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Veterans Go Last Chance to Buy


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Best case scenario - they're getting re-boxed with 32mm bases instead of 25mm bases.

Given GW are pushing Primaries instead of regular marines, I don't think there's a chance we'll be seeing new robed marines.

Worst case scenario - these just aren't selling anymore (they've been around since 4th / 5th Edition) and they can't justify keeping them. Maybe there's been some damage to the mould and they can't find the business case to remake them.

Might just be easier to get them just-in-case rather than miss out. Interestingly there's been a number of Fantasy Ork models going from the store, including the Azhag the Slaughterer model I liked but never got round to purchasing. Maybe there's a FW-style purge of older kits going on? 

Best case, we get a Lion awakening and a bunch of new super soldier monks to hang out with him. Downside is Primaris, but meh.

Reality; they exist in the codex, to avoid third party issues we're going to have some option to buy Vets.

They'll probably point to sternguard and vanguard or something.


I was going to rush off and get a box or two but then I realized the only things in the box that I don't have a billion of are the hat wings and those aren't quite worth the money.

I really hope that if/when we get models to replace these they still have the robes and hoods. I really love that aesthetic element, its one of the things that really drew me to the DA when I first got into the game and it would be a shame to see it go

Same here; I started my DA in RT and the lead robed minis of 2nd Ed cemented it as a lifestyle choice, but these boys really made it possible for an army expansion. It'll be sad to see them go the way of the dodo.

I have 35 so I should survive ;)

That’s odd, these are an iconic part of the DA look, and the kit has loads of excellent bits. It’s not that old as GW kits go, came out just under 12 years ago. Perhaps there has been an issue with the mold and they can’t produce anymore.


I have loads of sprues so am good, but it would be annoying for newer players not to have access to the kit.

Its no secret that GW has production has a hard time to keep up with the recent growth of the hobby.

I assume some kit will be going away because its they cannot put them back in production.

This seems more likely than a short term primaris replacement (although I really want to see more robed primaris)


Either that or repackaging.

Its no secret that GW has production has a hard time to keep up with the recent growth of the hobby.

I assume some kit will be going away because its they cannot put them back in production.

This seems more likely than a short term primaris replacement (although I really want to see more robed primaris)


Either that or repackaging.


Repackaging doesn't make them last chance to buy usually

Weird thing is though the fallen entry is still included in the last chance to buy filter, even though they don't have the mark. They also seem to be out of stock on amazon and they don't say if they're getting new ones anytime soon. Has anybody sent any emails or asked any questions on facebook?


Best case scenario they are just trying to get rid of the entry for fallen because new models for them are coming soon :wink:


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