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Primaris Knights of Blood?

Sun Reaver

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Brothers, I was perusing through some Facebook groups I am a part of and came across this photo of a poster that comes with a Warhammer Conquest subscription. 




But if you look closely, you see this: 




I find this particularly odd considering that not only were they excommunicated by the Imperium, they also were wiped out to a man fighting Daemons of Khorne and Tyranids on Baal Primus. Do you think RG, per Dante's request, re-created the chapter as part of the Ultima Founding? Perhaps as a mark of honor for their sacrifice? Or do you think this is a mistake from the marketing team at GW?


Loyalist Primaris Knights of Blood seems very exciting but I am tempering my expectations. 



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I don't think they were wiped out.  I remember reading that there was an excommunicated chapter that came home to Baal when Dante put out the "all call" to defend against the tyranid invasion.  They came back, did what they could to defend the planet, and left without saying anything so Dante wouldn't have to do something like strike them down after they came back to defend the planet.


I think it was in the 5th edition codex or the the Leviathon book. 

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I don't think they were wiped out.  I remember reading that there was an excommunicated chapter that came home to Baal when Dante put out the "all call" to defend against the tyranid invasion.  They came back, did what they could to defend the planet, and left without saying anything so Dante wouldn't have to do something like strike them down after they came back to defend the planet.


I think it was in the 5th edition codex or the the Leviathon book.


They definitely got wiped out during Devastation of Baal.

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I don't think it's a retcon. Probably just someone not paying attention to the developments in the latest novel. I'd bet they just thought it's an interesting colour scheme and name and put it on the poster without further checking.

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They could get around it as they could have just rebuilt the chapter from scratch using purely Primaris.  Just read the Dante comment. 


I need that poster though, that looks nice.


Edit: I can't really make it out but is that classified chapter Legion of the Damned?

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They could get around it as they could have just rebuilt the chapter from scratch using purely Primaris.


I need that poster though, that looks nice.


Yeah they could have but Dante explicitly said to not rebuild it when Seth asked if he will. I'll see whether I can find the passage tomorrow and post it here. Anyway it's the reason why I went with a slightly different colour scheme and a different name. In my homegrown fluff some KoB Marines who served in the Deathwatch returned to Baal too late to help with the fight (no mention of any DW during that event, I checked) so Dante semi-backtracked on his words and made a new chapter for the DW KoB to lead that's totally not KoB at all *cough*

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I saw that as well but it likely doesn't mean anything since Dante himself said he isn't going to revive that Chapter.


Can you quote this for me? I don't remember him ever saying that but I've read the book twice so I'm confused now. 




 I'll see whether I can find the passage tomorrow and post it here. Anyway it's the reason why I went with a slightly different colour scheme and a different name. In my homegrown fluff some KoB Marines who served in the Deathwatch returned to Baal too late to help with the fight (no mention of any DW during that event, I checked) so Dante semi-backtracked on his words and made a new chapter for the DW KoB to lead that's totally not KoB at all *cough*



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They could get around it as they could have just rebuilt the chapter from scratch using purely Primaris.


I need that poster though, that looks nice.



Yeah they could have but Dante explicitly said to not rebuild it when Seth asked if he will. I'll see whether I can find the passage tomorrow and post it here. Anyway it's the reason why I went with a slightly different colour scheme and a different name. In my homegrown fluff some KoB Marines who served in the Deathwatch returned to Baal too late to help with the fight (no mention of any DW during that event, I checked) so Dante semi-backtracked on his words and made a new chapter for the DW KoB to lead that's totally not KoB at all *cough*

I actually really like that Fluffy work around. Could be KoB DW marine came back, was debriefed by Dante and instead of being left to wander as a Blackshield he wants to rebuild KoB and bring Honor to them, now they they have been redeemed.

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You know, I just noticed the poster is from Warhammer Conquest just like Devastation of Baal, Ashes of Prospero, Of Honour and Iron and War of Secrets. Could be they simply listed all the Chapters that got mentioned in those books.


Anyway I took the time and looked for it already. Here is the passage (emphasis by me):




‘Gabriel,’ said Dante. ‘It is good to see you living.’ His pure voice echoed off in the distance, revealing
the vastness of the catacombs.
‘Commander,’ said the Master of the Flesh Tearers. He held out the tube. ‘I am returning this to you.’
Dante looked at the relic. ‘I gave it freely,’ he said.
‘It was not yours to give,’ said Seth gruffly. ‘Besides, a thing of this worth and beauty has no place with
us. Better it stays here with you. I have seen the fate of my Chapter in the face of Sentor Jool. If
Sanguinius’ feather remains with us, it will be lost.’
‘Very well.’ Dante grasped the tube. ‘If you insist.’ Seth released it to his care. ‘My brother. You
survived. Your Chapter faced rage incarnate, and it did not fall. The Knights of Blood could not tear
themselves from the fight. They were in thrall to the flaw. You are not they, you have proved that. Your
fate is not theirs.’
‘No,’ Seth shook his head; his frown grew deeper. ‘No. It was not like that. The Knights of Blood thought
themselves too monstrous to return to Baal. They sacrificed themselves. They chose where to die, they
fought the embodiment of rage, and they did not fall. It was a clean end for a corrupted bloodline. There
will be no such blessing for my warriors. Without the relic, it may have been different. I pray to whoever
is listening that we can find similar peace.’
‘It will not happen to you,’ said Dante in surprise. ‘Guilliman brings enough new warriors to rebuild all
the Chapters of the Blood.’
‘Not the Knights of Blood.’
‘Not they,’ admitted Dante. ‘That name is too cursed to resurrect. Let them be remembered for their final
heroic act.
But the Flesh Tearers will be reborn.
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You know, I just noticed the poster is from Warhammer Conquest just like Devastation of Baal, Ashes of Prospero, Of Honour and Iron and War of Secrets. Could be they simply listed all the Chapters that got mentioned in those books.


Anyway I took the time and looked for it already. Here is the passage (emphasis by me):




‘Gabriel,’ said Dante. ‘It is good to see you living.’ His pure voice echoed off in the distance, revealing

the vastness of the catacombs.

‘Commander,’ said the Master of the Flesh Tearers. He held out the tube. ‘I am returning this to you.’

Dante looked at the relic. ‘I gave it freely,’ he said.

‘It was not yours to give,’ said Seth gruffly. ‘Besides, a thing of this worth and beauty has no place with

us. Better it stays here with you. I have seen the fate of my Chapter in the face of Sentor Jool. If

Sanguinius’ feather remains with us, it will be lost.’

‘Very well.’ Dante grasped the tube. ‘If you insist.’ Seth released it to his care. ‘My brother. You

survived. Your Chapter faced rage incarnate, and it did not fall. The Knights of Blood could not tear

themselves from the fight. They were in thrall to the flaw. You are not they, you have proved that. Your

fate is not theirs.’

‘No,’ Seth shook his head; his frown grew deeper. ‘No. It was not like that. The Knights of Blood thought

themselves too monstrous to return to Baal. They sacrificed themselves. They chose where to die, they

fought the embodiment of rage, and they did not fall. It was a clean end for a corrupted bloodline. There

will be no such blessing for my warriors. Without the relic, it may have been different. I pray to whoever

is listening that we can find similar peace.’

‘It will not happen to you,’ said Dante in surprise. ‘Guilliman brings enough new warriors to rebuild all

the Chapters of the Blood.’

‘Not the Knights of Blood.’

‘Not they,’ admitted Dante. ‘That name is too cursed to resurrect. Let them be remembered for their final

heroic act. But the Flesh Tearers will be reborn.




Thanks for taking the time! Reading it again, I do feel as if it is uncharacteristic of Dante to say that they will not be resurrected. Over the course of the two novels where he is the protagonist, his main theme is hope, no matter how dire the situation became. Odd how he isn't hopeful here. 


Again, thanks for the bit. :) 

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You know, I just noticed the poster is from Warhammer Conquest just like Devastation of Baal, Ashes of Prospero, Of Honour and Iron and War of Secrets. Could be they simply listed all the Chapters that got mentioned in those books.


Anyway I took the time and looked for it already. Here is the passage (emphasis by me):




‘Gabriel,’ said Dante. ‘It is good to see you living.’ His pure voice echoed off in the distance, revealing

the vastness of the catacombs.

‘Commander,’ said the Master of the Flesh Tearers. He held out the tube. ‘I am returning this to you.’

Dante looked at the relic. ‘I gave it freely,’ he said.

‘It was not yours to give,’ said Seth gruffly. ‘Besides, a thing of this worth and beauty has no place with

us. Better it stays here with you. I have seen the fate of my Chapter in the face of Sentor Jool. If

Sanguinius’ feather remains with us, it will be lost.’

‘Very well.’ Dante grasped the tube. ‘If you insist.’ Seth released it to his care. ‘My brother. You

survived. Your Chapter faced rage incarnate, and it did not fall. The Knights of Blood could not tear

themselves from the fight. They were in thrall to the flaw. You are not they, you have proved that. Your

fate is not theirs.’

‘No,’ Seth shook his head; his frown grew deeper. ‘No. It was not like that. The Knights of Blood thought

themselves too monstrous to return to Baal. They sacrificed themselves. They chose where to die, they

fought the embodiment of rage, and they did not fall. It was a clean end for a corrupted bloodline. There

will be no such blessing for my warriors. Without the relic, it may have been different. I pray to whoever

is listening that we can find similar peace.’

‘It will not happen to you,’ said Dante in surprise. ‘Guilliman brings enough new warriors to rebuild all

the Chapters of the Blood.’

‘Not the Knights of Blood.’

‘Not they,’ admitted Dante. ‘That name is too cursed to resurrect. Let them be remembered for their final

heroic act. But the Flesh Tearers will be reborn.




Thanks for taking the time! Reading it again, I do feel as if it is uncharacteristic of Dante to say that they will not be resurrected. Over the course of the two novels where he is the protagonist, his main theme is hope, no matter how dire the situation became. Odd how he isn't hopeful here. 


Again, thanks for the bit. :smile.:



His and all the Blood Angels theme is hope to some degree but Dante also was shown to lose hope big time in that book before the whole Sanguinius vision/Guilliman arrival/reveal of Primaris Marines and especially the Knights of Blood embody the worst fate the Blood Angels can suffer from aside of the Black Rage.

Knights of Blood had barely any fluff before and here they simply got sacrificed by the author to develope the far more popular and very similarly themed Flesh Tearers. To show them that diving deep into the Red Thirst to surpress is no path to salvation and only leads to a different kind of damnation. I can live with that tbh but I was already set on KoB before so I found an imo believable explanation for how a similar not-KoB chapter with actual KoB characters can exist (I even named it Knights of Baal so it's similar in tone and still KoB lol).

Also not to forget, people in the Imperium, Marines included, are highly superstitious at times. They believe in something like cursed names and such.


If anyone wants to, I don't mind them picking up my idea and doing a Knights of Baal army as well. I don't claim ownership of a workaround I came up with just because GWs fluff development blindsided me. :biggrin.:

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Chapter heraldry and nomenclature can be used and reused at will.


The Star scorpions chapter was wiped out to a man and their colours reused for the mentor legion. The Imperial fists were also wiped out, then a successor renamed and recoloured to be the new fists (beast arises series).


Similar could have happened here.

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Good question actually. Plenty Chapters have a differently colored kneepad on the left or the right and I've never seen any explanation for what it means aside of the Blood Angels special heraldry (squad marking on right kneepad).

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I'm more puzzled as to why the Emperor's Spear has a red knee pad. Guess I need to ask A D-B...

Good question actually. Plenty Chapters have a differently colored kneepad on the left or the right and I've never seen any explanation for what it means aside of the Blood Angels special heraldry (squad marking on right kneepad).

Per ADB in the thread about the novel, the right knee a spot for heraldry for the Emperor's Spears.

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Good question actually. Plenty Chapters have a differently colored kneepad on the left or the right and I've never seen any explanation for what it means aside of the Blood Angels special heraldry (squad marking on right kneepad).

My initial guess is squad marking/personal heraldry. But the dark navy almost black knee pad is suppose to be very significant since they dont have traditional squad markings.


Same with some of the other chapters.

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I'm more puzzled as to why the Emperor's Spear has a red knee pad. Guess I need to ask A D-B...

Good question actually. Plenty Chapters have a differently colored kneepad on the left or the right and I've never seen any explanation for what it means aside of the Blood Angels special heraldry (squad marking on right kneepad).

Per ADB in the thread about the novel, the right knee a spot for heraldry for the Emperor's Spears.

That is what I thought also.

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In regards to the "Tube" what was in it?




A feather of Sanguinius put in stasis before it touched the ground. I think with some of his blood on it still even. It greatly helped the Flesh Tearers and the Knights of Blood to reign in their Red Thirst when Ka'Bandha arrived.

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