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Say hello to some new models


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Primaris Psyker

















Available in the Combat Arena board game (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/15/15th-feb-new-models-games-and-funko-pop-at-the-new-york-toy-fairgw-homepage-post-3/) hopefully coming individually soon!

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They look great!

Of course the new Crusader comes after my Anvil Industry KS is about to ship... :ermm:


Im surprised they revisited the.Servitors they're possibly the worst unit in all of 40k atm.


I like the Psyker but the hood (although perhaps a throw back to RT) is a bit too GSC for me... that'll go when I assemble her. ;)


I hope box set is reasonably priced :D

Very nice! I like how the Crusader is heavily based on the metal model :smile.: The servitor mostly just makes me feel really bad for how utterly beyond redemption their are :sad.: I can only imagine whoever wrote the rules for them had their lunch money stolen by a servitor in Bugman's one day. I'll make you a deal GW: make servitors worth taking and I might even ignore the metals I have in their blisters ;)

Hey servitors are basically an auto-include now for AdMech thanks to the Vigilus formation! GW indeed made them great. As spare parts, but still.


This new one, anyway, is no ordinary servitor. He is way bulkier and has more weapons. I assume he is some kind if character special model, not a revamp.

Why are crusaders essentially robots? I quite liked the idea of holy men, but I'm not sure about the robot look.

You're not wrong. They would look awesome if the wore maile armor, a great helm and a sir coat. Essentially, give them a Crusader aesthetic. To justify its effectiveness, GW would only have to say that the armor is made from adamantium so it's stronger than riveted maile armor. The shield is fine, but it might look cooler if it had a kite shield shape.


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