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Leman Russ conversion, help with sponsons and track guards


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Long story short, I have four Leman Russ tanks but don't have any sponsons. I've ordered some heavy weapons from Anvil to make heavy bolter sponsons, but I was wondering if anyone had a template for the sponsons so I could make some out of heavy card stock.


I'd also be interested in plans and/or templates for track guards, trench rails, and mine plows.


I will be converting my turrets to dual laser cannons and running triple heavy bolters on all four of them. I figure its a solid base of anti-everything.

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The annihilator is not a particularly good tank variant. It only gets 4 shots with grinding advance. The D6 damage is nice, but it the invulnerable saves out there limits the usefulness of AP -3 and above weapons. The best tank variants in order of effectiveness is as follows:

Battle Cannon









The logic behind this is that battle cannons and executioners are great against everything. They also have low damage per shot, so necrons quantum shielding is less likely to work. The punisher is great for number of shots. With 40 S5 AP0 shots will destroy infantry and even sneak wounds through onto knights. The Demolisher is good at killing infantry and wounds all vehicles on a 3+, but D6 damage makes it sub optimal against things with quantum shielding. The Annihilator is good at killing SM, Tau, and Guard vehicles, okay against knights and terrible against necrons and infantry. Exterminators are good against light vehicles and heavy infantry, but are underwhelming against high toughness vehicles and infantry blobs. Eradicator are good against only infantry. And the Vanquisher is the worst turret gun out there. Even with grinding advance it gets 2 shots. It costs the same as an executioner, but isn't likely to do half as much damage.

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In my local meta I have played against Tau, Eldar and Necrons once;  every other game has been some form of guard and marines. Whether chaos with cultists or loyalists with guard. I have a dark eldar army but I haven't seen any other players with them locally.


I've played against Grey Knights, Death Watch, Blood Angels, Nurgle Daemons with Death Guard, Chaos in various flavors, Inquisition with guard, Guard by itself (a hoard player), and I think that's it. The anihilator with heavy bolters seems like it would be good for what I fight.

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Personally, I like the annihilator. 5 LC shots is pretty decent. Obviously, if youre running just one or teo tanks, it shouldnt be your first choice. But if youve already filled out your spearhead and could use some extra AT, its a totally reasonable choice.
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Hmmm. I should be able to throw some measurements together. Instead of cardstock, I used Evergreene Styrene Sheets with Tamiya glue (green cap) and it worked very well. 

5.30.16 misc 076

5.30.16 misc 074

Let me see here... Well, it's not actual plans, but if I was going to do it over again, I'd definitely design it better. I'll post these photos for something to build off of. 




I use UMM-USA  precision punch set and mini punch set to create rivets out of styrene nowadays. Before I made rivets out of rod, then out of beads. It was dumb. You'll need a tweezers or sharpe blade to place the rivets on the styrene. I'm looking back to find some pictures... it's been a while.


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