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Ravenwing units point prices


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So since CA2018 bikers went down in cost and now are the same as scout bikers both at 69 points. Our Scout Sgt cant take a Storm Bolter which really sucks. So lets say we are running naked bikers vs scout bikers what would be your choice? I would go with Scouts because of shotguns and somehow people just ignore them. If you give RW bikers special weapons. Lets say 2 plasma and Combi plasma they become 105 points iirc. But Black Knights are 114 points, therefore its logical to just take Black Knights instead since you gain a lot for those 9 points. Therefore where do RW bikers fall? I dont really see a use for them, if you want cheap disposable bikers scouts are better, if you want a special weapon delivery platform then Black Knights are supreme.


To add to that, since the decrease in price for Land Speeder and weapons in particular TML, How are you feeling about Classic HB TML combo? What other weapon combos have you used on Land Speeders? How are you using them in general? Also Multi Melta attack bikes? Worthwhile or not?

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I would say that scout bikes suffered from CA 2018, as they are now the same cost as RW bikers, but cannot gain the same advantages (use strats and RW attack squadron from Vigilus) or Jink. Yes, the scouts have shotguns that enable them to put more bolterfire into chaff, but let's be honest. Getting the advantages of the attack squadron and support from our RW HQ means a lot more than mere shotguns. Also having 3+ save instead of 4+ is a boon.


To me it's a no-brainer now. RW bikes every time.

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Typically if I wanted plasma I'd take BK, but if I wanted to run either flamer or melta, both excellent candidates for such a fast moving unit, and to a lesser extent, grav, RW bikers are your only option. Scout bikes are funny in that I'd liken them to bolter inceptors, with no fly ability.
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The advantage of ravenwing bikers for me is their flexibility. Put chainswords and a couple of meltaguns on a unit and it is really capable of doing whatever you need: shoot light infantry with twin bolt guns, tie up an enemy in combat to stop it shooting, take a pop at monsters and tanks, or try to use its mobility to assassinate characters. Scout bikers are more one dimensional I feel. While black knights are also quite flexible I think they need more support, ideally a source of rerolls and command point investment. Ravenwing bikers are more capable of acting independently.
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In regular space marine, scout biker are the obvious choice.

But RW biker have some tasty rules at no point cost.


The "free" +1 armor is valuable

Jink makes them even more durable.

Chain sword and speed of the raven makes them more versatile and they can make up the loss of the shotgun in melee.

You then have special weapon options, but its more to spend the last points on a list than a core strategy imo.


To me, RW biker is an allround better choice. The scout biker is only considered in RW heavy list where speed of the raven is heavily solicitated by other, better,



Note that the sergent can take a stormbolter because Index.

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To add to that, since the decrease in price for Land Speeder and weapons in particular TML, How are you feeling about Classic HB TML combo? What other weapon combos have you used on Land Speeders? How are you using them in general? Also Multi Melta attack bikes? Worthwhile or not?


Speeders are great this edition, and the points drop with CA18 is significant.  Just about any way you could build speeders, for the cost of 4 speeders before CA18 gets you 5 speeders after CA18.


I run a unit of 4 HB/TML speeders in my list and they generally perform well.  Although my dice sometimes fail me and roll a dreaded 1 for damage.


Assault cannons tend to perform a little better than TML for me.  Between Sableclaw and Talonmaster, we get rerolls to hit and rerolls to wound of 1 for both weapons, but I'm not aware of anything that allows us to reroll the damage dice on the TML other than CP.  But I do have more AC in my list then I do TML.  In addition to Sableclaw and Talonmaster, my other 2 speeder squads include 2 HB/AC, 1 MM/AC, and 1 MM/HF.

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