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Will the Imperial Guard Ever Get Updated Models?


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With Shadowspear dropping this past weekend and seeing all the cool models and even to looking to next weeks preorders of Chaos.. Does anyone think that the Imperial Guard will get an upgrade treatment? What would you like to see if the guard did?

I for one would like more dynamic poses.

More Company Commander choices.

A couple new named Characters.

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I would like to see an expansion of the Steel Legion line or a Valhallan or Tallarn release. It seems like Cadian and Catechan are much more popular by far, and have all the special characters, so I see this as unlikely.


Some upgrade sprues with backpacks and maybe some alternate heads/arms would be nice, maybe more likely.

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I would like to see an expansion of the Steel Legion line or a Valhallan or Tallarn release. It seems like Cadian and Catechan are much more popular by far, and have all the special characters, so I see this as unlikely.


Some upgrade sprues with backpacks and maybe some alternate heads/arms would be nice, maybe more likely.

Steel Legion would be nice.... But then again, there's very little aesthetic difference between them and Death Korps of Krieg, imo. Most of the artwork for both those guard factions look almost identical, just with different colours.


Valhallan and Tallarns though? Definitely would be nice.

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Steel legion and Death Korps look very different, when you factor in their equipment. Steel legion use equipment that any modern military would use. Death Korps use equipment wholly reminiscent of WWI. Also, one can still get full armies of Kriegers, whilst you can only buy infantry squads from GW.
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I reckon the best setup would be 4 different base sets with multi-pose infantry  -


cadian / elysian (modern infantry)

catachan (vietnam style)

steel legion / valhallan /death korps / tallarn (long coats)

mordian / praetorian (uniforms)


Then you could get more upgrade kits for different (possibly new) regiments, like they did with the primaris kits with unique heads, shoulders, arms and accessories.

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Guard will definitely get new models, the question is what (and when, of course!). I'd expect to see taller models because apparently GW wants everything taller now, but would hope that rather than seeing something new we get revamps of the existing lines. Even the Cadian sprues which are the newest are starting to look quite old, so it'd be great to see all the established regiments get new plastics that are dynamic and flexible :smile.:


Unfortunately I'm not sure if this will be the case, with the recent stuff from GW they seem a lot more intent on throwing in new things and revamps of old are seemingly just one off models and such? We shall see as always, I'm not thinking we'll see anything soon perhaps late this year if we're lucky but I'd say from next year. Would be very happy to be wrong :tongue.:

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I was thinking of this during the day. 

I have about 150-200 guardsmen (some of them still not assembled after five or so years). 15 vehicles of differnet kind including gunships. If GW will make new guard available will i be interested? Doubtful. May be some characters or tanks would get my interest. But i'm not that crasy to totally recreate my regiment

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Everyone has been waiting for new guardsmen since 3rd ed...


Not to be the downer but I think we'll probably see traitor guard before we see new guardsmen.


Fortunately these days theres a bunch of excellent 3rd party designers who are willing to fill that void :D



I will happily be proven wrong about my assumptions

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Just to look at it from a different perspective.


When it all comes down to it...I'm kind of content with what we have.


I get that GW removed pretty much the entire line for it's metal guard which is a huge downer especially after each regiment getting special rules(again). But some of us and (I'm not using this as an excuse or bragging) had 20+ years to buy those metal models.


I consider my self fortunate that I was able to amass a huge amount of metal guard (Praetorians/Steel legion my two main guard armies other than my stupid large Elysian army that I need to build...) off ebay/direct from GW prior to the prices going through the roof and it's really neat to show up to a store with an entire metal guard army.


The Cadians/Catachans are dated, yes. But they don't look bad at all. It's not like our line is in such bad shape compared to for instance basic Eldar aspect warriors/Guardians needing  a complete line redo.


Idk maybe I'm just a little resistant to change. But I'd love a whole new guard line without replacing anything that they have now just to keep everything uniform.


...I feel for sisters players that are getting a complete line redo(which it is really needed)...I'm glad I sold my sister army 6 years ago when they were worth something prepare to see a slew of metal sisters armies hit ebay.



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We currently have Cadians/Catachans.

Genestealer Neophytes, most Necromunda gangs, AdMech Scitarii, Chaos cultists, ... - which can all serve as conversion fodder.

AoS has many basic humans (e.g. free guild flagelants) which can be repurposed as well.


With GW models alone, there's a load of different regiment styles which can be archived.



Still, having some newer kits would be nice.

Trenchcoat legs & torsos and a choice of gas mask heads and fur hat heads could make for a nice valhallan/trench fighter dual kit.



and parade uniform bodies + heads with caps and heads with praetorian helmets for mordian/praetorian.

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Whilst I'd love to see some new variety amongst the ranks, I think it's doubtful anytime soon unless they made some Vigilus regiment or during the next campaign supplement.


Like people have said above, we've plenty of options out there for kitbashing our own regiments which is arguably the best part of the hobby to me.

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I am completely torn on this,


I would love to see some better-scaled Guardsmen (look at the Traitor Guard in Blackstone Fortress - less chunky but to me seem weirdly tall though I haven't seen them in person), but at the same time it would be an horrific pain to add to an army when the scale changes - given it would affect everything from basic infantry through heavy weapon kits and even vehicle crews so everything would look disproportionate. 


As for when... probably not a while. They've had some pretty risky releases this year - new Chaos was likely to be a good seller but it is hard to judge given the vocal fanbase, but Genestealer Cults and Sisters of Battle getting major releases/complete line revamp plus hints of (a) new faction(s) means I can't see them deciding to run the risk on a Guard change just yet.


When you consider that Guard are an extremely expensive army then replacing the collection is going to be a hefty financial hit. Are they going to gamble that most existing players will replace their armies? It's why I could see a non-Cadian/Catachan line produced as it would tempt existing collectors to buy as it can be justified as "small detachments from another regiment" (i.e. recreate the background of armoured fist squads if they went with plastic Steel Legion), but you would still have an issue with vehicles and their crew being out of scale.


Also, what sort of knock-on would it have on Militarum Tempestus? Technically a separate faction, and the heavy armour can account for a lot of bulk, but if you get slimmer & taller basic infantry they're going to feel wrong.

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Well I agree that GW is missing out on making different Guard.. To be honest I had no idea Vallhans or even Tallarn was so popular. Maybe I'm just too basic and like my Cadians. But I think with Cadia falling.. It should set up a nice way to introduce new sculpts for different Cadians. I know they've always had a WW2 feel to them but I wouldn't mind seeing them take a more Modern Warfare theme like with a chest rig and drop leg holsters etc.. But I would like to see just different poses and shooting stances. I like the new Chaos ones.. they have a belt fed boltgun and the CSM is holding the belt. Or the Infiltrators with the odd "teacup" pistol handling technique.. Just unique and cool poses would be awesome!


A faction that I would love to see introduced though I know lore wise doesn't make sense to have as an Army (so hopefully necromunda picks this up).. Adpetus Arbites. A police based faction would be awesome (Im Bias with this..).

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I’m hoping they do refresh the Guard range but a lot of the new stuff is pretty mono-pose. Whilst that’s ok when there’s only a few of the model on the table, if you’re fielding dozens like guard would it might start to look a bit repetitive.


If they do make new ones I’d very much like them to keep the current approach of mixing and matching legs and arms etc.

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Well I agree that GW is missing out on making different Guard.. To be honest I had no idea Vallhans or even Tallarn was so popular. Maybe I'm just too basic and like my Cadians. But I think with Cadia falling.. It should set up a nice way to introduce new sculpts for different Cadians. I know they've always had a WW2 feel to them but I wouldn't mind seeing them take a more Modern Warfare theme like with a chest rig and drop leg holsters etc.. But I would like to see just different poses and shooting stances. I like the new Chaos ones.. they have a belt fed boltgun and the CSM is holding the belt. Or the Infiltrators with the odd "teacup" pistol handling technique.. Just unique and cool poses would be awesome!


A faction that I would love to see introduced though I know lore wise doesn't make sense to have as an Army (so hopefully necromunda picks this up).. Adpetus Arbites. A police based faction would be awesome (Im Bias with this..).

Arbites would be nice, but they would need to be elites for the guard. Otherwise, they'd be an incomplete faction that can't be fielded by themselves like Inquisition. I would love to see them with a special rules. They get +1 attacks against IG models and GSC. Also, the cause a -1 leadership for each model they kill in melee. Make them cost as much as bullgryns and give them a 3+/5++ save with power maul weapons.

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I would like to see an expansion of the Steel Legion line or a Valhallan or Tallarn release. It seems like Cadian and Catechan are much more popular by far, and have all the special characters, so I see this as unlikely.


Some upgrade sprues with backpacks and maybe some alternate heads/arms would be nice, maybe more likely.

Steel Legion would be nice.... But then again, there's very little aesthetic difference between them and Death Korps of Krieg, imo. Most of the artwork for both those guard factions look almost identical, just with different colours.


Valhallan and Tallarns though? Definitely would be nice.



The difference is, Steel Legion in plastic would be affordable to the average player. At least without investing in the far east.

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There will be new guard models at some point... 


... I reckon with all this nostalgia going on at GW HQ, maybe they'll be made in the same sort of uniform as the original guard? Necromundan 8th, anyone? ;) :)

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I don't know if the guard will get a massive overhaul this year. They've already released a bunch of new SM and chaos models with shadowspear, a new commissar, a few new GSC models and they're updating their entire catalog of sisters models to plastic. Considering that they love to push space marine stuff, especially primaris LTs, we're lucky they bothered updating genestealer and sisters. I would love plastic or resin releases of Mordians, Vostroyans, and steel legion, but I don't think that I'll hold my breath.
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I view this as a "careful what you wish for" scenario. We know that at this point GW has no desire to put out models for which they can't hold a trademark. Since all the classic regiments are real world analogues (Vietnam soldiers, desert soldiers, British colonialists, ww2 soldiers, etc) I really don't think that we'd get the updated classic regiments that people want because, as we see now, XYX 3rd party company can make models for them with impunity. I fully expect we'll see a completely new regiment designed to be fully protectable if/when we get a new regiment.
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I would be happy with some upgrade packs for the current plastic models containing veteran style heads, some shotguns and special weapons, with different arms. I think that is more likely than the kits being re-done. But as Kinstryfe said, a whole new reigment is more likely. But there is no major regiment in the fluff that hasn't had models at some point, so i don't know where the new regiment might come from? any suggestions?

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