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Starting Death Korp of Krieg


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Hey all,


I play Deathwatch, Knights and Custodes for the most part but wanted to venture into Imperial Guard territory. I enjoy the idea of tanks and the valkyrie gunships/transports are sweet looking.


I started down the path of scions, more like an expensive 32... but if I make my move to Imperial Guard, I'm gonna stick to one faction and I prefer the look of Death Korp of Krieg. Should I stay away from DKOK for any reason? Would my current scions marry up with DKOK?


Some of the initial questions I had about the army:

- Any particular units to capitalize on?

- Any play styles to focus on in order to do well?

- Can they be competitive?

- Are they even allowed in the bigger tournaments? (which could be an issue if I build around annihilators or malcadors for example)


I've done some reading on the 1D4 site, as well as some of the topics in this forum. Just curious what your impressions are with DKOK from the experienced before I commit. I do understand that I could just treat most of the models as normal imperial guard in the event I can't or don't want to play DKOK.

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Some of the initial questions I had about the army:

- Any particular units to capitalize on?

If you're going hard core Krieg (like a mono army, per se) then take a unit of Engineers and give an officer the dagger relic that allows him and them to outflank. Its gold. Also, strongly consider at least one decent sized unit of death riders. They're a strong counter assault unit in lower numbers and can spearpoint an offensive in greater. Avoid taking commissars, in general, since Krieg have strong morale. If you're taking Russ, take the conqueror. It is cheap, and accurate, while "limited" by an "only" 48" ranged battle cannon.

- Any play styles to focus on in order to do well?

Krieg, like all IG, can do a few things and do them well. Though their infantry is a bit more points expensive than normal IG, they can still field a boat load and make the game about attrition. It is a strong, albeit $$ expensive way to play them. If you go this route, please remember that you have krak grenades universally and that the Grenadiers strategem is a thing that exists. Alternatively, Krieg can make a strong mechanized force. Grenadiers (the unit, not the strat) can ride in centaurs and get a free scout move, allowing you to put some special weapon exactly where you want them on turn 1. Their tanks aren't any worse than normal IG, generally, so don't shy away.

- Can they be competitive?

Yes. They struggle compared to normal IG, but only a bit and this is largely because of the lack of support that FW gives. For example, in the recent Chapter Approved, a lot of IG units got points discounts. Now, Krieg armies can still take these units and enjoy the beneit too but some units are unique to Krieg and were untouched, such as the Storm Chimera. This means that Krieg armies mounted in Chimeras didn't improve while normal IG mounted forces did. Despite that, they have many beneits (better WS, better morale, universal krak grenades, horsies!, and engineers.)

- Are they even allowed in the bigger tournaments? (which could be an issue if I build around annihilators or malcadors for example)

Yes. I've heard of tournaments that ban FW but they seem to be rare. I'd ask around at the FLGS that you plan to play at, or email TOs of events you might start going to, and ask them but I'd be surprised if they didn't allow them. They're hardly broken.

Hope that helps.

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Hope that helps.

Helps a lot, thanks for the insight. Are the Malcadors a good unit to capitalize on? Or maybe stick to engineers and infantry? Lore wise it might be weird to combine other IGs but that could be an answer to not waste my current scions...


You're totally right to consider forgeworld support.

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I say avoid.


DKK look great but they are weaker than most normal AM (a good half of their index is useless), lack stratagem/relic/trait/doctrine (although they have some special rules to make up for the latter), outrageously expensive in money, easily subject to event limitations due to being FW, and a pain in the ass to clean and assemble due to being resin.


Plus, again being FW they are poorly supported, as well as tweaked/updated (if ever) at a slower pace than any regular codex.


Overall: a massive *not worth it*

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On the other hand, of you just love how they look, go for it and play then as what ever regiment you want!


Their Doctrine is that they take no morale from shooting attacks.


They are able to use any of the regular guard stratagems and relics with no issue, and they have some epic units like Engineers and Death Riders.

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I happen to have seen a gorgeous DKOK army (shout out to Nick at Legion of Peterborough Wargamers).


In my opinion it is one of THE sights of the 40k universe. A table side of them arrayed on gorgeous board.... was almost a shame to start the game!


So for rule of cool its a massive yes. The world will be a better place with another beautiful DKOK army out there....



There is no doubt you can also put a competitive list together, and with detachments as they are you could do a scions detachment alongside them no problem at all.


The issue is practical. Getting the models and your wallet....

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Hope that helps.

Helps a lot, thanks for the insight. Are the Malcadors a good unit to capitalize on? Or maybe stick to engineers and infantry? Lore wise it might be weird to combine other IGs but that could be an answer to not waste my current scions...


You're totally right to consider forgeworld support.

Don’t feel afraid to take a second detachment of Scions with your Krieg. Perhaps the are undertaking a kill mission under cover of your Krieg offensive.

I like Malcadors but I’m not a huge fan of their rules and performance. They’re more expensive than Russ while generally providing less firepower since Russ can shoot the main weapon twice. Infernus are ok, but pale compared to the standard hellhound, since you can nearly take 2 for 1. An annihilator, loaded with lascannons, might be a good idea. Regardless, if your wanting to be competitive, I’d take no more than one to avoid the point sink.

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It definitely wouldn't be out of place for Kriegers to work with scions on a mission. Kriegers are known for siege warfare. Scions are known for rapid strikes in an enemy's back lines. Kriegers would be engaging the enemy positions while the scions perform the coup de grea on the enemy warlord.
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