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So here is my progress so far... lots of mistakes along the way but i think im starting to get to grips with it all now. had varing degress of success as learning how to paint... still along way to go. 


20190310 165159160 IOS


20190310 165249390 IOS


20190310 165306179 IOS


20190310 165232201 IOS


20190310 165218857 IOS


20190310 164457273 IOS


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cheers ill have to get some more of my skyclaws up, that photo really did 0 justice for it :) they're looking pretty good. 


I kind of want to get into the edge highlighting but this dry brush method seems to be working OK so far. It stops the grey from going to that 'cartoony' look... Maybe ill get some of those cheap models to practice on. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey again, bit of a progress update! And also to say that I've committed heresy and I am very sorry..... :smile.: I happened to do some 'testing' and went away from my scheme for probably the 4th time and painted one of my phobos's in the 'lighter' style. Which do you prefer? I'm also thinking about these really dark ones for my primaris marines (they're not mine) and eventually would sell and re-buy older models as my skills get better. 




Phobos dude




hmm dark :)

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