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Cenobyte servitor models

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I'm unsure if this question really needs it's own topic, but I could not find anything matching through search...


The cenobyte servitor models carry the relics that Grimaldus hauled from the ruins of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant.

These relics are a Imperial Aquila column, a Banner with the names of the first Armageddon settlers, and a stoup of (holy?) water.


The models that represent the servitors carry the same relics, except for the stoup...


From the model description:


"His three servitors are bedecked in extra details such as the iconography of the Black Templars Chapter, and carry relics from the Hive Helsreach's Temple of the Emperor Ascendant: one servitor is chained to a huge Imperial Aquila column, which he carries across his back, another carries the remains of a Banner, whilst the third has had his arms augmented to carry a stoup."


Well, if the servitor's arms where augmented to carry a stoup... why is he not carrying a stoup? The reason the servitors provide a buff is because of the relics, not their augmentations. Seems kind of weird to me.



Did the mold break? Why are only 2 of 3 relics represented on the models? Did Grimaldus drop the stoup and crack it?

Anyone decide to model the stoup and add to the model themselves?

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GW used the wrong terminology in their description.  It's not carrying a stoup/font - its hands have been replaced with holy water sprinklers.

Pretty much this. It's not the first time GW used the wrong terminology for something related to Black Templars either. (see: what GW calls a tabard versus what a tabard actually looks like).

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