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Cadia Stands! (...after sitting in my garage)


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Recently returned to the hobby after a long absence of maybe 8 years since modelling/painting, >10 since playing. A lot has changed but thankfully what I've dug out of the garage is still good, so it looks like the 37th Cadian managed to make it out of the Great Rift alive!


Already fallen back into the trap of buying more stuff from GW/FW/eBay that looks cool rather than buying to a list or finishing what I've already got, but planning to get to a GW in the next week or so to get back into the swing of things.


I'll post pictures later today of what I've got that is probably a couple of solid nights away from being a playable 1500 points, but already planning a Scions detachment (love the models, was a big fan of the metal Kasrkin STs) and kitbashing some Armageddon Ork Hunters.


Apologies in advance for the quality of my pictures/models/questions!

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welcome back. 


I took a break.... for 25 years!!


I've found the online community on these forums very supportive. Guard remain great fun to play, paint and dream up fluff about!


This is what I consider to be semi-official guard theme song of the humble guardsman (in a number of universes..) taking on the world!


I'd subscribe to the channel it's on too. Guard devoted.

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