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Black Templars Crusades Repository/Showcase

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I would like to ask the honourable community about a certain idea I've had.


The idea is to start and (hopefully) maintain a community project - a single thread that would allow us to showcase our painted miniatures. The purpose of the thread is to create a repository of active crusaders all over the world galaxy and to facilitate access to the records of the Eternal Crusade for members of the Chapter, as well as others who are seek information about the Black Templars.


The thread could be started in the Black Templars subforum or the Hall of Honour.


In the thread, each member would post a single post containing images (with optional short descriptions) of painted squads, vehicles and characters, divided into categories. The categories could be based on classic FOC: HQs, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack (including flyers), Heavy Support, Dedicated Transports or simplified, e.g. Marshal's Household (for HQs and whatever you qualify as elites), Infantry (for... well, 'line infantry' - Crusader Squads, assault marines, neophytes) Vehicles and Other Assets (including bikes).  


For clarity, I would suggest providing a single image of the relevant squad, vehicle or character; other pictures could be hidden in the spoiler  code.


Each member would update his/her collection with images of new additions to his/her crusade by editing the single post. That way, we would be able to maintain a clear showcase of Black Templar units painted by different people. In time, hopefully, the thread would grow to become a comprehensive repository, handy to all interested in the Black Templars for whatever reason. Hell, it could even 'popularise' the faction.


Again, for clarity reasons, the thread structure would be as follows: the first post, contains the rules of the thread and guidelines for posting images (to ensure a coherent layout); repository entries (one per user), opened with the name of the user and the name of his/her crusade (short description optional), containing images of painted miniatures. Whether other 'off-topic' posts, for instance containing comments, are allowed is open for debate. Since the thread would be intended as a repository, I'd argue against such posts; however, they might encourage more people to participate in the project or maybe even start their own Black Templar forces.


Now, I want to ask you this:


Would you like to participate in a community project such as the one outlined above? If you'd like, then will you post your painted models there?


If yes, then share your thoughts. Do you want to add anything to what I've sketched above? Which categories do you prefer? Do you think people should be able to comment in the thread?


Example of a repository entry:


Brother Cristpher - The Neurode Crusade


A crusading force of 300 marines under Marshal Arthur fighting to maintain the Imperium's grasp in the Neurode Subsector.


Marshal's Household


Chaplain Grimface




Command Squad






Crusader Squad no. 1




Veteran Crusaders




Vehicles and Other Assets


Neurode Pattern Storm Raven Angry Flyer





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I still love your Storm Raven more than any version I've ever seen.


Oh, and yes, I would participate. I would say that before we just jump into this, we should decide where it should reside.




  • Located in the BT forum, it  represents everything we are, but also is limited to those that travel here.
  • Located in HoH, everyone gets to see it, but it really isn't associated with  our forum.


I see pluses and minuses to each approach.


So, to throw the question back, "What impact were you seeking to have? Or, what  did you want to accomplish besides show our stuff?"



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To me, this feels like something that would most appropriately be stickied at the top of the Templars forum. Something to inspire us all, and show off at the same time. (I could use an excuse to take better pictures of my models.)

Edit: other chapters come to our forum all the time - might as well give them a good reason and a good idea for their own forum. I'd love to see fists, or other chapters portrayed in all their glory - I would not fear a few clicks to get there:wink:

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Thanks for the positive feedback.


What's wrong with this topic?

The topic I linked is an index showing all of the various crusades, linking to individuals' topics about their crusades. The proposed topic simply collects all of the individual topics into one large topic.

It just sounds like we're reinventing the wheel.


I had hoped that this is different than the topic you've referred to. The +++ Eternal Crusader +++ thread is a catalogue of individual crusade/wip threads. Without doubt, it is an amazing resource allowing quick access to people's work, as well as some 'legacy' threads, no longer updated by their original posters. However, the thread has a somewhat 'dictionary' nature, whereas what I have in mind is more like an attractive product catalogue.


A simple reference to crusade/wip threads has a significant drawback, inherent to wip threads in general - they tend to become messy and pictures of painted models are often 'lost' in time, scattered about the threads which get 'cluttered' with other stuff, like battle reports, lore or pictures of pre-painted miniatures. The BT showcase I had in mind would firstly allow us to collect the painted models in one, easily accessible place. Instead of having to browse through a couple of pages of a crusade/wip thread to maybe find some painted models, people could see the completed works of Black Templar players/collectors in one spot. This, I think, is useful for both members of the subforum, as well as people looking for inspiration since such a thread should be easily accessible through a google search. Secondly, I hope that a project such as this could serve as additional inspiration to those participating in it for "sorting their collections out" and sharing their work with others.


I think this makes the two threads (the +++ Eternal Crusader +++ and the potential BT repository/showcase) quite different, just as the + Works in Progress + and + Hall of Honour + subforms differ. If you feel that the difference isn't that significant and it's not worth to start the new thread/project since it'l' simply double the running one, that's fine, too.



Oh, and yes, I would participate. I would say that before we just jump into this, we should decide where it should reside.




  • Located in the BT forum, it  represents everything we are, but also is limited to those that travel here.
  • Located in HoH, everyone gets to see it, but it really isn't associated with  our forum.


I see pluses and minuses to each approach.


So, to throw the question back, "What impact were you seeking to have? Or, what  did you want to accomplish besides show our stuff?"


Assuming that the Administratum is fine with starting the thread, the question that Honda posed is important. I'm quite torn here; if I had to choose, I'd probably lean towards locating the thread in HoH to popularise the Black Templars as a chapter and our works specifically; however, we'd need to leave a reference to the thread in the BT subfroum as well, to make sure that potential new members are able to find and access it.

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What's wrong with this topic?


The topic I linked is an index showing all of the various crusades, linking to individuals' topics about their crusades. The proposed topic simply collects all of the individual topics into one large topic.


It just sounds like we're reinventing the wheel.


The thread in question is meant as a showcase of Crusades, but the top-level post hasn't been updated in four years.  While new posts continue to be added, it doesn't look like it's being maintained.

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We could do with a bit of a refresh on all of our top threads. I've done a fair bit of work on the resources thread and working out what's still alive and kicking, it just needs transposing or editing into a new sticky thread.


Similarly, there's a lot of dead wood on the Eternal Crusade thread, I think we just leave that version archived, and call Christopher's idea the new one.

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I like the idea, but to me putting it in HoH seems...well, pretentious isn't quite the right word, but it's as close as I can think of right now. Although to be candid I'm likely a bit oversensitive to the (somewhat well deserved) reputation of Templars on BnC. The HoH just seems to me like a melting pot, neutral ground between all subforum, and 'staking a claim' there for one rubs me the wrong way.


I dunno, probably just over thinking things. If mods don't mind then I don't have a reason to either :) My real contention is this will require me to go take better photos for my oldest models :P

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