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My watch begins


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I have started to put together a small DW force, with the aim to add it to my other Imperial armies, and eventually to play it alone.

I am not very experienced with DW yet so I'd really appreciate any advice here!


The core force is a sizeable battalion (7-800 pts) to add as reinforcements to a larger imperial army. I have about half of these models atm:


1 watch master

1 terminator cpt/librarian


10 vets: 3ss/sb, 3 frag, 3 sb/cs, 1 terminator (sb/pw)

10 vets: 3ss/sb, 2 th/ss (shot and black shield), 3 sb/cs, 1 bike (teleport homer),1 terminator (sb/pw)

5 vets: 1ss/sb, 3sb, 1 h.bolter (for the strat) - OR: 5 intercessors


The small 5-man unit (which would you suggest?) camps in my zone, all the rest deep strikes.


Then I theorized a second battalion to reach 2000 pts. This is purely an idea and I have no models yet!


1 normal cpt

1 terminator cpt/librarian


5 vets or intercessors as above

2x5 vets: 2 sb/ss, 2 sb, 1 frag


8 terminators (all sb/pw or pf)


2x3 bikes

2 Razorbacks (lc or hb): the 5-man frag team and 1 character each ride here


Doee this make any sense?

I know I am light on anti-tank but I'd field these mostly in thematic games. I really do not like normal dreads and corvus so unfortunately I won't be able to field any.

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