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The Imperium Asunder: The Age of Darkness


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Darkness was creeping in as Captain Marek Vanya surveyed the city. He and his insurgency force were entering from the south east, intending to occupy sites ahead of the main Legion forces. The First Legion had the north well fortified, the Angels had dug in hard. Vanya's infantry and Captain Kriasin Zokaer's heavy assault company were dispatched to pry the city from Angel hands.


Marek Vanya turned to the Legionary on his right, "Voldair, take your squad and scout the lines. I want a report in thirty or less."


Unnen Voldair nodded, and the raider sergeant turned to his men, and without a word, took off into the city.


The last thing Vanya did before entering the city himself was to mutter, "We have come for you."



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So far it's just black primer, tamiya metallic blue, followed by a nuln oil wash. I'm debating on highlighting it with a brighter mix of the metallic blue, but I'm not sure, I want this to be a darker looking force.

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