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Further to my pledging post I have now completed the minor conversions to make my Magos for the Vow.

The first idea to swap the pistol to the other hand and use a Scion Powerfist did not work out well when I dry fitted. So after rooting through my bits box I came across this hammer and thought it would be appropriate for a ‘powerfist’ for an ordo reductor magos. Despite repeated heating and gentle bending I could not quite get the other hand flex enough to really hold the hammer, but this is the best I could do, so be it.

In the end I trimmed the hand and part of the pistol off and attached the rest to one of the cables already on the model. As that cable leads to the giant tank on the back it feels right to have that as a Rad Furnace and the pistol as a Lucifex fuled by the Rad Furnace. The three (though one is rather obscured) small containers on the chest will be Phosphex Bombs, Breacher Charges and Meltabombs while the grenades on his belt will be Rad Grenades I think (by dint of being grenades irradiated by the radfurnace). Just to have all the toys. I know he cannot use all of these at the same time, but it just feels right.

I present my Magos Reductor, based on Eyros from Necromunda.


Now the real question, hat or no hat?

Edit: That eternal bane, the typo.

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Ironwithout mate, yer right on your way to cracking my ETL fro last year.  Great work dude, can't wait to see it!  


Aaaalright, while I don't know the specifics quite yet, I got my shapeway order in today which is what I was worried about, so while I'm waiting on some FW stuff to fulfill and ship, I guess I can make my vow.  I'll snap some pictures when they're assembled. 


On this day of reckoning, 0 041019.M3, Vykes, marshal of the 33rd battalion of the 16th legion, will pledge an oath to once more gather to the Warmaster's banner. A force to comprise of no less than:


  • 1 Praetor
  • 1 centurion champion
  • 3 legionnaire squads
  • 1 support squad
  • 1 heavy support squad
  • 1 Outrider squad
  • 1 Reaver squad
  • 1 Cataphractii squad
  • 1 Cerberus heavy anti-tank gun
Furthermore, our comrades in the twentieth legion have also promised us a small strike force overseen by 'The Specialist', an alias known to be used by the Lord Primarch himself. In an effort to better our internecine operations, we have been seconded to the command retinue of the twentieth. It is believed to comprise:

  • 1 "Specialist" (Report from Lord Maloghurst indicate identity of The Specialist may be 'Alpharius')
  • 1 strike officer (Code name: Harrowmaster)
  • 2 attendant centurions
  • 1 Learnean Cataphractii squad
  • 2 Veteran Legionnaire squads
  • 1 Contemptor Dreadnought
These forces shall be assembled and dispatched prior to 0 288019.M3 (April 15th 2019 to antiquity)..


By the will of the Warmaster, it shall be done.



Can't wait to see what you do with these mate, what a vow!

I've been away for a long time, do you mind me asking when the ETL is? Scars and Titans are this years project so I have a lot I can pledge for that

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-laughs- Thanks Cap'n Semper!  Honestly the Drop pod is one of those models I kinda dread, I'd paint a second Cerberus before I did a drop pod if I could :P  Honestly, I might prefer a knight -ponders that some- 


@Dreagher, you know it, dude!  Yeah, I'm stretched a bit this year, mostly in terms of theme, but we'll see when the time comes.  Though now I'm all curious on what this top secret project ya got goin' on is.  


@Trokair, ooooh now that is cool.  I haven't seen that model at all (I only pay attention to Escher as they fulfill my Cthonian requirements), so seeing that is seriously classy for a Magos.  Nice concept, the hand poses are great and it really does click. 


@Ironwithout, thanks mate!  Should be real fun around here (I'm a big Scars fan).  I know the feeling, last year I was selling off all my Warhammer Fantasy stuff and it all happened right before the ETL (E Tenebrae Lux) forum painting competition, so it all just sorta fell into place.  ETL is the board vs. board painting competition based on points completed (compared to our Loyalty and Treachery which is closer to Whose Line is it Anyway, where the points don't matter!) usually taking place in... I wanna May 1st or there around?  Lasts for 3 months and everyone's in on it.  

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@Trokair, ooooh now that is cool.  I haven't seen that model at all (I only pay attention to Escher as they fulfill my Cthonian requirements), so seeing that is seriously classy for a Magos.  Nice concept, the hand poses are great and it really does click.

Thank you, I only came across him as I was browsing to fill out the last bit needed on an order for the shipping threshold. The hat he comes with actually hides a lot of the details in the official pictures. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the model that the hat is a separate piece and the head is fully sculpted. In fact the inside of the hat has indents so that it can fit snugly onto the head and sit at just the right angle as seen in the official pictures.

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I, Richmarine, commit to the theoretical that I will complete the following or bear the red helm of censure.


Sicaran Arcus tank with heavy bolter sponsons.

Demios Rhino with multimelta

10 man MKII Assualt squad with 2 power swords. Sergeant with Power Axe and Combat shield.


Glory to the 500 worlds.


Edit; Very poor photo below.


Rhino still in Mail.


45898811535_7785f23bb7_c.jpgUltramarines to paint by Richard Jones, on Flickr


Built and paint the interior of the rhino.


46903520401_393580cd81_c.jpgIMG_0221 by Richard Jones, on Flickr

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Preshading done on the terminators, just need to buy some more yellow today. 



Preshading and first yellow coat done on my breacher shields


20190118 064912

Is this Dreadnought suitable for a submission? It's one I started on a few times but never kept going, I'm just going to start again with it, an all black base coat.

20190118 065828


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Right good work, Vogon, Zopha, and right goot ta see ya in on this Stix, mate!  Richmarine, I always like seeing what people do for Ultras. 


Aye, while vaaaaguely off topic, I always kinda liked the little recess points for hats.  I have a few for some other systems that have those little pewter hat recesses and I kinda find it all charming.  I think it's because I've never seen that model at all without the hat, but I have glanced at the section by accident when searching FW before.  Heh, gotta always nail that threshold number, eh? 


As for me, hoping to have some preview pictures soon or soon-ish.  I started clipping, cutting, and filing down 60 suits of resin armour and it took me -checks the time- eleven hours.  Nothing else, just getting the line troops and one Praetor all set up.  

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It is kind of silent these past few days here...


More importantly the Loyalists seem to have a significant numerical advantage...


Welcome to Stix and Richmarine - good luck to both! :smile.:




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Aye, while vaaaaguely off topic, I always kinda liked the little recess points for hats.  I have a few for some other systems that have those little pewter hat recesses and I kinda find it all charming.  I think it's because I've never seen that model at all without the hat, but I have glanced at the section by accident when searching FW before.  Heh, gotta always nail that threshold number, eh?

I don’t know how it is now, as I have not ordered anything since late last summer before the change, but hitting the threshold would save me more than the random unit used to fill the last £10 to £20. The story is a little different when I buy more Thallax to meet the threshold, as then I oven overshoot, but I like Thallax so any excuse to get more.



Anyway, back on topic, I hope to work on the Macrocarid this weekend. Need to get the front done, let’s hope it all fits as I pictured it.

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Ok so proof I'm not cheating, rubbish pics of built and primed models.

2 units of 5 Terminators, Legion Praetor who in truth will later become my Legion Champion and a 10 man Heavy Flamer Squad. This is effectively my 1000 point ZM list for an event on the 2nd of Feb.





Glory to the Vth!!!

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It is kind of silent these past few days here...


More importantly the Loyalists seem to have a significant numerical advantage...

Why Captain, it should be patently obvious where all the traitors went. Us loyalists are busily kicking their traitor butts with our paint brushes. ;)

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It is kind of silent these past few days here...


More importantly the Loyalists seem to have a significant numerical advantage...




Possibly building Titans for the other event?


I know I will probably shift to Titans once I’m done with L&T. I don’t have time in the week to do both simultaneously.





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I, Marcus Arias, vow to complete a Leviathan Dreadnought with 4 weapons options for Ultramar and the XIIIth in honour of B&C's 20th Anniversary by the 15th April 2019.


Hey Marcus!


Just pointing out that the challenge is for min. 3 units... Alternative load-outs, welcome as they are, do not count towards that end. However, if you only want to play along with the one unit that's fine too - we look forward for your work! :smile.:



Apologies, I misread the original post. I didn't have any units that I could actually add to my Ultramarines, unless I could have 'finished' off some stuff. However I managed to find some stuff I'd primed and then left as is!

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I, Marcus Arias, vow to complete a Leviathan Dreadnought with 4 weapons options for Ultramar and the XIIIth in honour of B&C's 20th Anniversary by the 15th April 2019.


Hey Marcus!


Just pointing out that the challenge is for min. 3 units... Alternative load-outs, welcome as they are, do not count towards that end. However, if you only want to play along with the one unit that's fine too - we look forward for your work! :smile.:



Apologies, I misread the original post. I didn't have any units that I could actually add to my Ultramarines, unless I could have 'finished' off some stuff. However I managed to find some stuff I'd primed and then left as is!



Great stuff! I updated the first page to reflect the change! :thumbsup:


Cap'n Semper, my before pic of the Cyclopses added to my vow post.


Noted! Good luck Fortis! :smile.:




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A little bit of an update, been working on the sides as I can do these pretty much separately from the other bits whilst I await other bits and tinkering before fully assembling!




It's still glossy, so it'll settle down once I've got the matt coat on and the gold finished!


Still a lot to do - I'm regretting doing so much interior detailing.....

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