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Question of tactics

Chaplain Adonael

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Brothers of the crusade. I ask if it would be viable to make my crusaders all ranged due to the beta rules and CA 2018. Just imagine 18 bolters and a sword brethren with a storm bolter. That would be about 40 bolter shots if standing still at 24". And my 4LRCs would actually be useful. Would it work for say a tournament?
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It wouldn't be good for tournament to take 3 land raider crusaders. Knights do too much damage at too long a range. YOu'd lose at least one crusader per round. Sinking so many points into something that comparitively fragile will leave you less to feed the rest of your army. It also makes it harder to fill up bitallians for CP. It could be a fun casual list, though, depending on what your local game shop is like.


Personally, my game shop has  aload of Guard, Nurgle, and Orks. Taking a ton of anti hoard isn't awful, due to the Nurgle players' tendency toward pox walkers and cultist blobs supported by armor with a light smattering of demons. I don't think I'd take three, though. Someone is bound to get butthurt if I set down 3 tanks with twin hurricane bolters after they agreed to let me use the beta bolters rule. It doesn't matter that marines are a weak army right now, they'd feel taken advantage of.


Not sure I'd blame them, either. I'd be edging into That guy territory.

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Brothers of the crusade. I ask if it would be viable to make my crusaders all ranged due to the beta rules and CA 2018. Just imagine 18 bolters and a sword brethren with a storm bolter. That would be about 40 bolter shots if standing still at 24". And my 4LRCs would actually be useful. Would it work for say a tournament?


only with the relic banner. maybe...

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Why 4 Raiders? Second anti-chaff should be covered be our Crusader Squads, so doing them as all bolters is fine. But you won’t be taking objectives in that case. The primarily advantage of all melee crusaders is they can TAKE objectives. And push people off. Shooty squads can kill someone off but cannot take objectives.


Anti-Tank I will say should be on our Sword Brothern Units. I mean if I did a raider list it would be something like.


Vanguard + Battlelion






2 Tide Crusaders

Choose 1

0-1 Tide Crusaders

0-2 Intercessors

0-2 Faux DeviCrusaders

0-3 Scouts*


Heavy Support

2 Crusaders


Vanguard (SB)





2 Sword Brothern

1 Ceno



Drop Pod


That leave you around 500 points to spend on something. Like between the Raiders and the Crusaders you should have chaff issues covered. The main thing is not overcovering, you need hard hitting anti-tank. Which Vigilus thankfully filled that massive hole in our army. We lacked themetic close combat anti-heavy infantry or tank.


As for Crusaders being viable all Boltgun? To reiterate It depends on your plan of engagement. It isn’t unviable. It just simply not the best use imho. Laroeth has had good success with 20 strong Bolter tides. And in melee they do throw out 15-20 attacks + Pistols. But I greatly prefer doing a melee. But given you no longer need to get in danger close for bolters, shooty Tide has its advantages. Notably holding backfield. But I would rather a cheap 5 man Intercessor squad.


*Choose Scout try find points for a 6th Troop and 4th HQ

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