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Mantis Warriors PLOG Lt. Finished


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As per my normal habits I've started another chapter to paint and eventually get bored and start something new.  Im hoping my strange enjoyment out of painting green will allow me to get further into this project than some of my others and I figured with the Vanguard Primaris coming out soon I can just go with them.  I managed to paint up a Reiver Srgt that was a lot of fun and will serve as my test fig.










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Well im planning on finishing up a 5 man Reiver Squad for the time being.  Im really hoping for a Primaris vehicle along the lines of the landspeeder storm.  Thats my current wish list #1.  

Im not currently batch painting these so they will be slow going.

Finished my second Reiver.  The more that I paint these, the more I'm looking forward to the Vanguard release.  I ordered one of the Lt's off eBay just as a fun project to paint.  I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I actually played a game but I doubt it will be any time soon.  Id like to challenge myself to paint 1000 points worth of Mantis Warriors.







I didn't really put much thought into what military's use for color designations to be honest.  I just thought the blue would add a little more contrast and stand out.  Rule of cool. 


Definitely, second dude looks ace!


A full army will look insanely cool.

Im really struggling to not order some of the Eliminators.  Not sure rules wise they are going to be great but the figs are very nice.  I have been considering if they will be in digicamo or just a solid color.  Maybe the Mantis Warrior original colors, yellow with black stripes.  Maybe.. 

I managed to finish the first 5 man squad.  Im starting work on the Lt. next.  Ill write up my green and yellow recipes the next time I have my paints in front of me.  I do use enamel pin washes from mig so I don't use standard GW washes.  








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