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Vanguard Primaris and BA


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So what I understand from this is: :

1) 10th Company remains a Scout Company, so Scous are still part of it, right?

2) 10th Company gets additional 100 veteran battle-brothers 



That's right.



Now the questions:

What happened to Master of Recruits?

Is 10th Company now having 2 Captains (and 4 Lieutenants)?


2 Captains seems logical enough for me. Although both would successfully operate in the field, with basically similar battle-field tasks, Master of Recruits has very important additional role of overseeing induction and training of recruits.

Also there is a huge difference in leading veterans and novices.


What do you guys think?


A really good question I have no answer for. Could be that the Master of Recruits just got a new title considering Scouts usually do reconnaissance too.

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Now the questions: 

What happened to Master of Recruits?

Is 10th Company now having 2 Captains (and 4 Lieutenants)?




From what you/the fluff says, it's 200 marines, 100 scouts under the master of recruits, and 100 vanguard under the master of reconnaissance. 


Unless the new stuff specifically overrides the old stuff, we can assume the old things are still in place, and the new is in addition to.

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From what you/the fluff says, it's 200 marines, 100 scouts under the master of recruits, and 100 vanguard under the master of reconnaissance. 


Unless the new stuff specifically overrides the old stuff, we can assume the old things are still in place, and the new is in addition to.


And that's what I'm going to go for. After all, this is an edition for Captains :D

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How have others been getting along with the Vanguard units in their games? 


I've been having some pretty good success utilizing Infiltrators in particular.  While expensive, they are extremely good against many armies, especially those who rely on deep strike + charge like Orks.  I've also found them fairly hard to shift without dedicating extreme resources to them.  Favorite tactic is to pop smoke bombs and then charge a unit on Turn 1.  You can tie up a bunch of stuff and still be -1 to hit from retaliatory fire!  Combos nicely with Princeps of Deceit.  I have found that a unit of 10 in conjunction with Scouts to be a staple in many lists I've been making.


The Captain is overpriced I think, but has some really good Warlord traits, particularly Princeps, and Master of the Vanguard.  Still messing around with that, but I wish there was an easy way to get Terminators a re-roll to charge, since that combined with the +1 to charge would make for a pretty reliable deep strike (71% chance to make the charge)


Anyone else having success with BA Vanguard Marines?

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Depends on the unit. I'm not a fan of the Infiltrators, the Captain or the Lieutenant. However the Vanguard Librarian, the Eliminators and the Suppressors worked greatly for me so far. Even though the best the Eliminators have achieved is to be incredibly tanky in cover (basically better terminators lol) and thus great lategame protection for my characters.

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Interesting!  I like that use for Eliminators. 


How are you using Suppressors?  I've found them to be very meh.  I would use them all the time if their special rule cancelled overwatch if a wound was done...but as it stands now, it's not reliable enough to bring them as a cancel overwatch tool. (I see a ton of Tau sept...) I'm not saying they are bad per se...

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How are you using Suppressors?  I've found them to be very meh.  I would use them all the time if their special rule cancelled overwatch if a wound was done...but as it stands now, it's not reliable enough to bring them as a cancel overwatch tool. (I see a ton of Tau sept...) I'm not saying they are bad per se...

Put them as far away as possible while still maintaining good line of sight. Then just pling away. They do good damage for their points (math-hammer supported as well). Less than Hellblaster in Rapid fire range but more than Hellblaster outside of Rapid fire range (which is great considering they have 48" range!). It's just that you really need more than just 3, which shouldn't come as a big surprise since they are super cheap and 3 are just about 100p.

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The whole idea that you can skip the scout process when creating primaris marines sorta throws a wrench in the tradition of the scout process and the role of the 10th company. Personally I feel we're in sort of a gray zone right now and GW doesn't have it worked out yet either? I would not be surprised if they said the old scouts are done, marine chapters are no longer creating standard marines, and the new way is the Cawl insta-Primaris-bake oven that has been mentioned for how to make primaris marines. It also seems each chapter received the machinery & science to make primaris marines on their own too?


But in summary, we're in a weird in-between phase in products and lore as GW transitions over to the marine product line being all primaris. :(

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Tbh, as Blood Angel's we pretty much skipped the normal scout process anyway. 1 year in sarcophagus, pop out, train in scout armour/ scout deployments, receive black carapace, done.


We don't have an extensive period while all the organs are added over time like other chapters. The sanguinary lineage is probably the last to use the original GC quick-bake marine making process.

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