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Infantry Squad Sgts: How do you equip yours?


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We've probably lamented lack of lasgun sgts sufficiently enough


Although I do agree it would be a nice option especially if its available to other factions


I suggest when it comes to IG Lasgun Sgts we politely email the FAQ team instead of reiterating the point here




Maybe you could ask them why only veteran Sgts can take powerfists too? :)

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I think the reason why the sergant has no lasgun is a fluff reason.

With his Pistol and Chainsword he would stand out on the Battlefield and the Soldiers can group arou d him.

With a Lasgun he would just be another guy with a gun.

Al least that's how it was in Real Armys until the first World War.

Sergants where supposted to stand out.

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I think the reason why the sergant has no lasgun is a fluff reason.

With his Pistol and Chainsword he would stand out on the Battlefield and the Soldiers can group arou d him.

With a Lasgun he would just be another guy with a gun.

Al least that's how it was in Real Armys until the first World War.

Sergants where supposted to stand out.


Officers were the ones with sword and pistol. Sergeants, not being commissioned, were still just troops like the rest of the grunts. As for fluff, if that's the case, why are Space Marine and Genestealer Cult sergeants similarly armed with the rest of the troops, instead of forced into pistol and sword?


As for which option, it seems to me boltgun gives you the most for your cost. The sergeant can fire out to 24" instead of standing around, looking angry for half the range. Further, he gets an extra shot in rapid fire range, and at a higher strength value. Even if you get stuck in, you're not losing anything, as you can still take a chainsword with the bolter. You have the same number of attacks either way. And with mechanized lists, I'm assuming that'd be Armageddon or Tallarn, you still gain more benefit from the boltgun. Armageddon Doctrine allowing you to Rapid Fire out to 18" and Tallarn allowing you to Advance and still shoot without penalty. I don't see the benefit of having a laspistol over a boltgun.

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I think that the best equipment options for infantry SGTs are laspistol chainsword or boltgun chainsword. Laspistols are fine and free. Bolters are better, but 6 SGTs with bolters can be the difference between 2 grenade launchers or a flamer. For veteran SGTs laspistol (free), bolters (range) or plasma pistols all make sense. Bolt pistols are an the inferior choice as they have 12" range and same strength as bolters, but they cost the same as a bolter. Chainswords are a must, as Guardsmen need as many attacks as possible.
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Bolters are better, but 6 SGTs with bolters can be the difference between 2 grenade launchers or a flamer.


Six Sergeants with boltguns would be, guaranteed, six shots, or twelve with Rapid Fire, at Strength 4 versus 2d6 or d6 shots at Strength 3. Again, the bolter Sergeants seem like the better option. Volume of fire is the Guard's strength.

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