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2000 point Batrep against Eldar

Drunken Angel

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Sorry if this not a great accurate point by point but its the rough drift of the game



Had a 2000 pt game today against a very good Eldar player


He brought



The Avatar of Khaine


Squad of guardians

Squad of guardians 

Squad of Guardians




Squad of striking scorpions

Squad of WraithScythes

Large Squad of Wraithblades double swords

Hemlock wraith fighter

WraithKnight with double cannons



I ran




Scouts Bolters

Scouts Bolters +Heavy Bolter

Scouts Bolter Camo Cloak

Slam Captain


5 Death Company. PF, Sword, Sword bp’s 

6 Death Company. Chain swords bp’s

10 Sanguinary Guard.  Plasma pistol powerfist on all

Sanguinary Ancient Warlord Plasma PF and Banner

Culexus Assassin

Razorback Heavy Bolter

Razorback Lascannon

Storm Raven


We played a CA mission where only troops could hold the 4 objectives in the middle part of the board and scoring was at the end of the game turn.


I gave up 1st turn to hold what I thought was a tactical  advantage in this mission, it proved to be a good call


I set up Slam captain, Sanguinor  and Mephiston all hidden in cover and protected by Razors. Scouts in the Razors

Sang Ancient, Sanguard and Lemartes with DC in reserve.

Empty Raven on the board


First turn 

The Raven got smashed with shooting but everything else survived, his troops moved onto 2 objectives and the Wraiths all moved up

I moved scouts onto objectives to counter score spun the Razors to protect and waited


Second turn I lost another Razor to shooting but not much else then the fun began.


Assassin popped up in backfield and lived almost the whole game he boned Eldrad at least 60% of the psykers powers were shut down he sniped a bit but basically was a massive PITA


Mephiston failed his wings and charge roll then had to stand around, he died to shooting.

The Sanguard dropped in killed 3 or 4 wraith blades with their plasma and failed their 3 dice charge even  after I burnt a CP to reroll

The Slam captain charged and single handedly wiped out the Wraith scythes

The Sanguinor charged and gutted the Avatar.  He buffed the DC that made their charges the Sanguard when the got to combat and the Slam 


One squad of DC multi charged a Wraithlord, the Guardians and the Wraiths with Lemartes the other squad whiffed.  This was critical because the Wraiths could not break away to charge the Sanguard and Eldrads powers were shut down by the Culexus.

I was down one point at this stage.

Over turns 3 and 4 the Sanguard and Ancient  pulled the whole game back killing all the Wraithblades in assault.  I lost a squad of DC to them but they held them up enough.  Once the heavy hitter were gonethe Sanguard wiped out the Guardian troops, and Scorpions.

All the Death Company got in the game by T3 ithey did a good job of murdering the last of his scoring troops and a Wraithlord. The Sanguinor buffing them to the last.  It was good to see the last 2 DC finally killed Eldrad.

Lemartes took a Wraithsword to the chest but he took a few with him.

The Culexus died eventually to an auto hit from the Hemlock.

The Sanguinor died to a Wraithknight.

I was left on turn five with 3 Sanguard and the Ancient alive

He had a WraithKnight and the Hemlock.

I was up a point and rolled for and got  game end .  5 points to 4 for the Blood Angels.

I had ignored the Wraithknight and did not bother with it.  It kills vehicles well but is wasted on MEQ.

Same for the Hemlock a PITA but best left alone.


What I learned

You got to have some resilient units on the board that units can hide in or near and be patient, wait for turn 2

Slam captains are great

Sanguard with the Ancient as warlord and banner are very powerful they were the MVP unit,  With their re-rolls anything they get to dies and they are resilient.

Gotta keep them buried in combat though

I split the DC to get more chances of getting charges off.  Some is better than none.

Sanguinor is an auto include for me he buffs the SG attacks and the DC attacks very well plus he can solo things he is never tied up he can fall back and charge.

The CA setup means models can't camp plenty of things close together to slingshot combat off.

I was not up against a shooty list I was lucky.  

I may drop the DC to try company vets with storm bolters and shields plus run a vanguard unit with shield and chain swords next

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