Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 B&C-20 The Inner Circle presents: +++TITANS OF THE HERESY+++ AN ADEPTUS TITANICUS PAINTING EVENT THIS YEAR IS THE B&C 20TH ANNIVERSARY - TO CELEBRATE THIS OCCASION THE INNER CIRCLE IS RUNNING A SERIES OF EVENTS ALL MARKED "B&C-20"! SOME EVENTS ARE FAMILIAR AND SOME WILL BE BRAND NEW!!! Welcome to the first Inner Circle event based on the Adeptus Titanicus game! THE AIM: The purpose of the event is to motivate participants to build and paint Titans for their games of “Adeptus Titanicus”. As such, the event’s rules are aligned with the game’s rules but also leave enough space to customize the forces to the participants liking and/or needs. THE DURATION: The event will run from January 15th2019 until April 15th2019. You’ll have the entire day of April 15thregardless of time-zone. THE RULES: You are initially called to choose one of the following Tasks: TASK 1: PRINCEPS Paint one Titan (any kind) to obtain the rank of Princeps TASK 2: PRINCEPS SENIORISPaint the mandatory components of any official Maniple to obtain the rank of Princeps Senioris (3 Titans) TASK 3: PRINCEPS MAJORISPaint both the mandatory and the optional components of any official Maniple to obtain the rank of Princeps Majoris (5 Titans) TASK 4: PRINCEPS VENERABILIS Paint the mandatory components of TWO official Maniples to obtain the rank of Princeps Venerabilis. The two Maniples do not have to come from the same Legio but all the Titans of each Maniple must be of the same Legio. (6 Titans) TASK 5: PRINCEPS SACROSANCTUSPaint the mandatory and optional components of two official Maniples, to obtain the rank of Princeps Sacrosanctus! The two Maniples do not have to come from the same Legio but all the Titans of each Maniple must be of the same Legio. (10 Titans) If a participant fails to complete his/her task then he/she will become a SERVITOR carrying the appropriate badge until the end of the year – a fitting punishment for those who let the Titan Legions down! Participants may wear, if they wish, the participation badge: IMPORTANT NOTE 1:Participants must commit to a single task when they first enter the event, but once they complete it, they may upgrade to another Task if they feel adventurous! They can even do so by incorporating their previously completed Titan(s) into the new Task! However, the minute they upgrade, they will be held responsible for the upgraded Task – if they fail, they’ll become Servitors, not the rank of their previous Task! EXAMPLE:A participant takes-on Task 1, i.e. to paint a single Titan thus aiming for the rank of Princeps. Once the single Titan is finished, the participant may opt to bow out of the event, receiving the rank of Princeps or up the stakes and commit to a larger formation – say Task 2: paint the mandatory components of an official Maniple (that is two more Titans of the appropriate Class). If the participant manages to complete that Task in time, he/she may upgrade a third time utilizing their existing force into whatever new task the participant may choose and so on. The upgrades do not have to be linear, i.e. one may take on Task 1 and then upgrade to Task 3 for example. Nor should participants feel compelled to go to their final Task gradually through upgrades. If a participant wants to commit to Task 4 straight away for example, he/she is free to do it! THE OFFICIAL MANIPLES:For those of you who are not familiar with the rules of Adeptus Titanicus but are still interested in painting those fantastic miniatures, here’s a breakdown of the official Maniples at the time that the rules are written: 1.Axiom Battleline Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: One Warlord Battle Titan, one Reaver Battle Titan, one Warhound Scout Titan b. Optional Components: One Reaver Battle Titan, one Warhound Scout Titan 2.Myrmidon Battleline Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: Two Warlord Battle Titans, one Reaver Battle Titan b. Optional Components: One Warlord Battle Titan, one Reaver Battle Titan 3.Venator Light Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: One Reaver Battle Titan, two Warhound Scout Titans b. Optional Components: Two Warhound Scout Titans 4.Lupercal Light Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: Three Warhound Scout Titans b. Optional Components: Two Warhound Scout Titans 5. Corsair Battleline Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: Three Reaver Battle Titans b. Optional Components: Two Reaver Battle Titans 6. Regis Battleline Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: Two Warlord Battle Titans, one Warhound Scout Titan b. Optional Components: Two Warhound Scout Titans 7. Janissary Battleline Maniple: a. Mandatory Components: One Reaver Battle Titan, two Warhound Scout Titans b. Optional Components: One Reaver Battle Titan, one Warhound Scout Titan In case new official Maniples make an appearance during the life of the event, it goes without saying that they are eligible for this event too. IMPORTANT NOTE 2: Since this event is aligned to the rules of the Adeptus Titanicus game, please note the following: Legio Gryphonicus: Legio Gryphonicus may substitute a single Titan in any maniple for a Reaver Titan (due to high availability of the latter in this particular Legio). Legio Solaria: Legio Solaria may substitute a Reaver Titan for a Warhound Titan in any maniple as part of its mandatory components. Legio Krytos: Legio Krytos may substitute a Reaver Titans for a Warlord Titan as part of the Myrmidon maniple's mandatory components. IMPORTANT NOTE 3: If participants don’t feel like painting official maniples, they can still obtain the ranks mentioned above by painting the number of Titans corresponding to each Task. KNIGHT BANNERS: This is an event focused on Titans (obviously). However we realise the allure Knights hold on many Frater - not to mention their usefulness in-game. As such, there are two tasks for Knight enthusiasts: Task A: Paint the minimum number of Knights in any given Banner to obtain the rank of Baron, Task B: Paint a least a full-strength Banner to obtain the rank of Seneschal. I realise that Questoris and Cerastus Banners have different Knight counts but, c' est la vie! The Titan vows take precedence over the Knight vows. That means if one vows both for Titans and Knights and you make the Titan vow, you'll be eligible to bear the badge of the relevant Titan rank even if you fail the Knight vow. If you fail the Titan vow however, you'll become a Servitor EVEN if you make the Knight vow! If, of course, you only make either a Titan vow or a Knight vow and you fail it, then (as you'd expect) you'll become a Servitor. CAPTAIN SEMPER’S NOTES:When Adeptus Titanicus hit the shelves I was ecstatic! The miniatures are of manageable size, plastic (yeah!) and most importantly an amazingly accurate translation of the big 40k-sized originals! The models are just too good to be true! On the back of that there is the exciting Titan-specific background and a rule-set that seems to me very fluid and immersing! It’ll be great to get your feedback and comments for the “Titans of the Heresy” and if there is adequate following, it may even become a recurring event – especially as Forge World promises to add more Titan Classes and possibly other stuff too in the future. As always it is expected that all miniatures will be painted to the best of each participant’s ability – there is no conceivable reason why you should compromise your skill. Just choose a task that suits you and go for it! Oh, and don’t forget to name your Titans – in games with a limited number of models, it really gives life to your force to name each piece! A special thanks to Grotsmasha, a veteran member of the Inner Circle, who responded to the imagery demands of the event in a short notice and delivered amazing results! Thank you brother! Good luck to all! Captain SemperMember of the Inner CircleMaster of Recruits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Author Share Posted January 13, 2019 List of participants (alphabetically): TITAN MANIPLES Atia, Lady of the Rumour Tower - Task 4 COMPLETELegio Mortis 1. Varcarnerix - Reaver 2. Carrion Crow- Warhound3. Sothis - Warhound Legio Solaria1. Domine Ex Venari - Reaver 2. Velox Canis - Warhound 3. Cursor Ferro - Warhound Apologist - Task 2Legio Nikator1. Ipsus Granicus - Warlord2. Megasthanes Dura - Reaver3. Senex Codomannus - Reaver Brother Dallo - Task 1 COMPLETELegio Krytos 1. Gulgoleth - Warlord Brother Handro - Task 3Legio Gryphonicus1. Lux Incandens - Warlord2. Pugnis Rex - Reaver 3. Grey Angel - Reaver4. Fides Impudens - Warhound5. Vox Stridens - Warhound Burni - Task 3 COMPLETELegio Ignatum 1. Imperius Vespa - Warlord2. Telum Ex Fabrica - Reaver 3. Gladius Ignis - Reaver4. Canis Latus - Warhound5. Deus Venandi - Warhound Captain Semper - Task 1 Legio Vulpa 1. Reaver Chaplain Dosjetka - Task 2Legio Gryphonicus 1. Retro Crura - Reaver2. Canis Calidus - Warhound3. Circa Rhoncus - Warhound Col.hertford - Task 3 1. Murderous Intent - Warlord 2. Ruin of Dreams - Warlord3. War - Warhound4. Pestilence - Warhound 5. Famine - Warhound Doghouse - Task 3Legio Astorum1. ???2. ???3. ???4. ???5. ??? DuskRaider - Task 4 - Task 5Legio Mortis1 Spoliari Gloria - Warlord2. Pugnus Marti - Reaver3. Mors Planctum - Warhound4. Exialtis Vigilate - Warhound5. Ruinae Thronum - Warhound6. Ignis Judicii - Warhound7. Regina Phantasma - Warlord8. Excorio Arbitra - Reaver9. Indomitus Fulgor - Reaver10. Lupus Spodium - Warhound11. Victus Vagor - Warhound12. Equus Pallidus - Warhound Ezeriel - Task 2Legio Ruptura 1. Luna Strix - Reaver2. Venor Tempestas - Warhound3. Incedo Ira - Warhound Fajita Fan - Task 3Legio Aurora1. ???2. ???3. ???4. ???5. ??? G8Keeper - Task 1Legio Astorum1. Terribilis Vindicta - Warlord Gamma310 - Task 4 COMPLETE Legio Gryphonicus 1. ??? - Warlord 2. ??? - Warlord 3.. ??? - Reaver 4.. ??? - Reaver 5. ??? - Warhound 6. ??? - Warhound Legio Fuerans 1. Jaanva Kolhoo - Warlord 2. Sabes Shikaree - Warlord 3. Nishghaat - Warhound General Zodd - Task 3 COMPLETE - Task 4 COMPLETELegio Atarus1. Pax Imperialis - Warlord2. Shield Of Logopolis - Reaver 3. Iustus Indignatio - Reaver4. Amarok - Warhound 5. Curse Of Fenrir - Warhound 1. Legacy of Phaethon - Warlord 2. Cerberus Rex - Warhound 3. Cave Canem - Warhound Gore Crow - Task 2Legio Vulturum1. Xana Robore - Warlord2. Occidere Mandatum - Reaver3. Metus Tenebra - Warhound4. Algor Mortis - Warhound Grandmaster Damion - Task 1 - Task 3Legio Atarus 1. Hammer of Dawn - Warlord2. Burning Chrome - Reaver3. Crimson Wrath - Reaver4. Ingnis Vulpes - Warhound 5. Final Requiem - Warhound Grotsmasha Legio Xestobiax - Task 11. Umbra Ut Graditur - Warlord IronHeretic - Task 2 COMPLETE - Task 4 COMPLETELegio Creidhne 1. Day of Judgement - Warlord2. Vow of Duty - Reaver3. Pursuit of Knowledge - Warhound4. Herald of War - Reaver 5. Eternal Pilgrim - Warhound 6. Glory's Rise - Warhound Lionofjudah - Task 2Legio Ignatum 1. Ignis Pugno - Warhound Lord Balbanes - Task 4Legio AstorumCorsair Maniple:1. Fulsit Lux - Reaver2. Terminus Stellas - Reaver3. Mundi Voluntatem - Reaver Lupercal Maniple: 1. Stella Viatorum - Warhound2. Canis Mortem - Warhound3. Nebula Venandi - Warhound Mandragola - Task 3 COMPLETELegio Cultura 1. Warlord2. Reaver3. Reaver4. 1- Warhound5. 2 - Warhound Marius_Perdo - Task 2Legio Gryphonicus1. Warlord2. Reaver3. Reaver4. Warhound5. Warhound Master Ciaphas - Task 2 COMPLETELegio Astorum1. Tritus - Reaver Battle Titan2. Avernus Maxima - Warhound Titan3. Pyladii Alpha - Warhound Titan Mendi Warrior - Task 1 - Task 3 COMPLETELegio Saturvora1. Messorem Animarum - Warlord 2. Iram Regis - Reaver 3. Tenebris Irae - Reaver 4. Lupus Sanguinum - Warhound 5. Lupus Feram - Warhound Parweke - Task 4 - Task 5Legio Atarus Axiom 1 1. Warlord 2. Reaver3. Reaver4. Warhound5. Warhound Axiom 2 6. Warlord 7. Reaver8. Reaver9. Warhound10. Warhound poom - Task 1Legio Tempestus 1. Reaver Rabenga - Task 1Legio Cascadia1. ??? Reyner - Task 2Legio Defensor1. Reaver2. Warhound3. Warhound Shandwen - Task 1 COMPLETELegio Gryphonicus1. Verbum Dimini - Reaver Shard of Magnus - Task 1Legio Aureum 1. Dolorem - Reaver splayedpaintbrush - Task 2Legio Solaria1. Warlord2. Reaver3. Warhound4. Warhound Spleenex - Task 2 Legio ??? 1. Reaver 2. Warhound 3. Warhound Taxidermied - Task 3Legio Oblitus1. Warlord2. Reaver3. Reaver4. Warhound5. Warhound The_Bloody - Task 1 COMPLETELegio Gryphonicus1. Pugilator - Reaver 2. Solitudines Facio - Reaver The Grim Badger - Task 3 COMPLETELegio Praesagius1. Justice of Tentrion - Warlord Titan 2. Verum Nuntius - Warlord Titan 3. Righteous Conqueror - Reaver Titan 4. Canis Sanguine - Warhound 5. Crescent Wolf - Warhound the damned artificer - Task 3Legio Ignatum 1. ???2. ???3. ???4. ???5. ??? ToxicVex - Task 4Legio Fuerans1. ???2. ???3. ??? Legio ???1. ???2. ???3. ??? Vaux1980 - Task 1Legio Astorum 1. Invictorus - Reaver Warsmith Uveron - Task 1Legio Ignatum1. Primus Furioso - Reaver2. Primus Eradicus - Reaver Xin Ceithan - Task 2 COMPLETELegio Krytos1. Vastabat illusio - Reaver2. In Odorum Strontium - Warhound3. Immitis Exactor Veritatis - Warhound KNIGHT BANNERSAchinadav - Task A - Task B | SENESCHALHouse Paramour1. Cerastus (x4) Atia - Task B | SENESCHAL House Vyronii 1. Cerastus (x4) Burni - Task A | BARONHouse ???1. Cerastus (x2) Brother Casman - Task A | BARONHouse Raven1. Questoris (x3) Bother Dallo - Task A | BARONHouse Caesarian 1. Questoris (x3) Captain Semper - Task A | BARONHouse Malinax1. Questoris (x3)2. Cerastus (x2) DuskRaider - Task B | SENESCHALHouse Makabius 1. Questoris (x6) 2. Cerastus Lancers (x3) General Zodd - Task B | SENESCHAL House Vyronii 1. Cerastus Lancers (x4) IronHeretic - Task B | SENESCHALHouse Ifan1. Questoris (x6) 2. Cerastus (x4) Marius Pedro - Task AHouse Coldshroud1. Questoris (x3)2. Cerastus (x2) Master Ciaphas - Task A | BARON House Tintaroth 1. Cerastus (x2) Noigrim - Task A | BARON 1. Questoris (x5) 2. Questoris (x5) Taxidermied - Task AHouse Harkonnen1. Questoris (x3) ToxicVex - Task BHouse ???1. Questoris (x6) Warsmith Uveron - Task B | SENESCHAL House Steeldale 1. Questoris (x6) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I'll bite, I, Grotsmasha, pledge to complete Task 1 (at least) by April 15th 2019 or be mind scrubbed and re designated as a Servitor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I, Chaplain Dosjetka, vow to complete Task 2 in honour of both the Legio Gryphonicus and the Bolter and Chainsword by 15th April 2019. Failure is not an option. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parweke Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I, Parweke, vow to complete Task 4 by 15th April 2019. Legio Atarus shall not fail. edit: 26th Feb vow upgraded to Task 5. 2 x full Legio Atarus Axiom Maniples Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G8Keeper Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I'm going to have to arent I Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burni Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I, Burni, vow to complete Task 3 (Axiom Battleline Maniple) by 15th April 2019 or be mind scrubbed and re designated as a Servitor. Legio Ignatum stands ready on Lord Dorn’s battlements upon Terra. Let the Warmaster and his lapdogs come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I, DuskRaider, vow 6 Titans (4 Warhounds, 1 Reaver and 1 Warlord) of the Legio Mortis and 9 Knights (6 Questor, 3 Cerastus Lancers) of Household Makabius; seconded to the XIVth Legion and in the service of the Death Lord Primarch Mortarion; to completion by April 15th, 2019 or be mind scrubbed and re-designated as a Servitor. May worlds burn and the enemy tremble in the name of the Warmaster! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I, Marius_Perdo, pledge to complete Task 1 (at best unless porcine beasts fly) by April 15th 2019 or be mind scrubbed and re designated as a Servitor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the damned artificer Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 Princeps Cadet TDA reporting for duty, Legio Ignatum will pledge for task 3 with an Axiom Battle Maniple. Failure will not be tolerated, I will either find a way or I shall make one. Editet with pledge picture, there should be more than enough unstarted and half built titans here to fulfill my pledge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Author Share Posted January 13, 2019 Great showing so far guys - and remember: you may start with a small task and upgrade on it once you fell confident! :) Also, if you have settled on the Legio, do share! It's going to be fun to see which Legio is the most popular! :) UPDATED TO THIS POINT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the damned artificer Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 Just to clarify, since I never participated in one of these group events before, is it encouraged to post updates in this thread as well? or only finished pledges? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 On 1/13/2019 at 6:53 PM, the damned artificer said: Just to clarify, since I never participated in one of these group events before, is it encouraged to post updates in this thread as well? or only finished pledges? Yes, please post updates. I usually don't like posting WIP photos either but during an event I usually do a weekly update. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Author Share Posted January 13, 2019 the more pictures the better! Start and finish are compulsory, but we strongly encourage people to share their work. Oh, and spread the word too! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burni Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I edited my post with my Legio but you must have grabbed the info for your update before that. I’m going to be adding to my Legio Ignatum. Looking forward to getting started! Will the tracking updates show Loyalist vs Traitors scores like ETL does between factions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I just ordered a battle group so guess I am in. Not sure what Legio yet, I'll decide when it get's here later this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Author Share Posted January 13, 2019 On 1/13/2019 at 7:20 PM, Burni said: I edited my post with my Legio but you must have grabbed the info for your update before that. I’m going to be adding to my Legio Ignatum. Looking forward to getting started! Will the tracking updates show Loyalist vs Traitors scores like ETL does between factions? Hey you can never be sure what projects you may have in mind unless you declare them! What you say here is what matters, the rest are hearsay. Also, check your PM... On 1/13/2019 at 7:20 PM, Doghouse said: I just ordered a battle group so guess I am in. Not sure what Legio yet, I'll decide when it get's here later this week. Doghouse, this is something I really look forward to! As regards Legio, well, with Titandeath coming in next week, there will be much more choice. I, for one, vote Vulpa! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 Luckily four models shouldn't put me off track too much. I used to run Fire Wasps back in first edition and later Legio Gryphonicus when Codex Titanicus came out but might go with Legio Astorum. Put me down for Astorum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parweke Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 Captain, is it okay if I decide what maniples I will do when we know about the new ones in Titandeath? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Author Share Posted January 13, 2019 On 1/13/2019 at 7:51 PM, Doghouse said: Luckily four models shouldn't put me off track too much. I used to run Fire Wasps back in first edition and later Legio Gryphonicus when Codex Titanicus came out but might go with Legio Astorum. Put me down for Astorum. I will :yes: So are we talking Task 2? On 1/13/2019 at 7:55 PM, Parweke said: Captain, is it okay if I decide what maniples I will do when we know about the new ones in Titandeath? TOTALLY!!! Besides, when the Titandeath becomes available I will be updating the rules above to account for the inevitable new Maniples! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 On 1/13/2019 at 8:05 PM, Captain Semper said: I will So are we talking Task 2? Ok mate, put me down for the Task Two. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 13, 2019 Author Share Posted January 13, 2019 ...and done! You can always expand afterwards! :) UPDATED TO THIS POINT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I, Atia, Lady of the Rumour Tower, pledge to finish Task 4 in order to claim the Princeps Venerabilis! And as usual, since I'm also known as hobby butterfly and double agent - I'll do a Venator Light Maniple for Legio Solaria aswell as an Janissary Battleline Maniple for Legio Mortis! Before that I also need to finish two more Reavers for Legio Gryphonicus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronHeretic Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I will put my name down for task 2, will do an Axiom Maniple for Legio Creidhne (homebrew). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fajita Fan Posted January 13, 2019 Share Posted January 13, 2019 I've never done a painting pledge before and I'm not a good painter either. Even though I plan to move and switch jobs before the summer I'll give this a shot and paint three Warlords and two Reavers for a full Myrmidon maniple. Legio Aurora will serve the Warmaster, death the false emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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