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Aren't people using obliterators? I'm using them all the time and they're awesome imho. :smile.:


Never used mutilators outside of old single DSing distracting mutilators

I was referring to Mutilators getting the same stat increase that Obliterators got, and people using the Mutilators as a result.

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I think that mutilators don’t really need more hitting power or durability (at current cost). It’s mobility that kills them.


Here’s my converted ones (world eaters, for use alongside a Khorne daemon detachment for locus of rage, charge rerolls)



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How I'd fix Mutilators:

Either give them more movement (unlikely for GW to do), or give them something so they can walk menacingly at opponents (Maybe something Disgustingly Resilient, but only vs Ranged?) and an ability like a 3d6 Charge Range.


Mutilators with the same upgraded statline as Obliterators with more durability versus shooting, as well as an easier time to get into combat means they'd be pretty good.

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I think tbh they're going to quietly bin mutilators....


Thank the gods for that though, they've been an unneccessary addition to the codex since...well, whenever they were added...I can't even remember anymore...

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Yo dawg, in a codex with lots of assault units, we got a slow as :cuss, Terminator unit that can only come in units of 3 and cost a :cuss ton and have random attacks at random attack strength and random damage and AP! What a great bargain and total not a waste!


It's a little like possessed.


Yo dawg, we got slightly faster Terminator like units armed with power axe equivalents, but random attacks in a codex with lots of assault units. Oh they can't deep strike either.


Yo dawg we also got these vanguard veteran guys, that in the fluff are basically, possessed raptors that hunt guys down, they only got 1 attack each though but you will pay Terminator levels of points for them...for reasons. Oh they can only take lightning claws and have a ballistic skill they don't use.

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Mutilators should have never existed. They are some twisted golly gee separation from Obliterators. Same ways with Warp Talon and Raptor (when you see fluff and novel what they call "Raptor" is a mix of our actual tabletop raptor and warp talon, eg in Night Lord trilogy or Lucius the flawless blade). 


GW had a chance to renew them with the Obliterators. They miss this chance, maybe with the upcoming new chaos model to come we didnt see yet, but i dont think so. 

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