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Show off your quake cannons!


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No Quake cannon conversion from me (tempted to say "so far").


Fajita Fan designed one using a 3D software, you can see it in this thread, starting on page 3 http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/350885-at-chat-lists-and-conversions-for-all-stompy-robot-lovers/page-3

iirc there are a few iterations.

Brother Dallo did one here if not mistaken http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/350838-make-a-maniple-out-of-you/page-6

These are the two that came to my mind, I think there are also a few other ones scattered across other project logs, not sure though

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As Mendi mentioned, I bashed one together from a Volcano Cannon and some spare bitz. Now that I've had some time to mull it over, I think it's currently lacking a certain je ne sais quoi, but it suffices until an official one comes out.




Feel free to take inspiration from it if you want a go at building your own. I'd be interested to see another take on it. You can find more pictures in my plog.



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Awesome! I was hoping that would be the case

meh, there's enough Worlord weapons left to release that they could have done at least one more alternate plastic sprue/kit before moving on to the resin stuff.


and the 28mm version will be getting these weapons as well, so those of you that have full sized Warlords will have more options too.

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