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ETL 2019 - Build it and they will come


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Historically, when we have organized our pre-painting efforts, we've been very competitive throughout  the  competition.


What that has translated into is a gathering of the unpainted forces prior when painting begins, because nothing takes the thunder out of your painting cadence faster than  having to stop to build more stuff.


What that would turn into for us is a buildup of a resource pool that you would have available to paint. You don't have to paint it all, but lets say you build a couple of vehicles, some infantry, a dread and  such, then when the competition starts for real, you have choices.


Sometimes you just want to focus on one thing.


In my case, I have around 100 Mk. IIIs that need construction, a character, I can toss into the mix 10 Intercessors thanx to MM's idea, and maybe a couple of rhinos.and a dreadnought. A nice pool to work from.


If I can get those together before May, then it really comes down to what I want to paint and I don't have to waste painting time building stuff.


Would we brethren be interested  in running this  thread as a log of our preparation efforts?



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If we can come up with a less restrictive theme for the building comp than Blood and Zeal, I think we will do well. Blood and Zeal was too prescriptive, sub assembly was limited for example.

It wasn't perfect but it was a build contest, ergo you had to actually build something and not leave it in sub-assemblies.


@Honda mentioned this just being a log, so why does it need to be a contest? :)

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I'm not suggesting a contest, quite the opposite, just some structure



Ok, my bad, I misunderstood and you aren't derailing the thread, you're helping define the context. :)


So, "if" we were going to do this, the idea would be to provide a check in point, much like the recent Knightfall exercise. This thread would be for people who want to build, want to share that they are participating, and in the event they run into challenges (Note: we will), there will be a band of brothers to encourage us and provide support.


In my case, I have a...let me not resort to hyperole, an insane workload with questionable deliverable dates. I'm not sure how all that is going to get done. Failure is not an option. So I have that working for me.


That doesn't mean that I go hide in a hole for the next six months because one thing I've observed in myself and other teams I've been a part of is that especially during these times of hyper-productivity for work, that effect can spill over to other areas in your life.


So, I'm going to use that "mojo" to drive other efforts as well.


To give you an example, when all that work stuff got laid out, my first thought was "how is that going to happen?" the  second thought oddly enough was, "I wonder if I could build 100 crusaders in that time." <true story>


I then thought,  maybe others would be interested in running alongside and together we could pace ourselves through the "race", i.e.  ETL 2019.



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I'm not suggesting a contest, quite the opposite, just some structure, but I'm derailing the thread. Cpt Semper, when does ETL 20 start?


Well, historically the ETL either starts on May 1st or May 15th. I have not settled on a date yet, it might be something else, although the intention is to not deviate... So, it's too early for me to commit... :pirate:

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I like it, we build, we chat, we store up troops, then we conquer by painting the boys in black.



I think a banner would also be cool. I'm not good at that sort of thing, but I think, unusually, we should have one with some BT ships on it, to show the 'mustering' of the Crusade before it deploys. (Perhaps a load of ships high up in orbit around a planet.)


We also need a name. Something a bit tongue in cheek perhaps? But then again, I'm much more irreverent than the average Templar on here...

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