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Tac Squads?


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Now in my Templar force, I've managed to get solid results with barebones Crusader Squads (in my case that's Tac Squads with Chainswords and re-rolling of Charges) as roadblocks, but lately, they're packing a lot more of a punch.

That because they've got 2 Plasma guns and a Plasma Cannon each now and I kinda don't need backfield support since my opponents don't Deep Strike.


Now I'm looking at 3 BA Tac Squads (yes, no Scouts, no Intercessors - I'd know how to use them) and am not exactly sure what to do with them.


My Ultramarines Tac Squads are platforms for 2 Grav guns, taking them to the front, falling out of combat and shooting MEQs 'til they themselves snuff it. They usually earn back their points and give me nice board control in my usually Marines-heavy meta.


That's why I'm considering just going double Melta Gun with my BAs, either advancing them to the front hoping for the special guns to survive 'til they can remove any multi wound models in order to be worth it...

...or just keepibg them in the back sitting on objectives deterring any notions of Deep Striking after all.

That however would be a waste of good Chapter Tactics.


Now the backbone of my first 1000pts of BA will be JP Death Company Squads with JP Sanguinary Priests in tow. Plus a Libby or two once I get the shoulder pads. Plus anything that makes sense at the time. [Edit: the second 1000pts will be 2 Assault Squads, maybe a Captain and a whole lotta Dreads.]


Also, the threat of Custodes is looming over me, no bikes yet, but there will be...


What would you do with the Tac Squads (ditching them, while reasonable, ain't a helpful answer ;) )?

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Personally i have a tank heavy meta and with BA not being particularly good tank busters ive used 5 man with lascanons. Paired with a captain or a dread with the reroll 1 cp on it.

4 of them in total(with 2 scout squads for the double battalion) can do some serious damage.

Meltas are a risk because of the proximity right? They are effective at half range...which isnt possible with DS or DP...so that leaves you investing in rhinos or razorbacks.

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Lasticals (5 man lascannon tacticals) are one option for tac squads that don't totally suck if knights or armour are likely in your meta. If you want to push them forward, heavy flamer in a razorback is a unique option but not great.


One thing CA did was drop points on veterans, but not tacs, making them even less cost effective. There's nothing much else I can think of that tacticals do well; BA intercessors are pretty decent all-rounders for their points now, scouts are of course always cheap and useful for board control/deep strike denial, devastators or sternguard or hellblasters all do shooty squads more cost effectively, and vanguard veterans with storm shields now make death company look seriously overpriced and assault squads laughably underpowered. The nerf to FLY really hurt the BA.


Sanguinary Guard with fists and plasma pistols pack a solid punch though, particularly with some character/banner support. 

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I have had good luck with a trio of 5 man Tactical squads, 2 delivered via Storm Raven and one sitting in my deployment with a heavy bolter. The Raven squads are usually kitted with a Power Fist and a Plasma gun. In a list with Sanguinary Guard, Death Company, Captain Smash, the Sanguinor, a Raven, and a Xiphon...the Tacticals tend to get ignored, even as they end up being the squads caping points and finishing off heavily damage units that the big boys don't have time to waste on.


My rules for using Tacticals in a list:


#1. Tacticals can be effective but they need cover from higher priority targets.


#2. You need to be doing things only they can do. Currently their biggest uses over Intercessors revolve around their a ability to ride in transports and/or take special or heavy weapons. Their greatest advantage over Scouts is a natural 3+ and more weapon options. If you're not using those features you shouldn't take them.


#3. Make them flexible so they can be surprise combos. They become much more durable when a Standard of Sacrifice is nearby and I've had them tear apart other units when they were operating near the Sanguinor. Those buff units are not there to power basic Tacticals, that would be a waste, but the Tacticals can often piggyback off the buffs because I drop them into the thick of the fight where those units already are.

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I usually run 5-man Tactical squads with either Heavy Bolter or missile launcher (combi plas on the Serge is nice if you have the points). They normally sit in cover and go for objectives. I don't ask or expect much from them but they maintain access to the Hellfire and Flakk Missile stratagems which can be an important source of mortal wounds for dealing with troublesome units.


Don't expect too much of them and they won't disappoint you. They are there to provide CPs and warm bodies to hold objectives as cheaply as possible. Anything above that they accomplish is a bonus.

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My rules for using Tacticals in a list:

Great guidelines! 


I think its important to note that while the tactical marines themselves didn't go down in points, a lot of the things they take did.  Combi weapons, plasma guns, melta guns, flamers, missile launchers,etc.  A lot of tactical squads are now less expensive.

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I usually run 5-man Tactical squads with either Heavy Bolter or missile launcher (combi plas on the Serge is nice if you have the points). They normally sit in cover and go for objectives. I don't ask or expect much from them but they maintain access to the Hellfire and Flakk Missile stratagems which can be an important source of mortal wounds for dealing with troublesome units.Don't expect too much of them and they won't disappoint you. They are there to provide CPs and warm bodies to hold objectives as cheaply as possible. Anything above that they accomplish is a bonus.

That's what I was thinking as well but then I thought ... what's the point of not just taking Scouts with Cloaks instead if they are just sitting in cover and carry the two special weapons available to Scouts? At least they wouldn't have to walk to midfield objectives first thanks to their infiltration. ^^

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I usually run 5-man Tactical squads with either Heavy Bolter or missile launcher (combi plas on the Serge is nice if you have the points). They normally sit in cover and go for objectives. I don't ask or expect much from them but they maintain access to the Hellfire and Flakk Missile stratagems which can be an important source of mortal wounds for dealing with troublesome units.Don't expect too much of them and they won't disappoint you. They are there to provide CPs and warm bodies to hold objectives as cheaply as possible. Anything above that they accomplish is a bonus.

That's what I was thinking as well but then I thought ... what's the point of not just taking Scouts with Cloaks instead if they are just sitting in cover and carry the two special weapons available to Scouts? At least they wouldn't have to walk to midfield objectives first thanks to their infiltration. ^^



because scout models look like :cuss? :P  j/k

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I usually run 5-man Tactical squads with either Heavy Bolter or missile launcher (combi plas on the Serge is nice if you have the points). They normally sit in cover and go for objectives. I don't ask or expect much from them but they maintain access to the Hellfire and Flakk Missile stratagems which can be an important source of mortal wounds for dealing with troublesome units.Don't expect too much of them and they won't disappoint you. They are there to provide CPs and warm bodies to hold objectives as cheaply as possible. Anything above that they accomplish is a bonus.

That's what I was thinking as well but then I thought ... what's the point of not just taking Scouts with Cloaks instead if they are just sitting in cover and carry the two special weapons available to Scouts? At least they wouldn't have to walk to midfield objectives first thanks to their infiltration. ^^



because scout models look like :censored:? :tongue.:  j/k



So do tacticals to many people, especially now that we got Primaris and better proportioned DW Veterans and Chaos Marines. :teehee:

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I usually field 2 10 man squads, special and heavy weapon for each and something for the Sergeant too - plasma pistol or a power sword or something. I don't think viewing them as a tax as some people do is the right way to look at them, but you do need to be realistic with what they're going to accomplish. My Tacs do alright with their shooting (as mentioned a few times a Lascannon can be awesome) and depending on what I gave the Sergeant can surprise an opponent in melee. I pay the points for it though I guess!


Like most people I'll stick them in cover somewhere and I've been trying out keeping them full sized (so no combat squads) and I think it's going well. The lack of numbers to go for objectives hasn't been a big issue yet. I'm sure I'll have a mission soon which will make me eat my words though!


Now, as with all such posts this is heavily meta dependant but for me, currently I'm finding my Tacticals decent. Sure they're not doing the heavy lifting of a list - apart from the odd spectacular Lascannon or Multimelta shot :D - but I don't expect them to.

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That's why I'm considering just going double Melta Gun with my BAs, either advancing them to the front hoping for the special guns to survive 'til they can remove any multi wound models in order to be worth it...

...or just keepibg them in the back sitting on objectives deterring any notions of Deep Striking after all.

That however would be a waste of good Chapter Tactics.

Melta is not a bad option with the price cut. Ork Tellyporta silliness means we have to face the prospect of Battlewagons and the like suddenly materialising in our lines. There are also plenty of big bads from Deamon Princes to Knight Gallants who are only too happy to wade through our lines. Whilst situational, a smattering of melta weapons across your forces can help against these threats. 1 melta won't do much but 1-2 each in 3-4 squads can help do some damage and take the pressure off your longer-ranged heavy weapons. Captain Smash can't be everywhere at once. :biggrin.:

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