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+++Winter of Heresy+++

Captain Semper

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JAN 15th - APR 15th 2019

As you may know, the B&C is celebrating its 20 Years Anniversary this year!

The Inner Circle, in recognition to this important milestone, will kick-off the year with two events dedicated to the Horus Heresy setting! Both events will run in parallel and will start on January 15th - April 15th, 2019




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Looking forward to this. I kept my Titans in primed plastic all just for this ;)


Since I don't have the Rulebook but assume we are pledging tabletop ready units for this - Could someone pot or PM me which kind of formations I could legally pledge from the models in the recent Titanicus Force box ( 1Warlord, 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds) and the additional Reaver I already have so I could plan my pledge?

Hmmmm.... I have a bunch of stuff NOS... awaiting moar info


Have an unwrapped GM box along with 2 reavers and 4 warhounds awaiting the Ignatum colors.

I’ll also be finishing assembly on my full-size Mars warhound - will be color matched to its mini-me :)

Twin turbo for this one;)

Got to get my Knight Preceptor finished now, so I can clear my painting table. I had got all my next set of AT undercoated and the hazard stripes masked and sprayed (via rattle-can so I do it all together), ready to start painting in December, then I got reminded about this event. So they are waiting ready to go!


There’s a Warlord, Reaver and 2 Warhounds. Plus 2 Cerastus Knights. A second Reaver will be added to that when the new kit is released. Plus any fun new things they release with Titandeath.


Gonna be fun!

Looking forward to this. I kept my Titans in primed plastic all just for this ;)

Since I don't have the Rulebook but assume we are pledging tabletop ready units for this - Could someone pot or PM me which kind of formations I could legally pledge from the models in the recent Titanicus Force box ( 1Warlord, 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds) and the additional Reaver I already have so I could plan my pledge?

Things will be clarified in the rules. ;) I plan to put them up tomorrow...

Glad I did some colour testing over Christmas on my reaver! Looks like I will have to join this challenge then :happy.:


Ignatum walks!

I have couple of warlords, a reaver more and two warhounds in the pipeline as well, and some knights, so will have plenty to paint :thumbsup: 


Amazing Ignatum! Worthy of standing guard over Him on Terra.


Definitely the pre order in Jan. Maybe in our hands at beginning of Feb. It’ll probably be like a Gang War release - book, Reaver 2 and couple of bits (transfers, maybe dice for Mortis or something like that) all together on one day. Then the other transfers coming in the near future in Friday Forge World releases.


That’s what I think anyway!

Welcome back, the damned artificer! :tu: I very much enjoyed your Imperial Fists back in the day (especially your Dorn and Sigismund conversions) so I very much look forward to seeing you work on some Legio Ignatum Titans! :D


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