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Something on Fires of Cyraxus

Black Knight

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I have a feeling the AdMech subforum is going to literally explode if and when we finally get our not-Cyraxus rules lol


But seriously, this is good news for us at least. Sucks we won't be getting the Cyraxus lore and all, but at least our murder robots and pain train transports will finally get some rules.

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The custodes had their rules released in waves, given how long we've been waiting, I'd suspect they will do it here too.


Nonetheless - at least some basic units and especially transports/tanks would help us a lot. Right now, there isn't much choice in what to field...

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No idea. As long as it has no rules, I'm not getting that model.


But considering the other models from that release time, these models should be good. This was after FW realized they'd have to increase wall thickness to reduce warping, and everything is designed in CAD, unlike the older stuff. Never had anny issues since then.

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If they are doing this Custodes-style, we should see just about everything in the Mechanicum range get rules (other than named characters of course). I hope that is the case, because honestly, the thing I'm most looking forward to is getting rules for an Archmagos. Hopefully with the same level of variety as its 30k counterpart. 


Something else I'm very curious about... there are fan-made rules for the Mechanicum range floating around this website. I know some of us have seen them before, and from what I can remember they are fairly well-thought out and balanced. I'm curious how similar or different they'll be compared to the upcoming official rules. Think they'll pull from that fandex at all?

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If they are doing this Custodes-style, we should see just about everything in the Mechanicum range get rules (other than named characters of course). I hope that is the case, because honestly, the thing I'm most looking forward to is getting rules for an Archmagos. Hopefully with the same level of variety as its 30k counterpart.

The archmagos has had Chaos rules since day 1, because that wasn't supposed to be in Cyraxus. One profile for the dude with abeyant, one whithout. No wargear options each, this is 8th edition after all.

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Fingers crossed! As with Custodes I imagine GW mainline will pick-up the rules to ensure they're consistent, I just hope they let things benefit from Canticles/ Dogma etc.


I think the rules may be spread across a few rules dumps though, there are a LOT of Mechanicum units all of which have some strange weapons...


We've got all the Automata, Thralls, Tanks, Transports, Thallax/ Ursurax, Servo-automata (and priest), Myrmidons, Tarantulas & Ordinatus!


Staggering amount of datasheets there, some of which will need some unifying rules to balance or bring the right feel to (programmed behavior, Djin sight, rite of pure thought etc).


All I know is it will be a hell of a kick to get my resin painted...

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Still - it's 8th edition. Don't get your hopes up for all the options that are not on the model, as they will probably not be in the rules.


Wacky scratchbuilts like thralls with chainswords and Revenant Alchemistry won't be usable. Carapace option too. Thralls as they are in the model (mitra/laslock), and that's it. The full pages of archmagos options got entirely scratched for chaos - take the guy with/without abeyant, and that's it.


Anyways, glad we might finally get some variety...tanks, flyer, robos,...

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Yes, the Hellwright lost wargear options... for Chaos. That and their war gear is also different from an Archmagos anyways (I'm fairly confident an Imperial Archmagos does not have a soul-burning pistol in its arsenal). I also believe a Hellwright and Archmagos, while technically the same model, are meant to be 2 completely different things. Hellwrights act more along the lines of a better Warpsmith (repair and curse). Cawl would be the better example for an Archmagos in my opinion (repair and rerolls). At least in my opinion and from what I've seen when a Hellwright hits the board. Personally I think, if they do give the Archmagos rules, it'll operate more along the lines of a Dominus or Cawl.

EDIT: Removed the second portion of my response here. Looked back and realized it came off a bit rude on my part. Sorry about that.

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So are these units going to be better than the codex options? Are they going to be similar? I have no idea, I've only browsed the range. I understand about transports, but will I be replacing my Kastellans with 30K robots? Onagers with whatever the 30K equivalent is?

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I am definitely in the park of getting a Triaros and Thanatar. Are they ok to build?

I've got two of both, and they were pretty simple. The Triaros pretty much arrives as a brick with just a few pieces to fit together. The Thanatar is very neat and simple, but for a single potentially troublesome area: the ammo belt. You'll have to curve and shape it yourself by submerging it in hot water to momentarily soften it, then shaping it in the way you want. The resin is pretty crisp, so the process has some dangers to it. When I had a little accident on Thanatar nr 2, I just modelled it with a damaged ammo belt and applied some extra weathering.

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So are these units going to be better than the codex options? Are they going to be similar? I have no idea, I've only browsed the range. I understand about transports, but will I be replacing my Kastellans with 30K robots? Onagers with whatever the 30K equivalent is?

The two big robot units gameplay wise have been the Castellax and the Thanatar.


Going by the 7th edition Heresy rules, Castellax are units of 1-5 T7 dudes with a 3+ save and a 5++ vs shooting. They have either 2 bolters or 2 flamers, and a Mauler bolt cannon, which is 3 s6 ap3 shots at range 24. They can exchange their melee weapons, the Mauler bolter for a multimelta or a darkfire cannon (pretty much a range 72 plasma). The big thing is that they are a really durable hammer or anvil type unit with a lot of anti-MEQ firepower, and they can be taken as troop choices.

As per the old "monstrous creature" rules, they have been ap2 in melee, with 2 attacks that hit on 4+, which doubles on the charge - which can become pretty devastating.


So they are more rounded than the specialized Kastelan robots, in my opinion - and in the context of 30k they have been more durable. That might change with the transition to 8th though.


Thanatar (there are different loadouts, but the most impactful one has been the regular old Thanatar) is pretty much an artillery cannon with arms and legs. He wants to stay mostly put and fire his insane plasma mortar at something (S8 AP2, large blast, reroll successful cover saves), but can punch a little if something comes too close. In 30k, Magi can act as spotters for them, which can be extremely effective.


So many robot heavy 30k lists tend to have a big brick of Castellax taking control of midfield, while a thanatar or two act as artillery cannons, providing devastating fire support capable of targeting enemies out of line of sight.

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Domitars have been too expensive. They are melee-robots with S10 AP2, but with little else going for them. But I haven't played much with them, so perhaps someone else has a better idea of what to expect from them. Still, if they are appropriately costed, it mean's we'll have some big stompy elite melee bots at our disposal.

Vorax are pretty niche in 30k, but might be just what we need in 40k. They are hunter-killer robots that can arrive via outflank. More lightly armored and armed than the other options, but they can sport a lot of anti-GEQ weaponry. Double gatling guns, flamers etc. Might be just what we need in this time of little mobility and tons of horde armies.

Thallax are great. Jet-pack ogryns with a bit less melee power, and a wonky S7 gun. They are troops and can deep strike, so they have been mobile objective grabbers par excellance in my games, and you can give them all melta bombs to give them some more harassing power. They can be turned into raging, S7 melee monsters with some customization, but we have the Ursarax for that niche.

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Vorax could work exceptionally well in 8th where a 4+ save wouldn't be the end of the world for them.


Domitar frighten people, but in the context of 30k a Castellax does the same job for a LOT cheaper - HOWEVER the latest FAQ has now made domitar graviton fists shoot hawire flamer templates, so I can see them being pretty gnarly now. In 8th edition I could see them as definite Knight hunters.


We also have Vulturax, a weird unit with a Haywire gun and some frag missile launchers. In all honesty will probably suck a bit in 8th but we'll see.

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Thanks for the rundown on the units. It's interesting to hear how the meta differs between the two games. How does the Karacnos work in 30k? I don't really know how the rad mortars would work. Do they wound on a fixed roll or something?

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