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Hello all!


I have been a long time lurker on this site and never really had the courage to post any of my slowly growing Horus Heresy army. However after playing around on my phone today I think I may have finally worked up the courage to begin posting my log in part to help keep me motivated and in part to learn from all of you how I can improve. My ultimate vision for the 15th grand battalion is that they have been moving from war zone to war zone conquering whole systems through sheer force of will and overwhelming fire power. My goal with the force in and of itself I want to reflect battle hardened warriors more concerned with their next conquest as opposed to how pristine their armor is. I want them to look like they are still in the midst of battle I.e. dirtied, bloodied, but still fighting to conquer. I’ll have some better back story for them as I work through each squad to build up the army as a whole. I don’t have a specific army list in mind yet but that I suppose shall come in time.

Edited by Skidman

Also how do I post pictures that are in my Bolter and chainsword gallery into this topic so that you all can comment critique and generally help me improve as a hobbyist. I only have my cell phone to do these things on so any help would be greatly appreciated!




Well Here is a picture of my siege breaker I never realized how much more you see when you blow these pictures up. Ouch! well it seems like i have quite a bit of practice ahead of me!


Here is another of my completed miniatures he will probably end up as a Sgt. with power sword, artificer armor, and maybe a plasma pistol? anyways I suppose Ill get back to the grind and see if there is some more pictures I can get uploaded later tonight.

Does anyone have an idea as to names for the iron warriors because I also want to start coming up with a back story for all these chaps but I am at a loss as far as names go. Alrighty ladies and gentlemen hopefully I can update again later tonight you guys be good!


Iron Havoc Sgt

Edited by Skidman

Well ladies and gentlemen I managed to get a full tactical squad finished up so here are some pictures comments and criticisms welcome



sorry that I have to uploadthe qhole squad in two parts for whatever reason when I take the pictures on my phone it really inhibits my ability to load onto the server pictures that are to big

any ways hope everyone is having a great day I'm getting back to work!


Thanks for looking brother lunkhead!


I am probably going to have to wash the exposed portion of his face again it seems he is a bit more pale than I really wanted him. Well I am off to finish some more Iron Warriors since I am off all day today

Incoming Iron havoc, I went back through and changed a little bit on the Iron havocs by adding a little more color to them but I also considering adding more bronze to their launchers


Thanks for looking


Well I figured that I would post the whole squad of missile launcher Iron havocs sorry its in two parts but for whatever reason everytime i take a picture of all 10 guys it tells me the file is to big to be uploaded so once i figure that out ill be able to improve my picture game



Those are the fine gents who will be raining down all forms of terror on any and all in their line of site.

The back story for the squad I'm working on is that in an action with the death guard the Iron warriors Warsmith (yet to be named leader of the 15th grand battalion) discovered the advancements in filtration and diagnostics in the helms of some fallen death guard and asked his siege breaker if he could reverse engineer the helmets in order to better protect the iron havoc squads

any thoughts, comments, or critiques welcome



Well well well I managed to get some more work done on the 15th grand company "Corpse Grinders" still coming up with some back story on them to explain why there are some different looking equipment in squads so on and so forth but that will all be coming at a later date.

now these are still work in progress but may i present the first assault squad has been finished for the army so without further ado



now I just have to figure out how to get jump packs on them to make them an actual assault squad

The vision I see for these guys is they were part of an exchange program between commanders for the world eaters and the iron warriors while they were on a joint venture and this specific squad of iron warriors began to adopt some of the customs of their host world eaters and have now brought their expertise for brutal assault back to the 15th grand battalion and their ferocity has made them the perfect weapons to enter the breach after the walls have come down

Edited by Skidman

I'm thinking of basing these fine gentlemen in a urban combat or city scape style how ever I wonder if that will blend in to much to their current paint scheme?

The board that I have to play on is a city fight styled board. Im just a little lost on how to base them in a more complimentary fashion then just more grays/browns/ blacls

  • 1 year later...
We’ll talk about bringing something back from the dead but really the only positive to come out of 2020 so far is I have been steadily working on the 15th much more than I had been in 2019 and the good news is the army has grown quite a bit. I’ll post some more pictures here in a little while.

Thanks guys I’ll be uploading some more pictures tomorrow so you guys can help give me some pointers on where I can improve my force but as far as miniatures go this is what I have


1 x siege breaker (based on the forge father model)

1 x vigilator

1 x standard praetor

1 x praetor in terminator armor

30 x tactical marines armed with bolters

10 x iron havocs armed with missile launchers

10 x iron havocs armed with plasma cannons

10 x iron havocs armed with volkite culverins

10 x assault marine with jump packs

10 x assault marine w/o jump packs

15 x cataphractii terminators

1 x contemptor dreadnought

3 x rhino transports

3 x vindicator

3 x Deimos predator

1 x Spartan


And it’s all in various states of completion

Thanks for looking


Well these are my iron havoc flamer squad. I’m thinking of basing this army on a city rubble style bases. I’m just trying to figure out the best way of doing it. I’ll have some more pictures hopefully coming later today. Any who lemme know what you think!



Edited by Skidman

Well not much to post as far as pictures go. I just ordered some of the urban rubble and urban street 32mm bases from secret weapon miniatures to start basing my tactical squad guys up so that the will look a little more complete. What size base do terminators go on?


but hopefully a little bit of fluff can help


Iron Warriors 15th Grand Battalion “The Corpse Grinders”



         The velvety darkness was tangible and all encompassing; a melancholy had beset the men. Commander Clausewitz leaned forward on the operations console bringing a wearied hand to his face, gently wiping the beads of sweat forming at the top of his brow. The commander lamented the fact that the oligarchs had spurned the envoy of the Imperials, going so far as to execute them in the brutal fashion of the regime or so he heard. He had to shake his head to clear the negative thoughts from taking root; calmly turning his attention back to the holo screen to assess where the next shelling would take place on the orbital castellan fortress charged with the protection of the planet his people called Cerberax. Clausewitz’s fortress was not the only installation orbiting Cerberax under attack, according to incoming reports; a systematic approach was being taken to annihilate each and every orbiting fortress.

         “Sir!” an officer yelled from across the cramped quarters of the command center. “There have been breaches in 10 separate sectors across the installation ” he said. “Deploy all assault teams to repel the breaches” Clausewitz ordered. His grip tightened on the holo screen as he began to see each breach appear. The color rising to his craggy face, as the vein in his neck began to bulge, as he slammed his balled fist down onto the table he yelled across the room spittle flying from his mouth “Raise threat level to alpha and make sure every soldier on this installation is armed and ready to make the bastards pay for every step they take on this installation”!

         The orders came through the comms link from the commander himself thought officer Fitzhuegh. He replayed the message over and over again in his head as he continued down the dark muggy corridor as he made his way to the plasma reactors that powered the castellan fortress. The lights above flickered intermittently, and the high pitched whine of the reactors could be heard through the bulkheads as the ten strong unit of soldiers made there way to access the breach in the outer hull of the orbital fortress. Officer Fitzheugh did not know what to expect as they prepared to access the final door before the reactor room. His hands trembled as he began to enter the key code eight….six….seven…five…three…zero….. he hesitated before the last number and in that instant everything before him was turned to vapor. Private Lapin, last man of the squad, was the only soldier spared a death by atomization. He didn’t even feel his lasgun fall from his hands as he lost all grip of his bowels as a giant emerged before him.  

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here is some work I’ve done on my plodding along vow for the 12 months of painting


Obvisouly a knight titan allied with house Krytos to fight along side my 30k iron warriors he is no where near done but I was happy to start blocking colors in on him

I’m still trying to decide what I want to vow for February

Edited by Skidman
I like the dynamic way you posed the Knight's right arm and legs, bracing to receive an enemy attack and simultaneously preparing to counterattack. The left arm can be better posed though, e.g., have the forearm pointed to the right, as if the Knight is ready to fire the mega bolter at point blank range into the gut of an enemy Knight, immediately after his sword blocks the enemy's close combat attack.
  • 2 months later...

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