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The Vengeful Spirit during the Gothic War


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The Planet Killer was destroyed in void combat by the Macragge's Honor.


The Vengeful spirit remains as Abaddon's flagship.




The Planet Killer was destroyed in void combat by the Macragge's Honor.


In what book did that occur? The only possible time that could have occurred to my knowledge is in BFG Armada 2, a video game strictly stated to be non-canonical by the developers, in which case you are totally incorrect. By that logic, Abaddon and the Vengeful Spirit are also dead. They are not.



Yeah, source on that? I can't find anywhere that Planer Killer should be dead. It was crippled during the Eye of Terror campaign, but that's pretty much it from what I can gather. 

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Lol I believe it was post Gathering Storm? I don't have a source as I was told this by a friend who's a lore enthusiast and I took it as confirmed but maybe it's not??


I would point out that the absence of this ship would indicate this may have happened?

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Hang on, did the same person that literally just said this a couple of hours ago...


People gotta read the novels lol


...post something without knowing the source? Your friend is wrong.


The last source I can find mentioning the Planet Killer is the 6th edition Codex: Black Legion, right at the beginning of the 13th Black Crusade:




Abaddon's fleet tore into realspace with hundreds of capital ships, cruisers and lesser craft, many of which were relics of the Heresy. At the head of the fleet looms the restored Planet Killer, Abaddon's grand flagship and the doom of worlds.


To the best of my knowledge the ship did not appear in any of the Gathering Storm materials and has not featured in any fiction since. When the assembled armada was shown in Lords of Silence, the Vengeful Spirit was listed there (as his flagship no less) but the Planet Killer was not. Either way I doubt we'll see much of it with the Vengeful Spirit having firmly asserted itself as Abaddon's flagship.


Again, BFG: Armada 2 is not canon and the developers stated outright that it was a series of "what if" scenarios in the 40k sandbox. With no sources whatsoever indicating the Macragge's Honour has ever met the ship in battle, no, the absence of the Planet Killer from recent lore is no indication that is has been destroyed.

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I was clearly referring to this topic.


As for the planet killer, I'm hoping it's true as I hate the look of the thing.


It isn't. As part of the BFG Armada II campaign you can kill it - but you also, in that same campaign, kill Abaddon and destroy the Vengeful Spirit. The Planet Killer lives until we hear otherwise.

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The planet killer was destroyed by the Omega squadron, IIRC four lunar class cruisers. The original 13th black crusade fluff had them being reunited to hunt it again, the Imperium being big believers in fate and divine intervention.


I don't like the retcon, completely unnecessary

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It's worth bearing in mind that the 13th Black Crusade fluff is not entirely retconned. GW were actually relatively careful here. Gathering Storm takes place an unspecified amount of time after its outbreak so much of the previous 3rd ed. lore is not contradicted. Bits definitely are overwritten, particularly parts of the ending (Eldrad being sucked into the Blackstone Fortress etc...). The rest, Urthwart being destroyed by the Planet Killer, Admiral Quarren, the Battle of Ormantep etc... all remain canon. For the moment we only know that the Planet Killer was active, just earlier in the Crusade. 


I guess it makes sense that the Vengeful Spirit would take part in the Gothic War. Abaddon had to transfer his flag to some vessel after leaving the Planet Killer, and goodness knows why he would leave it at home. 


Out of interest, does anyone know when Horus's Battlebarge was first named as the Vengeful Spirit? I always assumed it was in Horus Rising but I'm happy to be wrong? Before then all I can remember of it from the early Heresy lore is the really short mention of Abaddon driving off the final boarders from Horus' battlebarge after Horus' death and setting course for the Eye of Terror, abandoning the siege. 

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I've spent some time diving into my collection of old White Dwarf magazines and discovered that on p.44 of issue #161, May 1993, Horus's ship is explicitly named Warmaster in the rules for the game of the same name, a companion to Jervis Johnson's Horus Heresy game:


The game board shows a map of Warmaster, Horus's orbiting spacecraft.


So that's interesting! I will investigate further.

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That piece of lore implies that Abaddon's fleet assest come from Warzone: Stygius. So that would seem to indicate that the Planet Killer was active in that sector. However, what lore exist in the rulebook does not mention the Black Legion (it appears to be a pure Tzeench-aligned invasion headed by Magnus) or a massive warship going around blowing up planets.


Though I have to admit it much dislike that story: on one hand it presents Abaddon as a pompous jerk-ass that apparently never bothered to have his bridge cleaned in ten millennia, instead of the old but sharp warrior that keeps going on his hatred that I imagine him to be; also it mentions hundreds of 'macro-class' ships that the chaos forces assembled seemingly out of nowhere (not to mention that 'macro-class' is a nonsensical made-up word where there are superior alternatives like 'capital ships' ). Most importantly, in that story Abaddon acts if the battle is already won with more interest in trophy taking than actually fighting the war, an unforgivable sin for a supreme commander.

In all, I consider that story canon, but not quite true.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm resurrecting this thread to confirm once and for all that the Planet Killer was never destroyed and is fully operational. The astropaths of Neo-Vellum - a moon in the Vigilus System - recieved a vision of the ship making its way to Sangua Terra, with the intention of closing the Nachmund Gauntlet once and for all.

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