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Best allies for competitive templars in 2019


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Ok, thanks to Vigilus BT now can do something in close combat. Our smash captain is almost as good as BA one, scouts neophytes are even somewhat better due to our Stratagem. We also still have access to several amazing SM units like TFC.


At the same time we're still not protected enough from vile psykers and lack of heavy shooting can cause troubles. Lucky we are, Imperium tag provides lots of choices to feel our gaps.


What Codexes do you see fit for brewing a competitive Imperium Soup where BT are the largest detachment? My personal rating is below:


Imperial Knights ++

Castellan seems to be too CP hungry for an elite army, but Gallant and Crusader are still there and both are awesome.

Assassins ++

Thanks to new Codex an Assassin is an essential part of every Imperium list.

Guards +

A good choice of heavy weapons (often with no LoS required), could serve as CP batteries.

Admech +

A good choice of heavy weapons, Graia stratagem, could serve as CP batteries.

Sisters +-

Awesome deny capabilities, Celestine could be useful.

Adeptus Custodes -

While bikes are cool and all that, golden boys are just too expensive for us.

DA, BA, SW, GK, DW, SM --

Don't really have anything we don't have either.


So for me the more or less competitive list should include either Gallant or Crusader, an Assassin, CP battery of either Guards or Admech strengthened by several heavies and roughly a thousand points of Vigilus Templars.

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For witch protection, I rely either in Inquisitors or Grey Knights (I'll buy eventually from FW Lord-Inquisitor Hector Rex, and I'll get a few GK as a support for my main BT army)


Always with the Abhor the Witch strat at hand ofc

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Some of us have been taking Culexuses, Culexi, Cullelleli-, scary brain chicks (mine is female) for quite awhile.


Have they changed in that new codex that people have been talking about?


I think one of the things I find interesting as a concept, is the All Primaris, 3 x Flying Murder Bricks (Repulsor), 2 x Redemptors,  3 x 5 man Intercessor squads, and some smash Captain/Lieutenant stuff. I like the fact that it doesn't require any knights.


If you interested in that concept, skip over to the BA forum and take a look at what "neonmole" has done. Besides, he has nicely painted stuff too.


I think  the Templar + Krieg match up could be a lot of fun and they could certainly provide a lot of supporting fire.

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I think one of the things I find interesting as a concept, is the All Primaris, 3 x Flying Murder Bricks (Repulsor), 2 x Redemptors,  3 x 5 man Intercessor squads, and some smash Captain/Lieutenant stuff. I like the fact that it doesn't require any knights.

How is that a Templar list though ? It's all shooty stuff that draws literaly no benefit from our chapter trait, except maybe the captain ?

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Eversor and culexus apparently got stronger and due to the pick the one you want stratagem Assasins as a while got stronger. D6 Evolution got a nice breakdown.


For shooty primaris stuff I think its a good idea to just take a chapter primaris as allies.Can't decide between necropolis hawks (fist geneseed) and sons of the phoenix tho (ravenguard).

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I will argue for good old Gaurdsman. Except Cadian or Vostroyan over Catachan. We can handle melee just fine we don’t need the Catachan support.


The main thing is

1) Your Center - Know it. The Center is also important as it’s the screen and things being screened. For the Classic Imperium Center is Catachan Brigade Straken + Castallen. I’d argue using our Crusader Squads in this role would be suitable. But going Classic Catachan would also work too.

2) Your Anchor - Define it; The anchor is your Units sitting on the backfield home objective(s). Gaurdsman Mortar Teams or artillery teams are the classic Imperium 8th. Here is where I believe that the Gaurdsman make best use for us. Through Intercessors and FauxDevi’s work well here too.


3) Hammer - Use It; the Hammer is the Smash Hammer Or Stode Bikers in Imperium Detachment. Bullgryns are also common. These are the Hammer to the Center Anvil. Prior to Vigilus this is where we had he most salient lacking ability.


Generally you want 1 detachment to fulfill one of those roles. The detachment you take is specialized and focused in doing that. The center being mild exception as its composed of many sub roles, including screen units, And the Anvil unit.


But I argue? Guardsman can supplement our chapter ability to act as a Center (Screen) And Hammer. With our main lacking is the Anvil element of the center

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Honda, on 21 Feb 2019 - 6:39 PM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png

I think one of the things I find interesting as a concept, is the All Primaris, 3 x Flying Murder Bricks (Repulsor), 2 x Redemptors,  3 x 5 man Intercessor squads, and some smash Captain/Lieutenant stuff. I like the fact that it doesn't require any knights.

How is that a Templar list though ? It's all shooty stuff that draws literaly no benefit from our chapter trait, except maybe the captain ?



I guess I was approaching  this from a "I'd like to take my black and white  guys to a tournament list" perspective. I could say the same  thing about someone who  takes a knight or the loyal 32 or any other oddity with the goal of winning.


Tournaments have  long ago given  up the concept of "playing an army", and are more about securing winning combinations via allies, at least if you're trying to get to the top tables.


If you're more interested in going to a tournament and hanging at the lower tables where people actually just bring an army to play and  have  fun, then it doesn't really matter what you bring. Play what you'd enjoy playing. That's where I would be. I would bring a list that I know I'd enjoy playing regardless of the outcome and let the dice fall where  they will.


In the above scenario, I'd bring an all drop pod army (including Lucius patterns for dreads) with flyers and focus on breaking face and having fun. Should I be able to leverage any Vigilus benefits in those scenarios, then I would, but wouldn't specifically tailor my list to be "Vigilus" strong.


My two yen.

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I guess I was approaching  this from a "I'd like to take my black and white  guys to a tournament list" perspective. I could say the same  thing about someone who  takes a knight or the loyal 32 or any other oddity with the goal of winning.

Tournaments have  long ago given  up the concept of "playing an army", and are more about securing winning combinations via allies, at least if you're trying to get to the top tables.

That's perfectly fair. I hope you didn't think I was being critical. Quite the opposite actually, we here on the BT subforum are rather often in a more thematic sort of mindset so I thought you were looking at the question from that angle (which I think we agree will not work).


Having said that, the list you suggest may (depending of one's local tournament scene) meet regulatory hurdles. Here in France in an effort to "balance" things organisers are quite fond of limiting any given unit to only 2 instances.

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The List ive wanted 2 run since 6/7th ed was simply

A Knight (choose your poison) flanked by a pair of Max.sized Crusader squads

HQ and Swerdbrethren in the Vanguard a pair of LRC.

The rest of the army ...who cares?

This is the EMPRAHS HAMMER no need 4 an anvil

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A Knight (choose your poison) flanked by a pair of Max.sized Crusader squads

HQ and Swerdbrethren in the Vanguard a pair of LRC.

The rest of the army ...who cares?


I would call this, the "I'm coming to deliver the Emperor's justice, try and stop me" list. I love it. :)


@Ciler: No worries brother, it was a good point to bring up. Also, I wasn't aware that organizers are putting restrictions on choices again. That used to happen in 3rd a lot, but thought the practice had died out. I can't say that I'm a fan of that approach.


You are correct in that a lot of us are "playing for the fluff", because that is what distinguishes us. I still think we  have options, but I think until there are some faction/detachment restrictions we'll still be challenged by just playing our list, outside of Apoc (i.e. +300/+3000 pts).

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@Ciler: No worries brother, it was a good point to bring up. Also, I wasn't aware that organizers are putting restrictions on choices again. That used to happen in 3rd a lot, but thought the practice had died out. I can't say that I'm a fan of that approach.

I think it's specific to the french/european meta really.
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Sisters are meh in Tourney games, unless you play them a lot. The choice units are the ones with dual pistols, but those are 30k only (for now, FML I hope they come to 40k but not holding my breath). The best success I've had with them is putting them in a drop pod against TS and totally destroying the plan my opponent had while keeping his sorcerers within the null bubble. They're best for a gamble alpha strike against psycher heavy armies.
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Some of us have been taking Culexuses, Culexi, Cullelleli-, scary brain chicks (mine is female) for quite awhile.

That sounds like my Ex.


I can verify knights are great Templar support. Granted my experience is from 7th.

LGS was having an apocalypse tourney, 2500 points I think.


I ran 3 knights and 2 LRC full of troops. I had some great games.

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