Rizara Posted January 8, 2019 Share Posted January 8, 2019 Greetings. So new year, new project, and this time a solid Primaris reboot. This time I am coming back to the sons of Dorn, this time going with Crimson fists. These guys have had a soft spot for quite a while. I tried to start a fist army back in 3rd edition after the eye of terror campaign, but it was sadly at a time I decided to take a break from 40k and dabble in warmachine back when that game was still practically unheard of (and unplayed in my area really). Also they were all the rage back in the old days and starting in second edition, they were pretty popular from the then veterans who played rogue trader. So when I decided to go with fists back when 8th came out, I debated on the yellow that I love the look of but hate painting, or fists, and decided to go with yellow. Sadly that was a mistake. I ended up selling the few yellow fists to a local who was doing fists, and went with dark angels for a spell. While I still enjoy the lion and his successors, as a full primaris army it doesn't add much, if you want to play dark angels you might as well go for their unique units. So to be honest I haven't played a game of 40k since last spring. We had a league and the fact that my very selective and limited army got facerolled quite often and the advent of knights coming out, I decided to quit playing for a little bit and contemplate what I needed to do as far as getting a competive yet fluffy looking force. Also sisters being postponed to sometime this year hasn't helped either. In that time I have invested in some imperial knights for tourney play, but it was the release of the chapter approve and the holiday bundle that sealed the deal. I dived right in and ordered the fist box once i heard they are coming out with fist shoulder pads. I saw this as a chance to take the remaining marines I have left from my marine army, and start a new. This time the goal isn't so much of painting nice looking models but simply getting a fully painted army on the table. So I am going to be drybrushing and adding an ink wash to get the bulk of the armor coloring (blue), and will reserve the quality in painting for the details such as squad markings, and bare flesh. I really like those unit type markings they have added to the fists with the primaris images of the tactical arrow in the circle so I will be having to hand paint those but may have to create a stencil to make getting that circle just right. I have decided that I will be working on building a fifth company and while they usually do not show company markings, I may add some company flare to the models as little details. To start with I am working on my Vow which consists of 5 intercessors, 5 reivers, and an ancient. However I have a full 2500+ point army to paint, as well as a few knights that will be added as well once I work out the color scheme for their allied house. After this 2500 points shown I also have 3 more squads of intercessors and 2 squads of assault hell blasters to add from my previous primaris army attempt. I also have a second lieutenant model and a kantor primaris conversion that i will need to work on once they arrive (sadly ebay for that wake the dead lieutenant). After I get this all painted I may look into rounding off the army to field a complete battle company. This is the initial 2500 points I have assembled. I got a game that I have been challenged to play against a local chaos player who has been hounding me for quite a while, over the past 6 months. So next monday I will hopefully get that challenge fullfilled, and will get some pics of that fight. He plays noise marines and deathguard so should be fun. This consists of 6 agressors, 5 reivers, 3 inceptors, 1 squad of hellblasters, 3 squads of intercessors, a company champion, librarian, primaris captain, a lieutenant, an ancient, 2 dreads, 1 repulsor, one sicaran, and 2 helverins. So i got some work on my plate paint wise. So now that the assembly stage is done I can begin the painting process. As for units, I will probably field my agressors as a veteran unit. I know they are generally viewed as fire support, but for my battle company they will be squad one. I personally see them as more of a veteran unit and with them pretty much bringing the same firepower if not more of it than the interecessors, bolt weapons and grenade launchers, I see them more as a veteran battle line unit and thus will have them serve as the veteran unit of the company, not first company just reserved suits for veteran primaris. I also see the reivers more like scouts, and will be counting them in more of a scout role as I build this company. They will bear the unit designation of zero because they are not considered a battle line unit or a dedicated melee/close support. Since they are more of a shock and awe unit i will place them in the scout role. I am honestly mostly taking them for kill team fights, but might as well give them a shot in 40k games. So thats the start of my log, time to get painting and to keep motivated. As long as work doesn't keep me too worn out. I am going to try to force myself an hour a day but it wont always work out that way. Some days will get more painting time. For Dorn, For the Emperor!!!!! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted January 8, 2019 Share Posted January 8, 2019 Looks like a great start! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5230451 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skorp Posted January 8, 2019 Share Posted January 8, 2019 Thanks for sharing, I jumped in from a similar angle with dark angels being my first space marine army. I painted enough old marines in 7th and then scouts for 8th I wanted something different for a primaris force. You've got your stuff built up much faster than me, too many distractions. Hope to start a blog here as well. Best of luck and excited to see your progress. I'm going to best I can paint for mine. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5230885 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted January 18, 2019 Author Share Posted January 18, 2019 small update. Not really on the painting front. I got everything based in kantor blue Just haven't had the motivation to sit and work on the models with my wonky work schedule and never ending back ache. However, i did manage to get a second primaris Lieutenant assembled (the wake the dead one with a different head and some fist upgrades), because my other LT has a plasma pistol which I can't technically field as such, so now I got a legit bolt pistol one. I also got my Kantor conversion completed, as a primaris Kantor. I wanted to keep the primaris head so part of why I got the wake the dead LT, since he had a primaris helm with laurels on it. I debated adding a cloak and felt it looked better with out since normal Kantor doesn't have a cloak either, since he is battle hardened and that cloak gets in the way. I decided to do something different from the norm and base it off the Captain I got out of the box set since I didn't have a use for the extra captain right now anyways, and wanted to do something different than the anniversary captain's body or the starter box Lt body. I wanted to keep him true to the original kantor as much as I could but giving him that needed primaris upgrade for looks to go with my all primaris fist army. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5237091 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 18, 2019 Share Posted January 18, 2019 Pedro Kantor looks promising. What's he stepping on? A dead and partially buried Ork? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5237094 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted January 18, 2019 Author Share Posted January 18, 2019 i think its just some ruins its the primaris captain model for the body. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5237216 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted January 22, 2019 Author Share Posted January 22, 2019 small update. I got the ancient finished, outside of his base work, i will do that when I have a few more models so i can do them at the same time. Again, i am going for less of an award winning painted army to a finished tabletop army with some little pops, mostly in the detail work of the squad markings. This being the ancient he took a little bit more work, since he had the banner and i did him first so i could get his banner assembled. I am going for a more stylized highlighting on the armor and less direct edge highlight. I also feel the crimson fist should be a darker blue not that bright ultramarine blue and the crimson should be a dark red not that fiery bright blood angel looking red. Since he is a standard bearer he isn't attached to a squad, so I gave him a little touch of heraldry on his shoulder pad under a veteran icon. I like the idea that they use the tactical/assault/devestator squad markings inside of the circle as it makes them stand out a little. its a bit of a pain but i gave him the circle but with a veterans templar cross, cause they are fist successors not smurf successors. I also think he is the only guy in my army showing some flesh that doesn't also have a helmet attached to his hip, but he does have a breather so i guess that counts for something. Not like he needs the helmet what with a giant flag marking him out on the battle field lol. Now to get work done on the first intercessor squad (six strong). After them the five man rievers then the sicaran so i can finish my pledge. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5239725 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 That Ancient looks great. I especially like the heraldry on the right shoulder pad and the banner. :tu: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5239755 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Raven 19 Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Get the January White Dwarf while you can Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5239768 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Raven 19 Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 A primaris captain with power fist and plasma pistol is legal, why would there be a model if it wasn't. Also, give him the fist of vengeance while you're at it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5239780 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted January 22, 2019 Author Share Posted January 22, 2019 its not the captain, its the LT. he has a power sword and plasma pistol, which is legal in a dark angels army, apparently not in any other primaris force.  So i can use it as the special pistol upgrade from the vigilus formation if need be or hoping that when we get a new codex that the LT's get more options available.  I already have the anniversary captain, he is in the pic of the army above.  I also already got the white dwarf on hand, but it was rather lackluster as it didn't really add much that I didn't already know.   Sadly though my banner doesn't say crimson fists, just crimson. Oh well, he is just a company ancient and not a chapter ancient.    and Lord raven, as far as the relic goes...it sort of stinks you can only choose one relic, cause there are so many to choose from. I wish i could pay for more, and I am contemplating using the stratagem for more relics.  While the fist of vengeance seems good, my current list has the shield eternal on my company champion, simply because it gives him a 3++ invulnerable save and makes him feel more like a bodyguard.  However I may try out different relics to see which does more for me in a game, when I can get a game in. Right now I am just going to work on painting stuff.  Though the new str 5 bolt rifle is tempting on the ancient, but the pistol from the vengeance list is also tempting if I take one of my detachments fielding those rules.  Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5239800 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 23, 2019 Share Posted January 23, 2019 Excellent work on the Ancient. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5239933 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted January 31, 2019 Author Share Posted January 31, 2019 So i got two more guys ready to just have bases finished. This is the first two out of the first five man squad for my vow. I am going to finish working up the other 3's armor later tonight so i can try to have them done by monday. Again the work schedule hasn't been great for painting but I am trying to work it in when I can squeeze in some time. I only decided to post these two guys as i worked out my power weapon color, and i wanted to show off the squad markings. I really liked the unique look they gave the crimson fists this edition as the codex and then the white dwarf chapter article showcased them as well. It retains the tactical arrow but does it in Crimson Fist fashion. They are tedious to paint, first just getting that circle laid out to be about the same size, but its worth it on the end results. I also used some extra shapeways bitz, namely the giant sword. I liked the idea of the fist icon on the cross bar, but sadly the smoothness of the swords is a bit of a let down. Outside of this one sergeant, I am going to use them only for the company champions (as i do have two i plan to have as i see them as bodyguards to the captain of each company when they aren't having duels of honor). Next time I take pics I may have to wait till i get them done and see if i can't swing by the store for some better lighting for the photos. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5244860 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 1, 2019 Share Posted February 1, 2019 Well done. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5245681 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roderikum Posted February 6, 2019 Share Posted February 6, 2019 First of all, congratulations for your wonderfull painting job. It's amazing indeed!! But I wonder how would any primaris have their right glove painted red if they've not been promoted to the first company... I just can't understand It, so I'll be very pleased if anyone could give me a fluffy answer to that; btw, this is not any kind of judgement about your Paint job, but an overall question that I can't solve (indeed even GW Paint red their intercessors' seargents and agressors right Hans). Thanks Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5250064 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted February 7, 2019 Author Share Posted February 7, 2019 The red hand is a sign of veteran status, and they might be promoted to veterans or first company status, but since they are primaris and can't wear the terminator armor they were promoted but sent back to their companies.  This is not explained in the codex's or even in the white dwarf article, but after 100 years crusade you should have veterans, otherwise how do you promote them to captains or lieutenants since the command structure comes from veterans who have been promoted to the first company.  So it is a valid question, but that is why the veterans i have are now sergeants who lead squads of battle brothers.  But not all of my sergeants will be veterans either, at least my reiver sergeant is not a veteran.  Also I still don't see agressors as true fire support but more of a terminator equivalent of armor, so my agressors will be veterans, and still considered a battle line squad. I see them more as an upgrade to intercessors since they still bring the boltgun to bare and grenade launchers, just with a bit more pressure than the interecessor squads do.  There are holes in the lore perspective since they do not truly outline how a primaris company is, or how they work in the promotion or chain of commands, but here we have captains but no dedicated veteran units. I don't see primaris having full veteran like 300 year old veterans yet, but they still get some veterans who have combat experience under their belt.  Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5250358 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted February 12, 2019 Author Share Posted February 12, 2019 Progress. So i have finished the reivers and the interecessors, all i have left of my vow is to get the sicaran finished. The two primed models are my captain and a company champion, they will be what I work on next, as a second vow to finish off the remaining couple of weeks. Sadly no close ups, my lighting in the house is poor and i didn't feel like setting up the camera for it, I was just seeing what they would look like with a different background. As for the bases, well I have decided I am going to put them on some resin bases, i got them ordered but not sure when they will get here. Since I am enjoying how these guys are turning out, I wanted to give them a more dynamic base plus the basing material I used (army painter stuff) keeps falling off, I really hate the current bases and feel I needed something more interesting for these guys. So I will paint up bases in batches I guess once they arrive and pin/glue these guys to the bases once they arrive and after I have them painted. The fun part will be having to remove each guy from their current base, but it will be worth it in the end. I also ordered magna trays to transport the army so i get to have fun drilling those new bases to add magnets to the bottom. I also need to magentize the sicaran so it will stay on the new trays as well. Fun times ahead. However I do like the way they are turning out, even if I am not able to churn them out fast enough. On that topic I have been forcing myself over the past week and a half to paint at least an hour a night, right before bed. Even if I only accomplish one step. As for the glossy reivers, for some reason those 3 guys didn't get dulled down, not sure what happened when I added the wash to the armor but the gloss will go away once I get them all sealed with sealant. Also on the issue with red hands. I decided not every sergeant will be a veteran, however many will be in the army. I will probably not have my inceptor sergeant to be a veteran. While they normally get inducted into the first company, the primaris veterans were given the honor to be inducted however they have not served with the first company as first company members but have fought beside them. This is of course till we get more details in the future on how primaris are handled with the promotions. Instead my veterans have become squad leaders or given suits of aggressor armor but remain within the company itself. So my aggessors will be my first squad, and be seen as an upgrade to the intercessors and used as veteran primaris for all intent and purposes. Plus red power fists look cooler. All other veterans will be in the command stucture, company champions, or squad leaders. So far, the reiver sergeant is not a veteran, but the interessor sergeant is. I also see the reivers as more scout like and following the purpose of scouts in the company. So I didn't give them a close combat icon on their squad markings, so instead of an X they just got an I within the circle, as I see them fullfilling a different role than fast assault or basic melee. As for the color of the lascannon coils and optics I think I am going to keep the old blue color. While the green works for helmet optics on the red helm and makes for interesting power weapon options, I think my force swords will be done in the turquoise and my lascannon and plasma glows will be done in the blue. It just looks more like super heated glowing plasma more to me than the green coloration. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5254571 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 12, 2019 Share Posted February 12, 2019 The Intercessors are well done. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5254631 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted March 2, 2019 Author Share Posted March 2, 2019 so here are some updates. I finished the vow and here is a group shot. I was using my daughters camera, but some of the detail seems to be lost in the file compression so i could post the group shots. I now have this done, but taking a break from the crimson fists to work a little on my Age of Sigmar Skaven army for a tournament. I will have to get back to these guys maybe in april to break up painting all those rats. I think next time I will work on getting a couple of characters done and maybe another squad of intercessors..that or the shadowspear stuff. Who knows. Anyways, on to the pics. I hand painted the squad markings because i loved the new crimson fist enclosed circle markings. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5267658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 3, 2019 Share Posted March 3, 2019 Excellent work. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5267757 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Sandoval Posted March 3, 2019 Share Posted March 3, 2019 Nicely done. I couldn't imagine trying to free-hand a banner. XD Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5267818 Share on other sites More sharing options...
anarchistscourge Posted March 14, 2019 Share Posted March 14, 2019 It's always a pleasure seeing your work Rizara, phenomenal job on your fists Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5276226 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolvar Posted March 14, 2019 Share Posted March 14, 2019 Great painting Rizara, keep it up Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5276455 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted April 24, 2019 Share Posted April 24, 2019 ooh it was nice to stumble onto this thread, Great work here,the freehand is crazy good...all those circles on pads well done indeed. i really like your take on the crimson fists colours...they suit them well !!  , i do look forward to seeing them on your new bases  thanks for posting !  Cheers, Mithril Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5301298 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted April 28, 2019 Author Share Posted April 28, 2019 thanks Mithrilforge, i appreciate the comments. Yeah the bases still haven't arrived, i need to check on that. I haven't done anything with the army since, been on an AoS kick getting an army painted for that system.  I was thinking after a league i am in is done and the heavy painting, I may take a break at the 1250 point army i will then have painted and paint some fists again before taking my AoS army to 2k.  Need to get another troop unit painted up and some characters, as currently my painted fists are not legal to field without a warlord.  But I will be working on some more fists soon, its just harder to stay motivated to paint stuff when you aren't actually playing that game. I haven't played a game of 40k in almost a year now so there is that.  Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/352972-rizaras-primaris-crimson-fists/#findComment-5303406 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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