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Making of a gaming army: Eldar


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Hey everyone,


in November, with Wake the Dead, I started an Eldar army with a focus on getting things on the table. Easy scheme, premixed colors, lots of airbrush, you know the drill. 


By now, I bought 4 Wake the Dead and 3 Battle Force boxes and use my current free time to churn through as much as I can. 70 Guardians with weapon plattforms are next, but for now, here's what I've finished so far


Around 1500 points. But not yet ready to game. 



I started with a couple of test minis





Wanted to try out all three colours once. Fortunately, I still have a couple of old Eldar minis lying around. not sure what I'll do with them. Metal Wraith Lords and War Walkers 


Then I painted a unit of Wraithguard. Trying out sub assemblies and seeing the color scheme work, I was confident moving forward.



Then I painted a Wave Serpent. I had stencils laying around, so I tried them out. 

Learned a bit about the sequence of which colours to put down first when I had to paint the grey parts over the finished panels.

(I have since added black to the canopy)



Then a big shipment with the additional Wake the Dead boxes and Hemlocks came in and  I finished up my dedicated transports.

All 3 were painted in one go. Masking with tape and liquid latex and a better application of the stencil in my opinion.





And the last thing I finished were my Hemlocks. They are magnetized to also work as Crimson Hunters (and Exarchs)

I haven't taken pictures of the squadron as one, but these pictures feature all 3 






It's abit pictture heavy, but I'll post my coming units here as well. 

On Instagram, @hobbyvices started a hashtag for your hobby resolutions. My main one was to finish 80% of the Eldar I have. Using Battlescribe I calculated everything up to ~5000 points. So as of right now, my target to hit is ~4000 points by the end of the year (there are other goals as well)

But I do recognize that it will be a moving target. If I get anything else like an Autarch or Heavy Support choices, my target moves up as well. 

Wish me luck

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Very clean and very good. :tu:


There are a few rough parts but for a gaming army where speed of painting is the priority, I think you've done a solid job and when you/people will be looking at them at arm's length, they'll look fine. :)

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