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WIP - 113th Swamp Dogs


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Looks good!


I'd run them as Cadians for a few reasons:


1) because Overlapping Fields Of Fire is love, Overlapping Fields Of Fire is life.


2) Because Relic of Lost Cadia can make a Chaos player wonder why they even bother to turn up (tabled a Khorne Daemon player on turn 2 because of that magical bit of gear).


3) Because your models are Cadians.

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Thanks guys! That’s a good idea - I think I will pay the 3 command points and take the Relic of Lost Cadia in addition to the dagger of Tu’Sakh and blade of conquest. (I posted my almost complete list in the army list forum, it has the dagger and blade). Between that and the vengeance for cadia strat it seems chaos has no chance. Wonder why they gave guard so much chaos hate? Can’t wait to start playing and find out - must be a tough matchup.

Overlapping fields of fire does seem insane wow

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Actually, I'm of the opinion that the 2 best relics for the guard are laurels of command and relic of lost cadia. If you're not bringing Creed, laurels pairs really well with the cadian warlord trait: superior tactical training. Laurels let's you give a second order to the same unit on a 4+ for free and it can stack with superior tactical training (4+ let's another unit within 6" get the same order for free) meaning it's possible to have a single company commander give 4 squads 2 separate orders each. If you're playing against anything other than chaos, relic of lost cadia isn't as great. In that case use the aquila or some other relic to replace the relic of lost cadia which is about as good as having your infantry stand still and take the order bring them down.
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Great job on the army, they look great - especially together as a group.


I'd have a go at using a wash as an easy and fast bump up on the paint jobs - perhaps on one of your extra models?


Just a side note that not everyone plays 2k lists - 1750 is the GW value they run at their tournaments for example. You can probably do that now.


I'd start getting some games done at 1750 and see what you like and what does well.

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Catachan +1 strength on your Psyker and he is pretty much a close combat monster. Reroll for random number of hits insures your Basilisk are raining death.

Psykers do not have <REGIMENT> and thus do not benefit from regimental traits. I keep hoping that we'll see an agents codex that'll give factions rules for things like ASTRA TELEPATHICA.

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