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Want to start Ravenwing - Concerns?


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I am calling upon you for some advice. I have always wanted to do a pure ravenwing army and now that my grey knights are almost finished I am looking to my next project.


I think all the models in the ravenwing range are quite awesome so it should be an easy decision - But my concerns come from what new toys primaris marines will get very soon. Rumours suggest Primaris Bikers at some point, and I don't want to be in a situation where I am half way through the army and we get awesome new bikes.


In an ideal world, we would have Primaris bikers and I would convert them using the current ravenwing biker bits to make them more ravenwing like. (Rules aside, I would use them as black knights, I just like the primaris asthetic more than the mini marine).


I haven't heard anything regarding a newer land speeder for primaris so I am confident they are here to stay for quite some time, as are the ravenwing specifc flyers.


So what would you do? Start with the flyers first and hope that primaris wave 2 hits soon and bikers are released and get them last? I also doubt Sammael will get prima sized anytime soon so, I think he is a safe purchase..decisions decisions!


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I've seen speculation about Primaris bikers but no rumors, though I can see places like BoLS reposting said speculation and claiming it's a rumor. I say build what you want! Something that looks cool is going to look cool regardless of what comes out later.
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I agree with Cardinal, but I also can't see any harm in finishing a dark talon, dark shroud, talon master and sammael in sableclaw before working on bikes :) Those you will want to have for ravenwing regardless of any primaris releases. If you think the bikes are good models and you'll be happy with them go for it.
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IF they do make primaris bikes (which I highly doubt they will), it will be a long while before we get them, I think.


I would not be too concerned with starting a pure Ravenwing force, but you will want to run at least a battalion on the side for CP. If that should be Dark Angels or something else is entirely up to you (but see yourself to Cell 42 for a chat with our Interrogator-Chaplain Stobz, if you should consider allying with anything). As the game is now, only running an outrider detachment or two doesn't really work well.


In fact, I would say it is a gracious time to build a Ravenwing force, as they got the biggest buff with CA 2018 and the Vigilus book.

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Allying is fine as long as you don't talk to them too much and there are no filthy abhumans! Just make sure to kill them all after the battle if they see what you're doing.


Also for bonus meme points you can just have all your bikes leave the table at the top of turn 3 just to confuse everyone.

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Given the current cost of Inceptors I wouldn't worry too much about buying into bikes.


The big reason for running a ravenwing detachment is the A the cost and B the unbelievable attributes of the HQ choices.


The Talon master is amazing, ignores cover is getting huge and giving it to bolter bikes just hoses out low cost troops.


Black knights really stack with the new stratagem + wotda & speed of the

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