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Engineseers as field commanders - Prime in disguise?


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Hey all,


Sorry if this has already been discussed but couldnt see a specific thread for it.


Ran a list at the weekend where I took the breacher detachment. It was my first time using anything from vigilus and I noticed that part of running a specialist detachment is that you can use the field commander strategem to give a second HQ choice within that detachment a warlord choice.


I found this opened up some interesting options for the obligatory 'engineseer autoinclude' that most people seem to have in order to fill out their requirements.


I know a lot of folk for ages have wanted some sort of skitarri prime/lieutenant that helps buff.....well..you can now use an engineseer to fill that role (kind of) for the cost of 1CP 



- Monitor Malevous - Regain CP off you or your opponent on a 6+ - not amazing but you should average 2-3 CP back hopefully.


- Necromechanic - Was your engineseer sitting back repairing onagers anyway? Great now hes doing it 1 better


- Chorister Technis - Reroll random canticles, very random but occasionally useful


- Prime Hermoticon - Infantry reroll hits in fight phase


(theres also all the forgeworld specific ones depending what you are running)



Now obviously, this requires some outlay CP wise at the beginning of the battle, you are already paying for the detachment and any associated strategems.


However I ran a prime hermeticon engineseer in my dual battallion list this weekend (so had plenty of CP). They went up the table alongside sicarian infiltrators and fulgurite priests....and only got to use the buff once...but it was totally worth it for a 30pt model +1CP spend.



Got even more command points to spare? Throw some relics on there too!


The prime hermeticon one for me seems the strongest of the bunch, but obviously you need CC options for it to boost in the first place (or it could add some much needed extra punch to you vanguard/ranger gunline for when they inevitably get charged?)

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Field commander stratagem can only give the specific warlord trait of a specialist detachment to a non-warlord, so you could have an Engineseer as the warlord and hermeticon, with a Dominus with the trait that lets you sacrifice servitors, but I would rather not make an Engineseer warlord.

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The idea is something I've been using since Vigilus, but I play Knights so my "Warlord" is usually the Knight and he gets a 4++ invuln, and (Taranis) ability to gain 1 wound every turn (On a 6 I get D3, but it's only happened once in all games played).


The close combat ability seems cool to me... but with Knights I rarely run my priests any more and I've always been afraid of running a Tech Priest "Warlord" up into close combat. BUT if do drop the Knights and run Onagers again, I could see using the +1 repair.


Typically I run Cawl but don't find his need to have a 9" super bubble that paramount, so I'm most likely to run the Monitor Malevous. (I don't run Onagers anymore.... at least for now.)

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Field commander stratagem can only give the specific warlord trait of a specialist detachment to a non-warlord, so you could have an Engineseer as the warlord and hermeticon, with a Dominus with the trait that lets you sacrifice servitors, but I would rather not make an Engineseer warlord.


Ah i see, yeah read that backwards! Not quite as useful as I thought then


So you could make the engineseer biosplicer, and the dominus hermeticon...but then the dominus would be heading up field and you'd be missing out on his reroll 1 buff in your backfield shooting.


Or as you say, make the dominus the field commander and have a risky engineseer with hermeticon and being your warlord. In my list My engineseer is sat in a terrax with a squad of priests, with 3 units of infiltrators able to arrive around him....so although risky...the rewards of that reroll to hit in combat could be quite nice.

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