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Was thinking that aggressors might be great if i deploy them on the line 24" from the enemy deployment zone. With the SFTS, I could move them up 9" and be in range to double tap if i get first turn. If i don't, I can use the move to hide them. But the drawback is that I will have less high toughness models to dilute fire away from the repulsors. But that's a ton of powerfists.


As for Redemptors, I think they'll do great escorting the repulsors because they opponents would have to choose between shooting the repulsors or the redemptors. Plus, they do come with extra anti-tank weaponry in the form of the macroplasma. But they are pretty slow and they will have difficulty fighting against hordes.

Hence the tough choice.

Believe me, I'm all in on Aggressors. I just got my Inceptor gun bits and just waiting on the Terminator power fist to start my conversions of 10 of these bad boys. I just think with Primaris you need to have a tactical vision due to their specializations. Either tons of infantry maybe with some vehicle support for anti-tank. I'd suggest Predators or Xiphons. Or go all in on vehicles with just enough infantry for ObSec

I have been playing aggressors a lot since their release, along with a love...no...a passion for everything on the Dread chassis.


I have run the following Configurations/Quantities in my 2k list: 1x 3-Man, 2x3-Man, 1x6-Man, 1x5-Man, and 2x6-Man.


Every instance/combination has proved to be a critical part of my list.


Aggressors (even after the SFTS nerf) are crazy good for us. They are a shining example of a blunt instrument.


A small unit of 4 is the best comparison to a Redemptor I think, in terms of points (148 vs 155 for the lead farmer variant).


The aggressors (if they get to double tap) put out 76 shots. The Redemptor puts out 22-26 shots depending on Rapid Fire range/loadout (Storm Bolters v Fragstorm)


Obviously the Redemptor is significantly more durable, but they are similar in close combat as well. Like others have mentioned, its a target saturation issue in terms of what to take.


The thing is, Primaris (in general) will draw D2 weapons fire like mad, and the only thing Aggressors excel at is enduring against small arms fire. 


Aggressors are very deadly, even against non-horde armies, simply by their virtue of shots. They are great at clearing out your opponents troops and removing their ability to control objectives. As a result, they will be killed, early and often, frequently resulting in being a trade. This isn't a bad trade, as they typically allow my Hellblasters to survive one additional turn, which can be devastating.


This is why, in general I struggle to find room for Redemptors in my lists, as I would rather have my dreads carry my AT weapons, and Aggressors clear troops more effectively for less points. This isn't to say the Redemptor isn't viable, I just struggle to find a list where it excels that another unit doesn't do it better. I can say this for it: It has better mobility than the Aggressors over the long haul of the game, assuming it doesn't get degraded. If you were to move both units every turn, they break-even in speed after 3 turns, but its keen to remember that the Aggressors can advance and not lose its firepower, allowing them to (theoretically) outpace the Redemptor.


Don't even get me started on the Macro Plasma, its just straight bad and needs to be dirt cheap to justify taking.

I've tweaked my list to swap out redemptors for aggressors. Also swapped Shrike out for a captain because it'd be cheaper.

Here's the list:

Captain - JP, Thunderhammer, Shield Eternal (warlord trait: Storm of fire)

Librarian - JP, Force Sword, Storm Bolter, Might of Heroes

Aggressors - 4 man - Auto boltstorm

Aggressors - 4 man - Auto boltstorm

Intercessors - 10 man - rifles, aux gl, PFist
Intercessors - 10 man - rifles, aux gl, PFist

Scouts - 5 man - Bolters - 55

Scouts - 5 man - Bolters - 55

Inceptor Squad - 3 man - Plasmas

Repulsor - TLLascannon, Onslaught Cannon, 2x Storm bolters, ironhail heavy stubber, icarus ironhail stubbers
Repulsor - TLLascannon, Onslaught Cannon, 2x Storm bolters, ironhail heavy stubber, icarus ironhail stubbers

Total: 1745
CP: 3+5

-1 CP for indomitus crusaders
-2 CPs for Veteran Intercessors 
-2 CPs for SFTS for aggressors

I'd start games at 3cps. 

What do you guys think?

You know, part of me wonders if you (well, not YOU, per se) can make a pure-Primaris army.  It seems odd, thematically, to use Scouts and where the leadership are not Primaris.  I mean, is this a tournament list?

Competitively? No, pure Primaris just aren't ready yet to compete, even on an equal footing with the Tried and True in my opinion. Scout are just to important for Marines in the competitive meta ... I would love to pay the CP to upgrade Reivers to Mor Deythan.


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