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New Year Zeal


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Greeting B&C Black Templar community.  You guys in the Black Templar community are the stalwart backers of this faction and a lighthouse for other fans.  Even sticking with the army after the folding of them into codex SM and the limited support from GW over the years.  That concludes anything negative I have to say but it does bring home that there are some absolutely amazing fans on here.  Even if you are new to playing Black Templars your opinion also matters as you have taken the time and monetary investment into this hobby.  

I'm asking for you to consider joining me and others from Facebook to participate in a outreach email to the GW community email.  Some of the Black Templars fans want to remind GW that you are still supporting the Black Templars and that they are a viable product line to invest more into.  
If you feel that this is a waste of time or a dump idea and that this has been done before that is 100% ok.  
If you are even faintly interested please keep reading and consider joining me and hopefully many others on this friendly outreach reminder to GW.  I'm also going to provide a few suggestions in hopes to give you some inspiration if you are unsure where to start.
In my head I wanted community members to keep strong and to keep reaching out to GW showing we still have interest in this product line. That goes for those like myself that have put in a tremendous amount of time and money sending design documents to GW corporate. Also to those who have just started playing BT and asking what else can I do with this faction.  With the newer management style from GW in 8th I have gotten fairly positive responses when emailing them. Reaching out with a politely worded message to community@gwplc.com would be my suggestion at this point asking for more Black Templar related material, is the best method right now in my opinion. GW has invested in many minor factions from Deathwatch, Harlequins and Genestealer Cult in the last few years. Finally this year giving the community plastic Sisters, thank the Emperor. I 100% believe between the 10 years of the codex lifespan and the newer players getting into this faction there is a lot of money to made by GW from Black Templars. Take a moment and send a nice email to the community email address above showing your interest.
Here is my suggestion of email formatting and topic flow.
Start with a positive - This sets a good tone for the reader.  For an example, I love the theme of the Black Templar rules in Vigilus as I feel they harken back to a style/theme we had in the old codex.
Introduce yourself - Make it personal by talking about the time, effort, love you have put into your hobby.  For some on here it also includes keeping the community alive and that is a HUGE thank you to the B&C BT long time members.
Talk about the issue and provide a solution - As a the simplest form of an example here.  We want more so the solution would be give us more and we will buy it.  I kept this very simple but you have your own opinions on this so express them to GW.
Lastly end with positive - This will have the reader ending with a high note.
PS: Re-read your letter and try to go for a professional with a small zeal vs a passionate large ZEAL.
Again you guys are awesome and whether or not you join me and others giving GW a friendly reminder at community@gwplc.com, thank you for supporting the community.
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This is the answer I got back:


Thank you very much for getting in touch. It's great to read of your passion for the Black Templars - a noble chapter indeed that still upholds the values of Sigismund with such devotion. We've got some big fans of them here as well. An updated upgrade sprue is an excellent suggestion, and we will pass it on to the relevant teams here along with the rest of your ideas. We can only hope that the most valiant sons of Dorn will be rewarded. Rest assured though, the fighting spirit of the Black Templars is still very much close to our hearts here.


All the best

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