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Daemonkin Army?

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So, I want to create a Daemonkin/Daemon Engine army with all the new goodies coming out.


What would the best build be do you think?


I'm hoping this will fit into 2000



Daemon Prince

Master of Possession



3x Cultist Squads



3x 10 man Possessed Squads


Heavy Support

2 Double Obliterator Squads

1x Maulerfiend



2x Heldrakes

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I would do something similar but we need to see in the end what everything will cost. 

I was going to look at Prince + 2 masters of possession
A good dozen daemons, 
3 or so Greater possessed. 
duel oblits (or 3 in one, and 1-2 in the other) 
Mauler for sure, possibly a tick dependent on its points value. 

Then based off whats left try and fill out a battallion with cultists. 


Build up from there. its a fairly beefy list with *LOTS* of wounds so I can see it definitely getting some work done. 

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I will definetly be making a deamonkin army as I loved the theme of possessed/daemon engines, but it's a little hard to really solidify a list just yet without knowing the pts cost of the new stuff, and whether or not there are more releases coming such as another new daemon engine (which I'd really love to see).

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So, I want to create a Daemonkin/Daemon Engine army with all the new goodies coming out.


What would the best build be do you think?


I'm hoping this will fit into 2000



Daemon Prince

Master of Possession



3x Cultist Squads



3x 10 man Possessed Squads


Heavy Support

2 Double Obliterator Squads

1x Maulerfiend



2x Heldrakes


 I think others have given you some good advice.. .points are going to make a big difference. I wish you could find a way to put some of that in Rhino's. ... but all being said I would strongly recommend a Renegade Legion tactic based army.


The beginning of 8th, this is essentially the type of army I used to play a lot of, although I had Spawns in there, just because. But the ability to assault after advancing can put huge pressure on some armies, and keeps foot based armies valid against faster opponents.

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I’m definitely looking at a Nurgle daemonkin build of somekins if only because I’ve already got a ton of Nurgle daemons and some Warptalons and a Maulerfiend that I can’t take in a deathguard detachment. Leaning toward Renegades as well.
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Do daemon princes from csm or daemon books count for the new daemon kin? I’m thinking a nurgle battalion with princes or heralds, plague bearers to tarpit and board control. Some bloat drones or PBC. Maybe that nurgle tree and then a detachment of nurgle marked alpha legion daemons raining daemon fore down range. Also after seeing that new havoc model I know I want a unit or two.


I hope they change greater posses to work more with daemons, but I think 1-2 of them running mid fiend or even back field buff machines and counter charging anything that comes to the back lines.


Basically I see a nurgle version of an iron legion siege type army which I believe fits the lore as mortarion him self designed things like the PBC crawler to up stage imperial machines.

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Im now thinking:


CSM Battalion



Daemon Prince w/ Wings Khorne

Master of Possession




Shadowspear CSM(10)

Shadowspear CSM(10)



1x Greater Possessed Khorne

1x Greater Possessed Slaanesh

Possessed Khorne(10)

Possessed Khorne(10)


Heavy Support

Slaanesh Obliterators(2)

Slaanesh Obliterators(2)


Battalion Detachment- Daemons




Herald of Slaanesh








The Herald and Bloodmaster alongside the Greater Possessed make some killy possessed and Obliterators.

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