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DIY Void Harrowers


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With Shadowspear coming out I am interested in an escalation force of Chaos to go with my DIY loyalists. The parent Chapter to my DIY chapter as part of their lore went rogue. After a font of inspiration I came up with the Void Harrowers!


I want the Void Harrowers to work closely with daemons and daemonic units. So most of the units will be geared to towards that. I could use some help fully developing this list.


Right now I am think of either Alpha Legion or Renegade Chapter. Predominately Slaanesh and undivided minor Tzeentch or Khorne no “Nurgle”. I don’t like the Nurgle Esthetic, but I can model/convert away from that.


I am looking at something that looks cool and will be fun to play with a number of surprises. Also gearing to anything Astartes related having multiple wounds, yeah I understand that means no Chosen, or Havocs or Legions.


First turn I am thinking of moving a 9-man unit of Bikes with 2x plasma guns, combi-plasma, and chainswords, withark of Slannesh and an Icon of excess. Buff the with Pescience, Delightful Agonies, and Warptime to get them into my opponents deployment zone turn 1 and endless Cacacophony will dump 36 bolter shots and 6x overcharged plasma shots twice, add veterans of long war if Alpha Legion and they paint a massive “Kill it with Fire” response.


I am thinking moving 3x Rhinos with 9x possessed and Master of Possesion each. Masters of Possession can trade non-useful powers with powers from the Dark Hereticus discipline with Chaos Familiar. Also summoning things loke maybe a fourth Defiler in my opponents face, summoned units aren’t part of the army, sound interesting.


Thoughts, suggestions, things I’ved missed would all help.



Oh, for possessed I was thinking of combing a 10-man Reiver kit with A Chaos WarpTalon kit to get the bigger models and paint them different Chapters/Warbands. Will that look good?


Would Morathi work as a Slaanesh Daemon Prince?



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Love the idea, however for me personally id wait a month for all the new chaos releases to roll out.

Primaris size possessed work well but i wouldnt use the phobos pattern armour of the reivers... id stick with intercessors for the base and theres plenty of inspiration around for primaris possessed.

Defilers are rubbish. I have three and they unfortunately just collect dust. Tried them over and over and im always dissapointed.

Morathi works fine as a daemon princess and i believe it was systemsyn that made a beautiful conversion out of her.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I love the sound of heaps of possessed and a Master of possession. Maybe you could use you primaris possessed as greater possessed and kitbash the regular possessed.

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Love the idea, however for me personally id wait a month for all the new chaos releases to roll out.

Primaris size possessed work well but i wouldnt use the phobos pattern armour of the reivers... id stick with intercessors for the base and theres plenty of inspiration around for primaris possessed.

Defilers are rubbish. I have three and they unfortunately just collect dust. Tried them over and over and im always dissapointed.

Morathi works fine as a daemon princess and i believe it was systemsyn that made a beautiful conversion out of her.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I love the sound of heaps of possessed and a Master of possession. Maybe you could use you primaris possessed as greater possessed and kitbash the regular possessed.

Yhat’s half the reason for the eascalation, I am liking a lot of the new models coming out.


I was using the Reivers because of the running pose, I will likely use a bunch of different base models for them. I like the bigger Primaris scale anyways so the Greater Possessed might just become the guys I use to bear the mark, coming up with something Grander for Greater Possessed.


I have heard a lot of back and forth on Defilers, I was hoping on the points drop making them better and keeping them cheap. Helbrutes are kinda fun being that you can run them at 100 pts or 104 with combi-bolters. I want yo get a few daemonic machines in the list, at least as heavy hitters.


I’ve also reconsidered the 9-man bike squad and thought about 3x 5-man bike squads with the same loadout, for 154 pts a squad. Turn one first squad throwing out 20 bolter shots, and 6 overcharged plasma shots twice, then charging will still attract a ton of attention and the other two will reinforce that I can do it again.

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