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Black Dragons

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Hello again everybody !

I'm back with another project...

It's been a long time that i'm thinkin' about making some black dragons ... i like this chapter ... a lot ! but unfortunately there is only a few things about them on the web...

From what i know, they have a disfunction with their ossmodula implant giving them osseous outgrowth ( bony crests, scythe like forearms growth, ... ) and also getting them bigger than other space marines.

For this they are suspect for the inquisition and some other chapters do no want to fight with them...

SO !

As inheritors of the salamanders ( supposedly ) and a bit 'stand alone' i imagine them as a bunch of veterans, having troubles getting new material from the imperial factories and forced to repair / custom / scavenge their armors and weapons.

It is told that they encourage the ossmodula problem and making some sort of traffic hiding it from the imperial authorities ... so i think i will not be too shy about converting some " heretical looking " guys in this band...

Enough talk ! time for pics !

As always C&C are very welcome !


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I love what you're doing. These guys look sweet.


One quibble though: The librarian's bionic leg looks a bit too long compared to his organic one. I'd recommend cutting it down slightly, because the pose makes it look like it's half-again longer than the other one.

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The Librarian is even more posing, the snapped horn is a nice touch.


I'm concerned that he's crossed the line from mutation-afflicted loyalist to chaos, however, think it's the wings. I guess you could argue that his connection to the warp is excaberating his mutation?

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The Librarian is even more posing, the snapped horn is a nice touch.


I'm concerned that he's crossed the line from mutation-afflicted loyalist to chaos, however, think it's the wings. I guess you could argue that his connection to the warp is excaberating his mutation?

Thanks :) 

Concerning the wings, i have something on my mind, painting them like it is some sort of visual sortilege, some kind of ethereal material.

Or i go full mutant :p 

i still don't know ! 

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The Librarian is even more posing, the snapped horn is a nice touch.


I'm concerned that he's crossed the line from mutation-afflicted loyalist to chaos, however, think it's the wings. I guess you could argue that his connection to the warp is excaberating his mutation?

Thanks :smile.:

Concerning the wings, i have something on my mind, painting them like it is some sort of visual sortilege, some kind of ethereal material.

Or i go full mutant :tongue.:

i still don't know ! 



That would certainly look very good against the black armour of the chapter and could be explained as a psychic manifestation. The model certainly looks fantastic, it's just how far can they walk down the road of mutation before they appear to be denizens of the Eye?

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Now this is a very cool interpretation of the black dragons, maybe a little too heavy on the spikes for my taste.


I am wondering what is the reason behind the bionic legs?


Also, the wings on the Librarian should definitely be done as some sort of psychic manifestation - I think even wings would push the boundaries of what Black Dragons consider acceptable!




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Now this is a very cool interpretation of the black dragons, maybe a little too heavy on the spikes for my taste.

I am wondering what is the reason behind the bionic legs?

Also, the wings on the Librarian should definitely be done as some sort of psychic manifestation - I think even wings would push the boundaries of what Black Dragons consider acceptable!



Thanks ! So the reason about bionics ? i like them :p and i think it fits with the 'veteran' theme

I'm still hesitating about the way i'll paint the wings... psychic manifestation ... organic ... after all ... Sanguinius himself had wings... but those looked more 'angelic' :p

So here is the last recruit of my Black dragons ! a ... Big guy ! probably a veteran from a Reclusiam squad... more 'imperial' touches on this one.


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I´m trying to figure out your first pic guys leg bits and i think there´s castellan robot fingers as toes and maybe servitor arm as knees, i think?


Getting primaris some bionics is kinda fiddly bit territory anyways, but if i may bother and ask list of bits?


You're right with the Kastellan finger !


There is also Ork big shoota mount for the left knee, mechanicus flamers for the lower legs, Kataphron torsion canon for the upper right leg, the hip is made out of a Kataphron melee arm elbow ;-)

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Damn, he looks intimidating.


Black Dragons Librarian to a Chaos sorcerer's dismembered torso: "You became a [female dog] of the false gods of Chaos, because you refused to submit to the Emperor's will. Now you will serve as my [female dog] in the minute you have left to live, before facing the Emperor's judgment. I hope you use that time to reflect on your sins and the sheer futility of your efforts."

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