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Priming Advice for Dark Angels

Brother Quinn

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Hi everyone, I have both the chaos black and caliban spray cans.  Has anyone done chaos black prime first then follow up with the calibran green? How does it look? Is that the preferred method or can I just roll with the caliban green without the black?  Does the black first help darken the green at all?  Any help/suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated. 


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It's my understanding that only Chaos Black and Corax White are Primers, meaning any of the coloured sprays should go over one of these two as they won't stick to the un-primes plastic as well as the primers and may rub off over time with handling.


Caliban Green spray will look marginally different if sprayed over a Black or White primer (there are other branded Grey Primers available), but being a "Base" type colour, it will have significantly less of an impact verses bushing "Layer" paints over different primers.




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Technically any of the coloured sprays that GW sell are primers - if you look on some of the Warhammer TV videos they prime in Mechanicum Grey and recently Mephiston Red. 

However, Grotsmasha is right about how the green will look depending on what is underneath it. If you use black underneath it will come out slightly darker than if you spray directly over plastic. 

It's probably easier to get a couple of tester models and see how you like them with the separate methods. Personally I prefer Black first then Green as it feels more consistent than Green straight on plastic.

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I did my original tacticals in black and painted the caliban on (didnt have the spray). Was not worth the effort, ive done recent power armor with caliban green spray without black underneath. Not sure it would make a huge difference to do green over black, caliban is already dark and presumably you'll shade it.


What I have done js black first all over and then a green spray from a high angle to create a lighting affect with the green, I like how this turns out for characters. But not sure id bother for all of my troops.


For scouts I primed black only just cause of the color scheme I used and it was less caliban than power armor would be.


Note: I am far from an expert painter.

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@Grotsmasha, thanks. I think the question came from seeing a Warhammer TV painting guide for dark angel hellblasters, where they just use the Calibran Green only.  I'll use the black first I think.


@m_r_parker, that was exactly it, those warhammer TV videos.  I'll think I'll do that, black first then green to darken it a bit and they will get shaded with nuln oil.  thanks!


@Skorp, that sounds interesting, kind of like when the light hits it you see some green but otherwise it almost appears black?


This is all helpful. I think I'm also asking this because I'm terrified of the priming step.  I had some bad experiences with other priming in the past in saturating the details...yet that was over 10 years ago when I was much younger.  I've since done some research on how to do it "proper."


Edit: more replies while posting this one.

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I'm not sure that they don't use Primer under their coloured sprays. They always state "Base" vs "Primer" when using the coloured sprays.


If your models are for gaming and will be handled a lot, I'd play it safe and do the Primer then Caliban spray :tu:

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I’m not exactly what you would call a world-class painter, but I like to Prime almost everything possible with black.


I find it can create natural shading if you start with black primer in every nook and cranny, then do your “main” color from the top, front and a side. This can help create a bit of shadowing with minimal effort.


I don’t have experience with Caliban Green specifically, so I don’t know if it would be too dark and ruin some of the effect.

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It's my understanding that only Chaos Black and Corax White are Primers, meaning any of the coloured sprays should go over one of these two as they won't stick to the un-primes plastic as well as the primers and may rub off over time with handling.


Caliban Green spray will look marginally different if sprayed over a Black or White primer (there are other branded Grey Primers available), but being a "Base" type colour, it will have significantly less of an impact verses bushing "Layer" paints over different primers.




This was my understanding too. Chaos black primer then Caliban green base spray. Ive done this with most of my army (since they did the first limited release and I bought loads of it).


If you look at my WIP link in my sig it’s everything after the landraider on page 1.


Everything before the landraider was chaos black primer then Caliban green base applied by brush (before I really understood about thining paints)


The spray is a better finish but you have to factor in improving ability through practice too. Any effect on the colour of the green is minimal.

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