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Sigislash - Our Slamganius


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So make long story short, as we all know the Vigilus Detachment made our boys competitive again. But very notably giving us our own Slamganius; titular Sigislash.


Full Powered Sigislash is Marshall w/Teeth&Shield (+ Pack for those inclined) powered by dumping Suffer Not, in Death Does Duty End/Honor Of Chapter. Now normally I like Teeth on my Castallen to make up for this own paltry number of attacks and run Hammer/Fist on Marshall and because Marshall uses Helm better.


Lately been thinking of giving Castallen Helm or running 2nd Marshall. And giving my main Marshall, Teeth. The question is that for a relatively moderate damage increase (about 2-4 more damage/1-2 more wounds depending on target). Is it worthwhile to lose our a third combat character for full powered Sigislash?


I honestly don’t know

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I've been running 3 Marshalls and 2 Castellans with pretty good success.


My warlord is a Marshall with Jumpack, TH, & Shield Eternal w/ the Iron Resolve warlord trait because I don't want to give easy VP for Slay the Warlord.


My 2nd Marshall I've been running as a kind of suicide SmashCap with Jumpack, Teeth & PF then pay the CP for Master Swordsmen, he usually deepstrikes in and kills something scary either by himself or with some Sword Brothers.


My 3rd Marshall and one of my Castellans (both w/Mastercrafted Boltguns) usually sit in the backfield with my anchor units and the 2nd Castellan has a Jumpack & PF to deepstrike in and assist other vanguard units.


These 5 characters and load-outs have been working really well for me, especially when backing up our new Sword Brethren detachment.

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