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Warglaives vs Helverins

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I have used both extensively since they have released. The Helverin wins Mathhammer, but I think the Warglaive is better at Warhammer. The Helverin does one thing well- though you will find that S7, AP-1 fails you more often than you'd like. It has nothing to do in Melee and while you have the speed and range to stay out of it, rarely have I found it to play a role in a victory outside of some fantastically lucky rolls on my part or poor rolls on my opponent's part. Which isn't to say, btw, that it is bad- by no means! The Helverin is quite good.

The Warglaive just so happens to be more all-around. The ranged firepower isn't as good as the Helverin on average because of higher shots, but the quality of shot (S8, AP-4) is higher, while you have at worst a 50% chance of exceeding damage on a per shot basis over the Helverin. But if it was just about ranged, the Helverin would win. The Warglaive happens to tear apart anything and everything short of heavy vehicles or the very toughest characters in close combat, and has the option of dealing with smaller units of tougher things or a larger squad of medium to light infantry. It isn't amazing in CC; it isn't amazing at range. But it is solid in both arenas.

Playstyle determines what helps you most. 


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