley, but by then, they've usually made up their points and then some.

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Mortars are better in HWSs. If you move them they hit on 4+, so they're not any better than a heavy weapons squad at shooting. They have no AP so they're really only good against troops. A cadian mortar squad with take aim and with luck bring em down (using laurels), should take out a marine squad. A vet squad is way more important than a dedicated anti-infantry team. If you were to bring 3 plasma, 3 meltagun, or 3 grenade launchers, it would make more sense. Personally I take 2 plasma and a melta with voxcaster and a company commander in a chimera. It allows me to get deep in enemy territory with a serious anti-tank force.
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Another potential option is the command squad.


A small unit footprint, cheap, still has that juicy 3+ BS, and in my (albeit limited) experience, people don't find them as threatening, so they're usually largely ignored. That is until they are shot at and removed in one volley, but by then, they've usually made up their points and then some.



What weapon would you put on a Command Squad?


Lascannon is the obvious choice, but it also seems like it would be threatening enough to draw fire.

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Another potential option is the command squad.


A small unit footprint, cheap, still has that juicy 3+ BS, and in my (albeit limited) experience, people don't find them as threatening, so they're usually largely ignored. That is until they are shot at and removed in one volley, but by then, they've usually made up their points and then some.

They're usually a target of incidental fire. If you have a bunch of anti-tank vehicles and they have a couple of anti-infantry weapons people like to throw shots at the command squad. They're an easy first blood or first strike.

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Lascannon + 3 snipers.

That's what I run.


Regiment Cadia. Push for a wound on priority target and then use overlapping fields of fire - this gives infantry squads with HW 3+ on that target as well.



I run heavy weapon teams as heavy bolters. Because...... well to be honest just because I have the models and they look cool.... 


HW tank

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Another potential option is the command squad.


A small unit footprint, cheap, still has that juicy 3+ BS, and in my (albeit limited) experience, people don't find them as threatening, so they're usually largely ignored. That is until they are shot at and removed in one volley, but by then, they've usually made up their points and then some.



What weapon would you put on a Command Squad?


Lascannon is the obvious choice, but it also seems like it would be threatening enough to draw fire.

One command squad I enjoy is a mortar, banner and medic. It just got cheaper too. Can keep it out of sight, and it shoots its little mortar, while providing leadership and healing to nearby squads and heavy weapon teams.


Honestly, though, the command squad needs some way to gain character status to prevent them being picked off so easily.  As it is, they cost 1 point more than veterans and 2 points more than guardsmen, for practically zero benefit.  I was hoping they would add (character) tag to the banner, which would then extend to the unit. I would use a lot of command squads in that case.

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Another potential option is the command squad.


A small unit footprint, cheap, still has that juicy 3+ BS, and in my (albeit limited) experience, people don't find them as threatening, so they're usually largely ignored. That is until they are shot at and removed in one volley, but by then, they've usually made up their points and then some.



What weapon would you put on a Command Squad?


Lascannon is the obvious choice, but it also seems like it would be threatening enough to draw fire.

One command squad I enjoy is a mortar, banner and medic. It just got cheaper too. Can keep it out of sight, and it shoots its little mortar, while providing leadership and healing to nearby squads and heavy weapon teams.


Honestly, though, the command squad needs some way to gain character status to prevent them being picked off so easily.  As it is, they cost 1 point more than veterans and 2 points more than guardsmen, for practically zero benefit.  I was hoping they would add (character) tag to the banner, which would then extend to the unit. I would use a lot of command squads in that case.



Hmm, I quite like that setup. Nice to see the Medic actually serving a purpose. 


I don't know about getting Character status but it seems like the Command Squad should really have gotten the same point drop as Veterans.

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Why not?  Most, if not all banners in other armies have character status. Whatever the point cost, a 4-man guardsman unit instantly dies to anything that shoots at it pretty much. If not proper character status, maybe some kind of ability to pass wounds to nearby units.

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I'm planning on trying a couple of catachan vet squads with a missile launcher and 3 plasma guns and some plasma canon sentinels all with harker as a firebase. Missile launchers for fluff reasons, but since they r cheaper now I figure its work a shot.
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Catachan armored plasma sentinels are quite interesting.


120 points, T6, 18 wounds, Sv2+ in easily-obtained cover, no degradation... 3d3 shots.


vs. a bare-bones Executioner, which is 145 points, T8, 12 wounds, Sv3+... d6 shots


Seems like an absolute no-brainer to me, even before you factor in the roll two dice, pick highest rule of Catachans.

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