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Cheap primaris


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Hi guys,


At some point it seems we will have a primaris version of Azrael, possibly even Ezekiel and Asmodai, along with an extended primaris range. I am therefore finally biting the bullet - I am to get primaris marines. I've been reluctant to say the least, as I couldn't agree with the fluff, untill I discovered that regular marines can be upgraded to primaris. Now that I am the wiser, I am trying to figure out how to economically get at least the following:


Primaris Master

Primaris Librarian

Primaris Chaplain

Primaris Lieutenant

Primaris Ancient

redemptor dreadnought

repulsor tank

3 10 man intercessor squads

6 man agressor squad with boltstorm

6 man inceptor squad with plasma

10 man reiver squad with grapnel launchers and combat blades

10 man hellblaster squad


I have had a look at the primaris part of Dark Imperium, which can provide 10 intercessors, 5 hellblasters, 2 lieutenants, ancient and 3 bolter inceptors plus a gravis master (which I don't really need) It seems the best place to start. Then you could add Know no Fear to get another 5 intercessors and 5 hellblasters, but also another 3 bolter inceptors and gravis master. I could probably buy the minis for 90€ second hand, or buy the boxes and sell the DG parts.


I also noted the primaris battleforces GW recently made are no longer available online. Such a shame, as they were great deals.


I would like your assistance with the most economically sound way of getting the above, so please let the wisdom flow.


Thanks in advance.



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Keep an eye on the eBay resellers. Often you can find traders that have bought large numbers of boxed sets and then break it up into squads (or combat squads) to sell.


The large pile of Primaris sprues that are currently sitting in hobby room being ignored came from such eBay traders - Intercessors, Hellblasters, Aggressors, Reivers and a Redemptor Dreadnought - even after P&P UK to AUS, I ended up paying slightly less than 50% of retail.


Keep in mind it's just the minis and bases though - nothing else.



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Outside of the battleforces if you can find them from a reseller, dark imperium is a great place to start if you can find someone to split the DG side with. There are also the tooth and claw and wake the dead sets you could split. If you have a local store you could see if anyone got dark imperium and no longer wants their space marine half. Lots coming out these days that might convince people to part with that stuff.


Not sure what you want to do with the redemptor but there is an easy to build kit if you like the loadout.


If the dark angels specific primaris boxes are still available just note that they do come with a DA upgrade sprue.


For repulsor, reiver, and inceptors new battleforce thats not in stock was best way to go. Might be able to find one on ebay. Outside of that I'd say start with whats cheapest and easiest to get. i'm sure we'll see primaris start collecting boxes soon enough.

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Space Marine Interdiction Forces can be still found on Ebay and even Amazon, if you act quick enough.  Though, they only represent 25-30% savings now instead of what you would have had retail.


For the rest, LGSs, people at LGSs who don't want the second half of a dark imperium set, and Ebay for deals here and there or rescues.  

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I suggest getting the tooth & claw set, too. You can easily sell the genestealer cult part for 50€+, maybe even 80€+. I see a lot of people trying to sell abberants for 30€ and apparently they sell. If you sell the space wolves dude too you can get lucky and basically get the other marines for no cost, since you can buy the set for 96€. I sold the marine part of my set and got 35€ for the redemptor dread alone, probably getting another set because i start regretting selling the marines :D 


Also look out for cheap know no feat or dark imperium intercessors and hellblasters on the net. I scavenged my primaris marines consisting of 15 hellblasters, 6 bolter inceptors, 3 plasma inceptors and 11 intercessors (5 know no fear + 2 times etb, i use one as a lt) for around 60€ total on ebay and local sellers. 

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