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Right Handed Power Axes


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I'm thinking of making a Kill Team that uses Storm Shields & Power Axes, and I'm looking for help finding sources for a few different plastic right handed Power Axes. I know there's one in the Vanguard Veteran squad kit, and I know there's one from the Black Templars upgrade kit, but are there any others?


I'm hoping to at least find a right handed power axe from the Space Wolves, but I haven't been able to find one that's not being held by 2 hands. Ideally, I'd like to be able to have a 5 different right handed power axes (with as little conversion work as possible) to help give a little variety since they're all going to carry the same Deathwatch Storm Shield.


I'd appreciate any help you all could provide, also if you know of any reputable bits sites in the U.S. that I could order these from, can you please send me a DM (unless it's not against forum rules to post a bits seller in the thread)?


Thanks in advance.

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Space wolf upgrade sprue for marines (not primaris one) has one. Thunderwolf kit has one too, as well thunderhammer for right hand that can be easily be snipped away to be used for ax head. SW Lord Krom has right handed Axe too.

High elf white lion kit has some right handed axes, but i doubt the scale of hands is right.

SW terminators kit has one right handed power axe.


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